More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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So let me get this straight...blacks are responsible for 89% of the blacks killed in America...but it's not their fault because they are "emotionally ill" as a result of America's culture of African American child abuse & neglect?

Of course someone(s) is a fault when murder occurs, to suggest otherwise is crazy.

Though after spending 12 years as a Brooklyn, NY cop regularly witnessing how SELFISH, unloving, uncaring, incompetent, apathetic, mostly single mother parenting affects kids, I'm certain medical professionals are not fibbing when telling us Childhood Trauma is a real potentially life scarring medical disease with extremely unhealthy, sometimes deadly ppl committing murder as well as other people or community harming acts.

As for Tupac, sadly, I've met countless abused, abandon, neglected and maltreated teens no different from him.

Frankly, unless you sit down with and listened to, or witness kids hating everyone, in some cases even their mothers, I believe it's difficult for most folks to empathize with an angry frustrated, emotionally abandon young human being believing they have not been loved and cared for by their own moms.

These are my opinions, supported by credible medical research and evidence. I can't make people believe and accept this evidence, especially folks prone to embracing ignorance and hate.


I'm not denying there is a problem with kids not being raised properly, Avery...but I'm looking at what the root causes are for single mother families in the black community and I'm seeing things like welfare programs that encouraged absentee fathers financially and a culture that doesn't expect young black males to take care of their offspring! Until you address THOSE issues then you know as well as I do that the problem is not going to get better!

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, Oldstyle. It's true flawed welfare programs, as well as the 1960s first wave American Feminist movement encouraged fatherless families.

However, OS, over the past four years I've spent a good deal of time listening to video broadcasts produced by quite a few black Americans discussing women and fatherless kids.

Frankly, when I couple my own 12 yrs experience witnessing teen girls raising fatherless kids, with information gleaned from video broadcasts, there is no doubt a large population of black American women have intentionally removed men from their homes, preferring Uncle Sam or Child Support Payments support and offer happiness the children they create out of selfishness and immaturity, instead of creating life born from the love between a man and a women.

OS, quite a few times I heard female callers to live call in shows express the following sentiment, "He got me pregnant so now he's got to pay. It don't matter if he wants the kid or not, he got me pregnant and he gots to pay!"

Conversely I heard MANY men calling online broadcasts stating they had no intention of making a baby with anyone and want nothing to with the hoe he smashed for sex, nothing more.

Here is the perfect example of the hate, ignorance and what I believe is mental illness suffered by far too many American mothers of African descent.

If you can stand listening to more than a few minutes of this mother's maddening insanity, belittling the man she duped into getting her pregnant at the behest of her real boyfirned who is currently doing some prison time. And then publicly releasing a video clowning and laughing at him because she going to put him on child support payments.... :GRRR:

Ratchet behavior like this causes women to get hurt or go missing, forever. It also causes, in many cases, little kids to mature into emotionally crippled teens and adults.

In the following vid Ms. Jazzyslim addresses the issue of girls and women SELFISHLY making babies, as well as other issues regarding apparent delusional, emotionally troubled females.

"Lamenting Multiple Baby Daddies"

Originally published on Jun 19, 2012 by jazzyslim2005

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shvt...."

More criticism of the "AVERAGE" black American female:

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

OS, the bottomline, we should be seeking solutions to this HEALTH and social issue.

Sadly, Democrats and liberals NEED black Americans to survive, they require shouts of racism which they knowingly prosper and benefit from.

While more grounded or conservative Americans are scared sh!tless of being criticized, intimidated, threatened and harassed as RACIST if they dare speak about our Nation's large numbers black American mothers dismally failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE their children's emotional needs.

I do know two Americans who could make a big difference, though apparently they'd prefer stirring the pot, than speaking truths that certainly will harm their legacy as American's First Cool Presidential Couple.


You may not have noticed, Avery but the Democratic Party has been quite busy catering to the Hispanic vote! Hispanics just passed Blacks as the largest minority population in the US and that's growing by leaps and bounds. I think Democrats have made a calculation that they don't need the black vote if they replace it with the Hispanic vote...which means the black community's political power is on the wane. If you think Democrats ignore the problems in the black community except when it's election time NOW...just wait until a few years from now. didn't watch that trial...did you? You've got blinders on. You see nothing but what you want to see. OJ Simpson is as guilty of murder as anyone who ever committed the act but
When you look at the facts of the case, it was impossible for OJ to have committed those crimes.

And why is it that you speak about how "wrong" the jury was on the OJ case but you never mention the jury in the Rodney King case who were “wrong” for their not guilty verdict?
he walked because Johnny Cochran used "racism" as the reason why the jury should ignore a mountain of evidence that placed Simpson at the scene. You think OJ was 100% innocent? Explain his book "If I did it"!
Johnny Cochran was an educated attorney and he received more death threats than OJ. So even when we are "educated" we are still under the system of white supremacy. So why not focus on replacing that system with a system of justice?
Paul has the intellect and objectivety of an OJ juror and the lacks the insight to realize it. He is low-life even by the standards of his race pimp peers.
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.

I don't expect you to feel for black people the way I do. The same way I don't feel for white people the way you do.

You like history, Paul? My great great grandfather was a Union infantry officer in the Civil War. For the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Infantry. you think that HE was a racist? You seem to think that I am...based on nothing more than my skin color!
What's amazing to me, Paul is how concerned you are about police killing blacks...something which accounts for 1% of the deaths...yet you don't seem to give a damn about the 89% of deaths that are caused by other blacks!
What's the difference between when a person is killed by a criminal and when they're killed by the government? (the cops)
What's amazing to me, Paul is how concerned you are about police killing blacks...something which accounts for 1% of the deaths...yet you don't seem to give a damn about the 89% of deaths that are caused by other blacks!
What's the difference between when a person is killed by a criminal and when they're killed by the government? (the cops)
Criminals kill blacks in astronomical numbers. Cops kill criminals in much more modest numbers.
You like history, Paul? My great great grandfather was a Union infantry officer in the Civil War. For the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Infantry. you think that HE was a racist? You seem to think that I am...based on nothing more than my skin color!
Was a white man in the 1860's racist ?

I don't know. I highly suspect that he was because that was the order the day. I don't give a crap if you proceed to tell me about some good deed your G.G.Grandfather done for a black soldier. White supremacists can do good. That does not mean they are good. I'm sure Hitler done some good in his life.

Even the devil does good. That does not mean he's good.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.

So Trayvon Martin was killed for wearing a hoodie? LOL The young man was shot and killed because he attacked a neighborhood watch member and was sitting on top of him beating his ass. Why do you race baiters even attempt to use him as an example of racism?
A black man always deserves to be killed and shot.

We live in a system of white supremacy. What are you talking about ?

Saying that a single individual who was viciously beating a man, deserved to be shot,

is not saying all black men deserve to be shot.

Are you lying, or is your racist hate so warping your perceptions, that you really believe that that is what he said?
OK. So point out various examples black men or women who were shot and killed by some sort of law enforcement that did not deserve to be shot and killed ?

Sounds like a waste of time. Let's assume that it has happened, at some point.
How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl ?

THERE IT IS. The ultimate expression of racist thinking, SO blind to it, he can't see it at all in himself while finding it everywhere else! In this guy's mind, how people affect and interact with each other is SOLELY determined by their SKIN color.

That's not what is implied here.

Yes it is.

Only if you are a dumb fuck white who wants it to be.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racist acts.

Your comment changes nothing regarding the veracity of my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
It has never occured to you that your failure could be for reasons other than racism?
Like people just think you're an asshole and are probably going to cause issues HMMM!

Try a new line white boy. She's more sucessful than your ass will ever be.
As for what Neeson said? He said he went out in the streets with a cosh hoping that some black person would start something with him so that he could kill them. He didn't say he was out to kill "any" black person! You aren't very good at word comprehension...are you, Paul!
I believe Liam Neeson has actually hurt maybe even killed black people and gotten away with it. To so publicly and matter factually talk about stalking and killing black men in black history month using the "big black rapist angle" is very suspect.
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What's amazing to me, Paul is how concerned you are about police killing blacks...something which accounts for 1% of the deaths...yet you don't seem to give a damn about the 89% of deaths that are caused by other blacks!
What's the difference between when a person is killed by a criminal and when they're killed by the government? (the cops)

Orders of magnitude more people are killed by criminals than by cops.
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You like history, Paul? My great great grandfather was a Union infantry officer in the Civil War. For the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Infantry. you think that HE was a racist? You seem to think that I am...based on nothing more than my skin color!
Was a white man in the 1860's racist ?

I don't know. I highly suspect that he was because that was the order the day. I don't give a crap if you proceed to tell me about some good deed your G.G.Grandfather done for a black soldier. White supremacists can do good. That does not mean they are good. I'm sure Hitler done some good in his life.

Even the devil does good. That does not mean he's good.

Look up the 54 Massachusetts, Paul. You like history? Learn some. Learn what fate a white officer of a black Union regiment would be if he were captured by Confederate forces. Then call my ancestor a white supremacist again! Your ignorance is epic in proportion.
What's amazing to me, Paul is how concerned you are about police killing blacks...something which accounts for 1% of the deaths...yet you don't seem to give a damn about the 89% of deaths that are caused by other blacks!
What's the difference between when a person is killed by a criminal and when they're killed by the government? (the cops)

What's the difference between 1% and 89%? Kind of a stupid question on your part, my friend!
So let me get this straight...blacks are responsible for 89% of the blacks killed in America...but it's not their fault because they are "emotionally ill" as a result of America's culture of African American child abuse & neglect?

Of course someone(s) is a fault when murder occurs, to suggest otherwise is crazy.

Though after spending 12 years as a Brooklyn, NY cop regularly witnessing how SELFISH, unloving, uncaring, incompetent, apathetic, mostly single mother parenting affects kids, I'm certain medical professionals are not fibbing when telling us Childhood Trauma is a real potentially life scarring medical disease with extremely unhealthy, sometimes deadly ppl committing murder as well as other people or community harming acts.

As for Tupac, sadly, I've met countless abused, abandon, neglected and maltreated teens no different from him.

Frankly, unless you sit down with and listened to, or witness kids hating everyone, in some cases even their mothers, I believe it's difficult for most folks to empathize with an angry frustrated, emotionally abandon young human being believing they have not been loved and cared for by their own moms.

These are my opinions, supported by credible medical research and evidence. I can't make people believe and accept this evidence, especially folks prone to embracing ignorance and hate.


I'm not denying there is a problem with kids not being raised properly, Avery...but I'm looking at what the root causes are for single mother families in the black community and I'm seeing things like welfare programs that encouraged absentee fathers financially and a culture that doesn't expect young black males to take care of their offspring! Until you address THOSE issues then you know as well as I do that the problem is not going to get better!

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, Oldstyle. It's true flawed welfare programs, as well as the 1960s first wave American Feminist movement encouraged fatherless families.

However, OS, over the past four years I've spent a good deal of time listening to video broadcasts produced by quite a few black Americans discussing women and fatherless kids.

Frankly, when I couple my own 12 yrs experience witnessing teen girls raising fatherless kids, with information gleaned from video broadcasts, there is no doubt a large population of black American women have intentionally removed men from their homes, preferring Uncle Sam or Child Support Payments support and offer happiness the children they create out of selfishness and immaturity, instead of creating life born from the love between a man and a women.

OS, quite a few times I heard female callers to live call in shows express the following sentiment, "He got me pregnant so now he's got to pay. It don't matter if he wants the kid or not, he got me pregnant and he gots to pay!"

Conversely I heard MANY men calling online broadcasts stating they had no intention of making a baby with anyone and want nothing to with the hoe he smashed for sex, nothing more.

Here is the perfect example of the hate, ignorance and what I believe is mental illness suffered by far too many American mothers of African descent.

If you can stand listening to more than a few minutes of this mother's maddening insanity, belittling the man she duped into getting her pregnant at the behest of her real boyfirned who is currently doing some prison time. And then publicly releasing a video clowning and laughing at him because she going to put him on child support payments.... :GRRR:

Ratchet behavior like this causes women to get hurt or go missing, forever. It also causes, in many cases, little kids to mature into emotionally crippled teens and adults.

In the following vid Ms. Jazzyslim addresses the issue of girls and women SELFISHLY making babies, as well as other issues regarding apparent delusional, emotionally troubled females.

"Lamenting Multiple Baby Daddies"

Originally published on Jun 19, 2012 by jazzyslim2005

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shvt...."

More criticism of the "AVERAGE" black American female:

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

OS, the bottomline, we should be seeking solutions to this HEALTH and social issue.

Sadly, Democrats and liberals NEED black Americans to survive, they require shouts of racism which they knowingly prosper and benefit from.

While more grounded or conservative Americans are scared sh!tless of being criticized, intimidated, threatened and harassed as RACIST if they dare speak about our Nation's large numbers black American mothers dismally failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE their children's emotional needs.

I do know two Americans who could make a big difference, though apparently they'd prefer stirring the pot, than speaking truths that certainly will harm their legacy as American's First Cool Presidential Couple.


You may not have noticed, Avery but the Democratic Party has been quite busy catering to the Hispanic vote! Hispanics just passed Blacks as the largest minority population in the US and that's growing by leaps and bounds. I think Democrats have made a calculation that they don't need the black vote if they replace it with the Hispanic vote...which means the black community's political power is on the wane. If you think Democrats ignore the problems in the black community except when it's election time NOW...just wait until a few years from now.

The Democratic Party needs a whole lot of new people to give free shit too for their vote, The People who come here illegally and want to stay and be given Citizenship are the new base of the Democratic party they normally don't speak English or understand the political implications of their vote since they come from 3rd world Socialist countries who's political systems are run on the basis and the people vote for the Candidate that promises the most free shit. What they get is poverty out of control Inflation and Joblessness why work the Govt will give me free shit. And most of the Immigrants coming here are uneducated and offer nothing but a burden on an already overburdened system propagated y the Left
Perhaps because there are people who feel that people's lives matter and affect them.
So are you saying white people care if a black person kills another black person ?
Of course we care, we just care less when the Black community is doing nothing to remedy the problem and create strong families that fight crime , promote education and say no to the "thug Life" . Many have, more work needs to be done. Perhaps Monogamy stronger families and return to traditional family values would help. But then the Left wouldn't have indentured servants, who rely on Govt. programs like Welfare and food stamps. The better opportunities provided by The current Administration is the reason for the Push for Immigration that give legitimacy to the Illegal. The Black community is being duped by the left, and the plan is to bring a new breed of welfare recipients into the Political arena. Since the African American Community is starting to wise up to the scam that's been going on for 50 yrs.
Here is the type of pizza white people eat....usually made by a person of color.

I usually go to Italian Pizza Shops, I would imagine there are people of color who make damned good pizza, I also go to a BBQ joint owned by a Person of color, and Everyone already Knows I go to Jose's Rolling taqueria. Diversity is very tasty and these people aren't interested in Govt. Handouts, they work hard everyday, Tamales don't make themselves.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's page in a 1984 yearbook has pictures of him and others in blackface and wearing Ku Klux Klan apparel. The Governor of the same state that had a white supremacist rally where thousands of neo nazi's were allowed terrorize people...did this ?


The white supremacist police have made millions robbing black people

Isiah Kinloch called 911 when a robber broke a bottle over his head. When cops arrived they found an ounce of marijuana. They didn't confiscate it. But Kinloch was booked on charges of possession of drugs with intent to share. But the charges were eventually dropped

Instead they took his $1,800 cash and kept it.

Consequently Kinloch was kicked out of his apartment because he was unable to pay the following month's rent and is now homeless

Another day in the system of white supremacy

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Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's page in a 1984 yearbook has pictures of him and others in blackface and wearing Ku Klux Klan apparel. The Governor of the same state that had a white supremacist rally where thousands of neo nazi's were allowed terrorize people...did this ?


There are more members of the Jedi religion in the U.S. today than their are KKK members or NAZIs, bub.
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