My message to Black America after watching this video:


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013

The video is (mostly) accurate, but that doesn't mean it's agenda is benign. The answer is smaller and more concise government, I have a feeling that most people "agreeing" with the video think that MORE government is the solution.

Returning to strict adherence to the Constitution and repealing the income tax (STARVING THE BEAST), and repealing and voiding clauses in State Constitutions/laws/contracts that promise Oathbreakers (bad cops) their pensions and paid vacations (administrative leave) is the first step towards a much better world.

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and other demonic leaders didn't "achieve" mass murders of tens upon tens of millions with a small government, they all needed a police state and BIG government to execute their atrocities.

Please, read the federalist papers, books like "Nullification, a solution to a 21 century problem," another book titled "Intellectuals and Society" by Thomas Sowell (a black author).

Read the writings and plans of Booker T Washington. Look up how Hitler praised Margeret Sanger in his publicians, the same woman who founded Planned Parenthood with the express mission of exterminating blacks through abortion (go to the website )

There's another documentary titled (on youtube) : No Guns for Negros. Read how blacks have been disarmed by LAW since the 1600's, Jim Crow until this very day.

Ask yourselves, would MLK be happy with the results that came after his death (obviously it's no coincidence that he was murdered)? Would MLK praise PLanned Parenthood's aborting of tens of millions of black children since Roe v Wade? Would he endorse the welfare ghettos of the 21st Century?

More Government is not your solution, Less Government is the solution. There are so many regulations that are selectively enforced on black businesses, stifling growth and production and job creation, those regulations are passed by your LOCAL Democrats, that need you to be dependent on their welfare system, otherwise they couldn't win elections.

There's a final documentary I'd like mention, which is also available on youtube:

"Runaway Slave" by Rev. C. L. Byrant.

Freedom cannot be given to you, especially by Democrats (the party that founded the KKK) and who had a President named LBJ that said "I'll have these NIG**RS voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Freedom must be earned. Revisit MLK and Gandhi's peaceful movements to LIMIT and REDUCE Government. You ARE CITIZENS of the United States, exercise all of your rights within the framework of the Constitution itself to earn that freedom.

Your guaranteed rights:
Right to Peaceful Assembly: Do this without throwing rocks at cops, it works.
Right to Free Speech: Stop cowering to the Lords of Political Correctness. You as a black person in America, are a CITIZEN of the United States. You are not enslaved or bound by oath or birth to the Democratic Party.

Right to Defend yourself (second amendment): Buy a shotgun. Shoot thugs that attack you. If KKK or white Supremacists or black communist revolutionaries try to attack you during your peaceful protests, you have a defend yourself and shoot them. Even MLK had the Deacons for Defense and Justice guarding his rallies against KKK members that would attempt to shoot or bomb them. MLK carried a sidearm as well!

Right to not be OCCUPIED by standing army: Invoke and Sue local governments (or state/federal) that send in standing armies to oppress you. We've seen this occur in Boston after the Marathon Bombing and in Ferguson (as well as in Washington DC to arrest some guy with a depleted shotgun shell). This right is LISTED in the rarely mentioned THIRD AMENDMENT. The Third Amendment is the "canary in the coal mine.": Once this starts to be violated, government is, without any question, TOO BIG.

Ask for a Warrant. Do not Consent to random searches. Record yourself (first amendment) for protection. Warrants comes from the Fourth Amendment. Blacks are stopped and searched all the time.

Jury Nullification: Learn what it is. In general, a Jury can acquit someone who is technically guilty, but the law that they violated is unjust or unconstitutional, or being applied in an unintended manner.

Jury Nullification ended Prohibition in the 1930's, it protected many whites who helped blacks escape on the Underground railroad, and is instrumental in fighting the War on Drugs. A black man cannot go to jail for possessing marijuana unless YOU, the CITIZENS/Jury, convict him. Just say innocent. Stop taking plea deals.

I have to go work, but I could write a book on this, right in these youtube comments, if I had the time.
The point gets lost when the black community chooses the wrong people as their martyrs. When you hold up a thug as the victim, that might play in the hood, but it just makes everyone else shake their heads.

If you want unity, you need a modern day Emmett Till.

And when you riot and burn down black-owned businesses, you are shitting in your own nest. It does not get any more retarded than that.

Then the real irony kicks in when those black business owners get upset at the cops for not protecting their businesses instead of getting angry at the thugs who torched their livelihood.

You want your business protected during a riot? Then protect it yourself. With an AR-15. God bless America and the Second Amendment, baby.

If a black business owner blows away a black arsonist, that is something the rest of us can get behind all the way. Shit, we'll run that business owner for President.

We're talking seriously crossed signals are coming from the black community right now. Instead of shooting thugs, they are shooting themselves in the foot.
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"I'm not insulting you, but insult insult insult"

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
It's just scary that you're a mod, and this is a pointless dialogue. If you find that to be insulting, there's nothing I can do for you.

Where's Pogo, he usually stalks my threads.
Are you lonely without him or something?

Our once parasitical relationship has become symbiotic. I was once his host, now he's my punching bag.
Why are you importing quotes of mine from other threads into this one?
The point gets lost when the black community chooses the wrong people as their martyrs. When you hold up a thug as the victim, that might play in the hood, but it just makes everyone else shake their heads.

If you want unity, you need a modern day Emmett Till.

And when you riot and burn down black-owned businesses, you are shitting in your own nest. It does not get any more retarded than that.

Then the real irony kicks in when those black business owners get upset at the cops for not protecting their businesses instead of getting angry at the thugs who torched their livelihood.

You want your business protected during a riot? Then protect it yourself. With an AR-15. God bless America and the Second Amendment, baby.

If a black business owner blows away a black arsonist, that is something the rest of us can get behind all the way. Shit, we'll run that business owner for President.

We're talking seriously crossed signals are coming from the black community right now. Instead of shooting thugs, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


This is what happens when people blindly commit to an ideology.

Too often they have to defend the indefensible to protect their flank.


The video is (mostly) accurate, but that doesn't mean it's agenda is benign. The answer is smaller and more concise government, I have a feeling that most people "agreeing" with the video think that MORE government is the solution.

Returning to strict adherence to the Constitution and repealing the income tax (STARVING THE BEAST), and repealing and voiding clauses in State Constitutions/laws/contracts that promise Oathbreakers (bad cops) their pensions and paid vacations (administrative leave) is the first step towards a much better world.

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and other demonic leaders didn't "achieve" mass murders of tens upon tens of millions with a small government, they all needed a police state and BIG government to execute their atrocities.

Please, read the federalist papers, books like "Nullification, a solution to a 21 century problem," another book titled "Intellectuals and Society" by Thomas Sowell (a black author).

Read the writings and plans of Booker T Washington. Look up how Hitler praised Margeret Sanger in his publicians, the same woman who founded Planned Parenthood with the express mission of exterminating blacks through abortion (go to the website )

There's another documentary titled (on youtube) : No Guns for Negros. Read how blacks have been disarmed by LAW since the 1600's, Jim Crow until this very day.

Ask yourselves, would MLK be happy with the results that came after his death (obviously it's no coincidence that he was murdered)? Would MLK praise PLanned Parenthood's aborting of tens of millions of black children since Roe v Wade? Would he endorse the welfare ghettos of the 21st Century?

More Government is not your solution, Less Government is the solution. There are so many regulations that are selectively enforced on black businesses, stifling growth and production and job creation, those regulations are passed by your LOCAL Democrats, that need you to be dependent on their welfare system, otherwise they couldn't win elections.

There's a final documentary I'd like mention, which is also available on youtube:

"Runaway Slave" by Rev. C. L. Byrant.

Freedom cannot be given to you, especially by Democrats (the party that founded the KKK) and who had a President named LBJ that said "I'll have these NIG**RS voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Freedom must be earned. Revisit MLK and Gandhi's peaceful movements to LIMIT and REDUCE Government. You ARE CITIZENS of the United States, exercise all of your rights within the framework of the Constitution itself to earn that freedom.

Your guaranteed rights:
Right to Peaceful Assembly: Do this without throwing rocks at cops, it works.
Right to Free Speech: Stop cowering to the Lords of Political Correctness. You as a black person in America, are a CITIZEN of the United States. You are not enslaved or bound by oath or birth to the Democratic Party.

Right to Defend yourself (second amendment): Buy a shotgun. Shoot thugs that attack you. If KKK or white Supremacists or black communist revolutionaries try to attack you during your peaceful protests, you have a defend yourself and shoot them. Even MLK had the Deacons for Defense and Justice guarding his rallies against KKK members that would attempt to shoot or bomb them. MLK carried a sidearm as well!

Right to not be OCCUPIED by standing army: Invoke and Sue local governments (or state/federal) that send in standing armies to oppress you. We've seen this occur in Boston after the Marathon Bombing and in Ferguson (as well as in Washington DC to arrest some guy with a depleted shotgun shell). This right is LISTED in the rarely mentioned THIRD AMENDMENT. The Third Amendment is the "canary in the coal mine.": Once this starts to be violated, government is, without any question, TOO BIG.

Ask for a Warrant. Do not Consent to random searches. Record yourself (first amendment) for protection. Warrants comes from the Fourth Amendment. Blacks are stopped and searched all the time.

Jury Nullification: Learn what it is. In general, a Jury can acquit someone who is technically guilty, but the law that they violated is unjust or unconstitutional, or being applied in an unintended manner.

Jury Nullification ended Prohibition in the 1930's, it protected many whites who helped blacks escape on the Underground railroad, and is instrumental in fighting the War on Drugs. A black man cannot go to jail for possessing marijuana unless YOU, the CITIZENS/Jury, convict him. Just say innocent. Stop taking plea deals.

I have to go work, but I could write a book on this, right in these youtube comments, if I had the time.

Where's Pogo, he usually stalks my threads.
There's just so much ignorance and stupidity he can accommodate; he'll likely post in your next moronic thread.

Read this. Then make a new message. The New Jim Crow

The promotion text is correct, they forgot to mention that the mass incarcartion occurs in Democrat controlled towns and cities.
Where's Pogo, he usually stalks my threads.
There's just so much ignorance and stupidity he can accommodate; he'll likely post in your next moronic thread.

Read this. Then make a new message. The New Jim Crow

The promotion text is correct, they forgot to mention that the mass incarcartion occurs in Democrat controlled towns and cities.

Can you name one black city or town that is dominated by Republicans?



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