MTG says she would be proud to be trump's running mate

If Biden has done anything during his 'Presidency' it has proven it doesn't matter who the president or vice president is.
If Biden has done anything during his 'Presidency' it has proven it doesn't matter who the president or vice president is.
Notice they popped another 'Rona positive on him.....they keeping his mouth out of circulation.
Oh, yes... please try...
Adolf Shicklgruber and Hanna Reitsch teaming-up for La grande débâcle of 2024...
Not even Rumpians could possibly be THAT stupid... could they?
Oh, I don't know. Look at the GQP candidates who have a shot at winning - Oz, Herschel Walker, Mastriano. The fact that they even POSSIBLY could win should tell us more about the electorate than we may want to admit. Look at who has ALREADY WON. Greene, Gaetz, Boebert.

My expectations are much lower than they were six years ago. This may be who we are.
Oh, I don't know. Look at the GQP candidates who have a shot at winning - Oz, Herschel Walker, Mastriano. The fact that they even POSSIBLY could win should tell us more about the electorate than we may want to admit. Look at who has ALREADY WON. Greene, Gaetz, Boebert.

My expectations are much lower than they were six years ago. This may be who we are.
I have always said that trump enabled the slime to crawl out from under a rock. Who knew there were so many rocks?
A sub-moron such as yourself, a creature with a demonstrable IQ in the middle 70's, claiming his better's are dumb & dumber, really???

Please, you need to Biden Boost, that is your only responsibility, Biden Boost your fascist ass today, get a couple if you can, they'll happily multi-jab you, think of just how safe you will be from monkey-pox when you are dead "err" I mean vaxxed up with Biden Juice, and remember the obedience mask, you must wear that sucker everywhere you go, think of it as fascist fashion, much like the little Nazi swastika lapel pins were in Nazi Germany, and no anal sex for you, otherwise you'll catch Bill Gates monkey-pox and your penis might rot off after a few days, though if you have already amputated that sucker you have no worries.... :banana:
The thread topic is MTG. YOU ARE TRYING TO DEFLECT. Nice try..and reported.

trump and MTG on a ticket would serve to enthuse the nuts of America. If trump is not in jail....that is....
Let's watch the lefties bash a woman, again. :popcorn:





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