National Democrats Resist Reforms


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Now they want to officially be recognized as the white hating party.

Are whites stupid enough to stand by as the dems are about to butt rape them? I have my doubts, altruism only goes so far.
Well, you don't live in reality...

Democrats give you 90% of what you want. I support a strong military and probably wouldn't be too happy if the democrats did turn against that.

Democrats are very different from republicans...Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Funding for education
Science investment
Safetynet for the poor, old and disabled
Regulations protecting our air, water and food
just to name a few important elements

If you think they're the same because both parties depend on rich mans dollars then your view of what they stand for is very much lacking. Me, I'll keep voting democrat as I value the above and realize that the rich are part of our system. That isn't going to change in the short term...Voting third party or not voting at all is just asking for the party that believes in only 10% of what you do(republicans) winning. That my friend is losing.
Also Harry Reid was the one that weakened the democratic party with his nuclear option. This made it easier to get shit through with less votes. Tell me, how the fuck would a third party do any better? It would take many elections to even make it sizable enough to have any real power within government and that is assuming you can convince enough people to vote for it in the first place to take over.

As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.


Basically what the US needs is Proportional Representation.

With this style of elections, people vote positively. In Germany they get to vote both PR and FPTP (US style) at the same time, and the larger parties lose about 8%-10% of the vote from FPTP to PR.

PR gives every person the same weight of vote no matter where you are in the country. If you're a liberal in Wyoming, you choice counts. If you're a conservative in California, your vote counts.
The sick reality facing us is the 90% that we do agree on that the democrats do defend are going to be done away with if we don't elect more democrats or something that works with democrats.
`Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations.`

What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.

But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.


What above writing is yours?
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Glad you see the light. Now if we could just get the rest of America to see it too.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.


Good. Indeed the Republicans have their serious problems, but they are overall - minus the Democrats within their party - infinitely superior to the neo-Communistic howlings of the current Democratic Party, which no longer has a relation to anything American.
Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Well, that may be, my friend.......But elected republicans calling themselves "libertarians" is just bullshit, since they'd readily kill off their own grandmothers to maintain the position in congress.....A true libertarian would push for term limits or downright quit congress after their term expires.

I call most of today's "republicans" Trump cultists...riding the orange wave until it becomes obvious that Trump is a handicap.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Republicans on the committee have already voted in support of both Mr. Talley and Mr. Farr. It is now up to the full Senate to reject Mr. Talley’s nomination. Meanwhile, the committee should hold another hearing with Mr. Farr to determine his involvement in the voter-suppression effort and whether he was truthful with the Senate.

These cases are reminders of why the Senate must take seriously its responsibility to “advise and consent” on judicial nominees, rather than ramming through whomever the president selects. Recently, Mr. Grassley announced that he would no longer honor all requests by senators to block unpalatable nominees from their home state. Called “blue slips,” these requests have certainly been abused — but after the loss of the filibuster, the chipping away of further checks is one more degradation of an already distorted process.

Grassley rips up 'blue slip' for a pair of Trump court picks

well good man, I guess Kennedy is going to go across party lines and vote with the Democrats, why they and he was even allowed to be questioned is suspect,

but they must be republicans, which of course is all that matter.

I quit voting for Pubs when they did a coup in Fl. I did vote for McCain despite the whack job of his pick for VP. But I will never vote Pub again. Never.
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Well, you don't live in reality...

Democrats give you 90% of what you want. I support a strong military and probably wouldn't be too happy if the democrats did turn against that.

Democrats are very different from republicans...Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Funding for education
Science investment
Safetynet for the poor, old and disabled
Regulations protecting our air, water and food
just to name a few important elements

If you think they're the same because both parties depend on rich mans dollars then your view of what they stand for is very much lacking. Me, I'll keep voting democrat as I value the above and realize that the rich are part of our system. That isn't going to change in the short term...Voting third party or not voting at all is just asking for the party that believes in only 10% of what you do(republicans) winning. That my friend is losing.

What a Hoot.

So 90% of what you want includes perverts in little girls and boys restrooms, transvestites in the military, open borders, sanctuary cities that are more concerned with protecting illegal's than citizens..
I could go on but I don't have all day.

More money for education is not the solution.
Competition and cultural change would do a lot
to better educate our kids.

Science investment, didn't obama turn NASA's
agenda from space to muslim outreach?

Instead of a safety net for the poor you democrats
want to keep them in the hammock of dependence
so you can rely on their votes.

Republicans want a clean environment too...
Unlike you we don't use it as a tool to destroy
American industry.
Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Well, that may be, my friend.......But elected republicans calling themselves "libertarians" is just bullshit, since they'd readily kill off their own grandmothers to maintain the position in congress.....A true libertarian would push for term limits or downright quit congress after their term expires.

I call most of today's "republicans" Trump cultists...riding the orange wave until it becomes obvious that Trump is a handicap.

What's bullshit is democrats acting like
they are not commies.........

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