Mr. President, The Freedom Caucus is not your enemy!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
You can call them many things, some of them may be "Never Trumpers" and some of them campaigned rigorously for you to defeat Secretary Clinton in November. But at this point, none of them want to see your presidency fail. If anything, the Freedom Caucus is your rudder.

They are there to help you keep your promises to the American people. When Swamp Critters like Paul Ryan come crawling out with cobbled together nonsense, greased up with all the establishment pork to clear the Senate with ease and give you a big first "victory" ...We're there to actually point out that it's a crap sandwich and we don't want it hung around your neck or ours. You should THANK the Freedom Caucus from saving your bacon on this monstrosity.

Mr. President, I will point out that it was Paul Ryan who stood before the American people and proclaimed that he would never support you. In many ways, Paul Ryan launched the "Never Trump" movement. He is not your friend, and neither is Reince Priebus! These are Establishment swamp creatures and they are not cool with you succeeding. Neither is Mitch McConnell or John McCain (and his Siamese twin, Lindsey Graham.)

Some people who supported you and who are represented by the members of the Freedom Caucus, may not have agreed with you 100% on everything, we may not have been behind you in the primary, we may have different opinions on certain aspects of policy but we share the intentions of making America great again. The Freedom Caucus has your back on so many things, they are more than willing to work with you for your success as a president.

There is a diametric difference in Establishment types and the honest representatives of the people who want to do what the people elected them to do. Mr. President, I hope you were the right man for the job. It seems you are being swayed way too much by the creatures of the swamp. Threatening to go after Freedom Caucus members in their upcoming reelections is disturbingly symptomatic of someone listening to the Establishment. If you do that, Mr. President, you will destroy your presidency.

You speak of "reaching across the aisle" and working with Democrats. Again, this smacks familiar to someone who is listening to the Establishment. It's difficult for me to even imagine more than two or three on the Democrat side who would work with you. There is no "moderate" wing of their party. So... good luck with that... I think you'd do better to be nice to Freedom Caucus. At least they don't hate your ever-loving guts.
You can call them many things, some of them may be "Never Trumpers" and some of them campaigned rigorously for you to defeat Secretary Clinton in November. But at this point, none of them want to see your presidency fail. If anything, the Freedom Caucus is your rudder.

They are there to help you keep your promises to the American people. When Swamp Critters like Paul Ryan come crawling out with cobbled together nonsense, greased up with all the establishment pork to clear the Senate with ease and give you a big first "victory" ...We're there to actually point out that it's a crap sandwich and we don't want it hung around your neck or ours. You should THANK the Freedom Caucus from saving your bacon on this monstrosity.

Mr. President, I will point out that it was Paul Ryan who stood before the American people and proclaimed that he would never support you. In many ways, Paul Ryan launched the "Never Trump" movement. He is not your friend, and neither is Reince Priebus! These are Establishment swamp creatures and they are not cool with you succeeding. Neither is Mitch McConnell or John McCain (and his Siamese twin, Lindsey Graham.)

Some people who supported you and who are represented by the members of the Freedom Caucus, may not have agreed with you 100% on everything, we may not have been behind you in the primary, we may have different opinions on certain aspects of policy but we share the intentions of making America great again. The Freedom Caucus has your back on so many things, they are more than willing to work with you for your success as a president.

There is a diametric difference in Establishment types and the honest representatives of the people who want to do what the people elected them to do. Mr. President, I hope you were the right man for the job. It seems you are being swayed way too much by the creatures of the swamp. Threatening to go after Freedom Caucus members in their upcoming reelections is disturbingly symptomatic of someone listening to the Establishment. If you do that, Mr. President, you will destroy your presidency.

You speak of "reaching across the aisle" and working with Democrats. Again, this smacks familiar to someone who is listening to the Establishment. It's difficult for me to even imagine more than two or three on the Democrat side who would work with you. There is no "moderate" wing of their party. So... good luck with that... I think you'd do better to be nice to Freedom Caucus. At least they don't hate your ever-loving guts.

I agree! Freedom Caucus is trying to actually represent their constituents and the country. Here come the RWNJ insults! :tomato:
The OP is right 100% President Trump will have to learn as he goes along. He must gain support from every direction. Just come up with a better bill and let the freedom caucus join in on the creation of a better bill.

Teamwork makes the dream work, he's going to have to promote teamwork in the house and Senate.
Irony from the OP is the freedom caucus backed paul ryan for Speaker lol

If the Deep State had it's way, they would impeach both Trump and Pence, and with Ryan, we would soon find the nation in a war with Russia.
The okeydoke that Americans were supposed to get
"The hack story wasn’t created to get Clinton elected. It was done to give President Clinton her war in 2017.

Imagine now how the entire sitting government would have been behind President Clinton. We have the dastardly Russians going so low as to try to sabotage the elections to get their buddy Trump elected. Granted, Congress would still be completely in Republican control, as could be estimated prior to the election, but what’s the one thing Republicans stalwarts like John McCain and Lindsay Graham can agree on? War. And the Russians hacking the DNC and tampering with American Democracy? Outrageous. Clinton versus Putin, and this time it’s personal!

As I’ve asked before, what is the one thing that Hillary was falling over herself to deliver to the Deep State that Trump wouldn’t and couldn’t? A war with Russia. Trump is apparently too constrained by his business dealings with various Russians (I don’t think he’s constrained by any kind of loyalty; Trump has never displayed much loyalty to anyone). When Clinton announced she would create a “no-fly zone” in Syria early on in the primary debates, it was essentially her saying, “When I’m President I will go to war with Russia.”

The “Russian hack” story was going to be our Deep State’s casus belli, our reason to go to war with Russia. With Hillary’s failure in November the okeydoke was left without the most important part, a President ready to go to war. What we see now is the okeydoke being used against Trump. I doubt the Deep State thinks it can push Trump out for a more malleable chief of state (like they did with Nixon and JFK). You can probably consider the public scandal to be private negotiation behind the scenes. And the final tell will be if we are in some kind of hot war with Russia this time next year, or living in the rubble in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange."
You idiot. No one was going to war with Russia. You all are arguing HRC was in league with the Russians. Will you fuggers get your stories straight.
Irony from the OP is the freedom caucus backed paul ryan for Speaker lol

Again, proving my point that they aren't some radical unhinged fringe who don't want to work with anyone. They can accept Ryan in the role of Speaker, they can accept RinceRepeatus in the roll of chief of staff. They are even willing to make major compromises on health care reform.

So why does the President (and Establishment) believe it's more advantageous to "go after Democrats" than work with people willing to work with them? It's the dumbest, most inane political strategy of all time.
You all are arguing HRC was in league with the Russians.

I'll tell you what... there is a LOT more smoking gun evidence against Hillary conspiring with Russia than Trump. Has Bill Clinton ever reported as a "foreign agent" for having "done work" (speeches) over there?
No, there is not: that is an Alt Right neo-fascist lie.

We are talking about Trump, not Bill Clinton.

Another Boss lie is [the FC) is "even willing to make major compromises on health care reform."
You can call them many things, some of them may be "Never Trumpers" and some of them campaigned rigorously for you to defeat Secretary Clinton in November. But at this point, none of them want to see your presidency fail. If anything, the Freedom Caucus is your rudder.

They are there to help you keep your promises to the American people. When Swamp Critters like Paul Ryan come crawling out with cobbled together nonsense, greased up with all the establishment pork to clear the Senate with ease and give you a big first "victory" ...We're there to actually point out that it's a crap sandwich and we don't want it hung around your neck or ours. You should THANK the Freedom Caucus from saving your bacon on this monstrosity.

Mr. President, I will point out that it was Paul Ryan who stood before the American people and proclaimed that he would never support you. In many ways, Paul Ryan launched the "Never Trump" movement. He is not your friend, and neither is Reince Priebus! These are Establishment swamp creatures and they are not cool with you succeeding. Neither is Mitch McConnell or John McCain (and his Siamese twin, Lindsey Graham.)

Some people who supported you and who are represented by the members of the Freedom Caucus, may not have agreed with you 100% on everything, we may not have been behind you in the primary, we may have different opinions on certain aspects of policy but we share the intentions of making America great again. The Freedom Caucus has your back on so many things, they are more than willing to work with you for your success as a president.

There is a diametric difference in Establishment types and the honest representatives of the people who want to do what the people elected them to do. Mr. President, I hope you were the right man for the job. It seems you are being swayed way too much by the creatures of the swamp. Threatening to go after Freedom Caucus members in their upcoming reelections is disturbingly symptomatic of someone listening to the Establishment. If you do that, Mr. President, you will destroy your presidency.

You speak of "reaching across the aisle" and working with Democrats. Again, this smacks familiar to someone who is listening to the Establishment. It's difficult for me to even imagine more than two or three on the Democrat side who would work with you. There is no "moderate" wing of their party. So... good luck with that... I think you'd do better to be nice to Freedom Caucus. At least they don't hate your ever-loving guts.

You know Boss, the rest of congress; especially Republicans could learn from the Freedom Caucus. They don't march in lockstep even amongst themselves. They see what their constituents want in the district they were elected in, and go from there. It is what our founders wanted, independence. They didn't want monolithic entities taking over the votes in congress, for if they did, why have a congress!

If tomorrow, all congressional reps claimed affiliation with one of the party's, but insisted they needed independence to vote for what is best for their district, the two entities would lose control of forced votes, because there would be to many of them to keep in line. It is folly for any President to believe that everything their party says is good, and everything the opposing party says is bad.

We both know Boss, that 95% of the time, the Democrats vote in lockstep, unlike Republicans. This should tell everyone which party is ruled by an iron fist, and which party still has at least some semblance of independent thinkers; although it appears that the Republicans want to go down the rabbit hole with the Democrats. Maybe that is why the Repubs had 17 candidates for President; at least 10 of them viable, and the Democrats only had 1.........until of course they realized Bernie was for real!
Irony from the OP is the freedom caucus backed paul ryan for Speaker lol

Again, proving my point that they aren't some radical unhinged fringe who don't want to work with anyone. They can accept Ryan in the role of Speaker, they can accept RinceRepeatus in the roll of chief of staff. They are even willing to make major compromises on health care reform.

So why does the President (and Establishment) believe it's more advantageous to "go after Democrats" than work with people willing to work with them? It's the dumbest, most inane political strategy of all time.
That's not how I saw it.
You talked shit about Ryan being the enemy and the FC isn't. But the FC wanted "the enemy" in the most powerful position in Congress. Hell man, they even changed the rules to give him support!
Irony from the OP is the freedom caucus backed paul ryan for Speaker lol

Again, proving my point that they aren't some radical unhinged fringe who don't want to work with anyone. They can accept Ryan in the role of Speaker, they can accept RinceRepeatus in the roll of chief of staff. They are even willing to make major compromises on health care reform.

So why does the President (and Establishment) believe it's more advantageous to "go after Democrats" than work with people willing to work with them? It's the dumbest, most inane political strategy of all time.
That's not how I saw it.
You talked shit about Ryan being the enemy and the FC isn't. But the FC wanted "the enemy" in the most powerful position in Congress. Hell man, they even changed the rules to give him support!

Hold on... I never said Paul Ryan was "the enemy" of the FC. The FC didn't change any rules, I have no idea what you're talking about and no one ever asked the FC who they'd like to be speaker. They supported Ryan because he was the consensus pick by the rest.

My comments were about who has been loyal to the president. Paul Ryan stood before the people and said he would never support Donald Trump. The FC has made no such proclamation and many of them actually worked to get Trump elected.
Irony from the OP is the freedom caucus backed paul ryan for Speaker lol

Again, proving my point that they aren't some radical unhinged fringe who don't want to work with anyone. They can accept Ryan in the role of Speaker, they can accept RinceRepeatus in the roll of chief of staff. They are even willing to make major compromises on health care reform.

So why does the President (and Establishment) believe it's more advantageous to "go after Democrats" than work with people willing to work with them? It's the dumbest, most inane political strategy of all time.
That's not how I saw it.
You talked shit about Ryan being the enemy and the FC isn't. But the FC wanted "the enemy" in the most powerful position in Congress. Hell man, they even changed the rules to give him support!

Hold on... I never said Paul Ryan was "the enemy" of the FC. The FC didn't change any rules, I have no idea what you're talking about and no one ever asked the FC who they'd like to be speaker. They supported Ryan because he was the consensus pick by the rest.

My comments were about who has been loyal to the president. Paul Ryan stood before the people and said he would never support Donald Trump. The FC has made no such proclamation and many of them actually worked to get Trump elected.
You implied Paul Ryan was trumps enemy, so to speak. I wasn't talking about the FC.
The FC couldn't get the 80% vote needed so they decided on majority and voiced support for Ryan.

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