Military Officials Say Trump Approved Raid Without Sufficient Prep

Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
LOL, who needs anonymous sources when you got a dead Navy Seal, 9 children and 20 civilians and a $72 million dollar helicopter blown to bits.

Who needs $72 million?
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
LOL, who needs anonymous sources when you got a dead Navy Seal, 9 children and 20 civilians and a $72 million dollar helicopter blown to bits.

Who needs $72 million?

$5 million per dead terrorist, quite a savings.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
LOL, who needs anonymous sources when you got a dead Navy Seal, 9 children and 20 civilians and a $72 million dollar helicopter blown to bits.

Who needs $72 million?

$5 million per dead terrorist, quite a savings.

There's a problem when our country cares less about how much they spend to kill an enemy than how much it cost to keep a citizen healthy.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
LOL, who needs anonymous sources when you got a dead Navy Seal, 9 children and 20 civilians and a $72 million dollar helicopter blown to bits.

Who needs $72 million?

$5 million per dead terrorist, quite a savings.

There's a problem when our country cares less about how much they spend to kill an enemy than how much it cost to keep a citizen healthy.

Welcome to our new Republican government.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


They also lied about it being Obama's plan. People at the Obama meeting say the plan was never discussed or planned. Trump just shot from the hip and missed.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


They also lied about it being Obama's plan. People at the Obama meeting say the plan was never discussed or planned. Trump just shot from the hip and missed.

And he should be required to sit down and explain it to congress like Hillary Clinton did.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
And executed and approved under Trump. Oops
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
And executed and approved under Trump. Oops're a moron to think the president has anything to do with the planning or execution of a military OP.
All the president does is rely on the military to plan and execute and then give them the go ahead.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
And executed and approved under Trump. Oops're a moron to think the president has anything to do with the planning or execution of a military OP.
All the president does is rely on the military to plan and execute and then give them the go ahead.

LOL, you must be the idiot who believes that Trump listens to anyone.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report

Don’t Believe Claims that Trump ‘Botched’ the Yemen Raid

Of course the media will do everything it can to make President Trump look bad. And LeftistsProgs will believe it without question.

Indeed, a more in-depth New York Times report shows that the operation was actually planned during the Obama administration but held over to Trump because the need for a dark night to minimize enemy visibility: President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended.

Read more at: Don't Believe Claims that Trump 'Botched' the Yemen Raid, by David French, National Review
Fake News from the Right-wing extremist National Review. Obama was given only a broad proposal for increased operations in Yemen, not a specific plan for a specific raid and never approved the proposal and in fact "pocket vetoed" it because it was not worth the risk to civilian lives! Mattis and Tramp put together the plan to kill women and children, as Tramp promised during the campaign, and both approved their plan.

Details emerge on Yemen raid that left SEAL, civilians dead

Eight-year-old American girl 'killed in Yemen raid approved by Trump'
On Wednesday night, US central command said in a statement that the team conducting the inquiry had already confirmed that civilians were “likely killed” in the raid and that “casualties may include children”. It is continuing to look into whether there “were any still-undetected civilian casualties”.

Col John Thomas, a spokesman for central command, said in the statement: “Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula has a horrifying history of hiding women and children within militant operating areas and terrorist camps, and continuously shows a callous disregard for innocent lives.

“That’s what makes cases like these so especially tragic.”

The operation was launched to gather intelligence on suspected operations by al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula (AQAP), according to Thomas. Planning for the raid “started months before”, under Barack Obama’s administration, but was “not previously approved”, he said.

Thomas said he did not know why the prior administration did not authorize the operation, but said the Obama administration had effectively exercised a “pocket veto” over it.

A former official said the operation had been reviewed several times, but the underlying intelligence was not judged strong enough to justify the risks, and the case was left to the incoming Trump administration to make its own judgment.

On the campaign trail, Trump endorsed killing relatives of terrorist suspects, which is a war crime. “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” he told Fox News in December 2015.

On Tuesday, Thomas strongly denied that US military forces knew the girl was in the compound before launching the operation, or that any of what Central Command said were an “estimated” 14 people ultimately killed in the raid were civilians.
Let's see the con gens beat Isis. We're waiting
The plan is due the end of the month.....
But, but pathological liar Tramp said he had a SECRET "foolproof" and "absolute" plan to defeat ISIS "quickly and effectively and having total victory.” Why hold such magical plan back for a whole month????
How do you know he did?
So you admit that killing women and children was Tramp's "secret plan" all along and the Tramp administration's attempt to blame Obama is just more lies from the most dishonest president in history.
Thank you.
Uninformed sources tell me....
Unnamed sources were always good enough for Tramp to use so they are good enough for everyone else to use also!!!

Here are 5 times Tramp has relied on unnamed sources.
1. When an “extremely credible source” told him that President Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.

2. When an “extremely credible source” told him that Obama had bought his house with the help of businessman Tony Rezko.


3. When an “extremely credible source” told him that Obama applied to Occidental as a foreign student.

4. When a “confidential source” told him Obama had added over $6 trillion to the national debt.

5. When he said “sources” inside New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office were “very concerned with the allegations against their lightweight boss.”
The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
An already debunked Trump LIE! ....oops

The NY Times disagrees....oops.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended."
The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
An already debunked Trump LIE! ....oops

The NY Times disagrees....oops.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended."
The Times is merely reporting the lies Tramp fed them.
"Planning began under the Obama administration, but one official told Reuters that, "the decision was made ... to leave it to the incoming administration, partly in the hope that more and better intelligence could be collected."Anything 'familiar' about this? BONOBO was a fucking coward who always tried to cover his ass. It's the way he has lived his life from childhood.

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