Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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Suddenly you want to all just get along? I'll send a telegram.

You remind me of a Cowboys fan.....always living in the past.
Now we know they were looking at ISIS websites and in contact with known terrorists.

Obviously work place violence at a Christmas party triggered by someone not passing the salad dressing.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.

Lone gunman who was obviously a head case vs. multiple gunmen and a gunwomen(for the PC crowd)that plotted an attack and were muslims.
We both know that you know the difference,you're just to big of a partisan hack to admit it.
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Oh, they think like humans alright, Exactly like humans, hence the fucking problem.

They were parents who left their six month old baby to commit this atrocity in the name of Allah and Muhammad, knowing that they were going to die. Islamists do not think, act, or behave like humans.
That was very human, in a nice way, drop the baby off and not just shoot it. Islamists are very human, too fucking human. Killing your enemies is a human thing, which is why Jesus taught against it.

They did what Mohammad told them to do. Islamists are just devout Muslims.
Reactionary Fundamentalism, a very real danger inside all religions but I don't seeing you praying for you enemies while they are at least being faithful, which is. in our case, a serious fucking problem.
That still doesn't negate the fact that these guys were Islamic terrorist animals.
They aren't animals, and as long as you "think" that you will never understand them.

But then again, that's what you think all darkies are...
Paintmyhouse - Fixmytoilet: "this isn't Islamic terrorism, Islam had nothing to do with it!"

ISIS is very Islamic, and their fathers are Bush and Cheney. Congrats on that one.

Actually their father is Obama. Notice the nutjob went from the Crusades to Hitler and now to Bush. :cuckoo:
Obama didn't invade and destabilize what is now ISIS. That was B and C.

Obama's early departure from Iraq and his sitting on the sidelines while Assad murdered hundreds of thousands of his people created ISIS, that is a fact you fuckin' idiot. Quit derailing the topic, whack job.
We were told to go, using the Bush agreement, dumbfuck. Don't bother lying.
Oh, they think like humans alright, Exactly like humans, hence the fucking problem.

They were parents who left their six month old baby to commit this atrocity in the name of Allah and Muhammad, knowing that they were going to die. Islamists do not think, act, or behave like humans.
That was very human, in a nice way, drop the baby off and not just shoot it.
Yes. How sweet and thoughtful of them.
And what a wonderful inheritance for the child.
Considering what they just did, I'd say that's dead on. It will now be raised by far less radical people I hope.
Great. The parents of the butchering psycho Islamist, probably.
Nope. Babies know only what insanity you teach them, usually, so, don't. Religion is that insanity, liberalism is the cure.
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PMH is starting to sound agitated...I guess it's the stress of defending the indefensible.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
Oh, they think like humans alright, Exactly like humans, hence the fucking problem.

They were parents who left their six month old baby to commit this atrocity in the name of Allah and Muhammad, knowing that they were going to die. Islamists do not think, act, or behave like humans.
That was very human, in a nice way, drop the baby off and not just shoot it. Islamists are very human, too fucking human. Killing your enemies is a human thing, which is why Jesus taught against it.

They did what Mohammad told them to do. Islamists are just devout Muslims.
Reactionary Fundamentalism, a very real danger inside all religions but I don't seeing you praying for you enemies while they are at least being faithful, which is. in our case, a serious fucking problem.
Lets ignore the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century. Left and communism go hand in hand.
Nope, they are entirely unrelated however Christianity, as practiced, and slaughter are very related.
PMH is starting to sound agitated...I guess it's the stress of defending the indefensible.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
All terrorism is evil, but it can work. It certainly did for the US. Ended a war for us, in a couple of big fucking bangs. Evil, regardless.
They were parents who left their six month old baby to commit this atrocity in the name of Allah and Muhammad, knowing that they were going to die. Islamists do not think, act, or behave like humans.
That was very human, in a nice way, drop the baby off and not just shoot it. Islamists are very human, too fucking human. Killing your enemies is a human thing, which is why Jesus taught against it.

They did what Mohammad told them to do. Islamists are just devout Muslims.
Reactionary Fundamentalism, a very real danger inside all religions but I don't seeing you praying for you enemies while they are at least being faithful, which is. in our case, a serious fucking problem.
Lets ignore the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century. Left and communism go hand in hand.
Nope, they are entirely unrelated however Christianity, as practiced, and slaughter are very related.
Of course you only attack Christianity. It simply validates the one true religion standing against evildoers.
PMH is starting to sound agitated...I guess it's the stress of defending the indefensible.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
All terrorism is evil, but it can work. It certainly did for the US. Ended a war for us, in a couple of big fucking bangs. Evil, regardless.
Of course you think bombing Japan was evil. You only side with evil.

Picture of Islamic terrorist

Robert Lewis Dear, 57 (Provided by City of Colorado Springs)

Picture of typical loon terrorist that is not Islamic.
Robert Dear was a loon and such individuals are very infrequent. Actual terrorists (Islamist) are "global," killing indiscriminately all over the planet (England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, China, Russia, Nigeria, et cetera, et cetera. However, to accurately describe the so-called terrorists, one should really describe them as Islam's guerilla fighting forces.
PMH is starting to sound agitated...I guess it's the stress of defending the indefensible.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
All terrorism is evil, but it can work. It certainly did for the US. Ended a war for us, in a couple of big fucking bangs. Evil, regardless.
Of course you think bombing Japan was evil. You only side with evil.
In the case the US used terrorism, therefore doing evil. And it worked, terrorism can.
PMH is starting to sound agitated...I guess it's the stress of defending the indefensible.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
All terrorism is evil, but it can work. It certainly did for the US. Ended a war for us, in a couple of big fucking bangs. Evil, regardless.
Of course you think bombing Japan was evil. You only side with evil.
In the case the US used terrorism, therefore doing evil. And it worked, terrorism can.
Of course you consider it evil to what Japan was doing to people in Asia. You love to see evil prosper.
That was very human, in a nice way, drop the baby off and not just shoot it. Islamists are very human, too fucking human. Killing your enemies is a human thing, which is why Jesus taught against it.

They did what Mohammad told them to do. Islamists are just devout Muslims.
Reactionary Fundamentalism, a very real danger inside all religions but I don't seeing you praying for you enemies while they are at least being faithful, which is. in our case, a serious fucking problem.
Lets ignore the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century. Left and communism go hand in hand.
Nope, they are entirely unrelated however Christianity, as practiced, and slaughter are very related.
Of course you only attack Christianity. It simply validates the one true religion standing against evildoers.
I attack all religion, dumbfuck.
Nope. And there is no defense, there is understanding, which nearly all, especially here, lack.

Oh I understand whats going on just fine.
Your heads so far up your ass you could read your copy of the koran through your nostrils.
All terrorism is evil, but it can work. It certainly did for the US. Ended a war for us, in a couple of big fucking bangs. Evil, regardless.
Of course you think bombing Japan was evil. You only side with evil.
In the case the US used terrorism, therefore doing evil. And it worked, terrorism can.
Of course you consider it evil to what Japan was doing to people in Asia. You love to see evil prosper.
Evil is evil, the source matters not a fuckin' damn.
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