Neighbor threatens to take down American flag if patriot doesn't

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That's why I have her on ignore.

Her stupidity grows tedious because it never changes. It just sits there, like the huge wad of paper my dog ate 3 days ago and barfed up today.

You have to know that blatant flattery like that just won't get you anywhere......
It just needs to be careful where the dog barfs it, 'cause a lot of things can happen to dog barf....
Well, looking at the silver lining, more and more of the Regressive Left are becoming willing to admit what they think of this country.
More and more? Can you name the ONE who wrote the note to that guy in the OP?
No, why?
Well, you don't think it's a little odd that we have people ranting and raving about an unknown? assuming this person even exists?
My point stands on its own. Whether this is, or is not, just another example of it is irrelevant.
This story has the whiff of fake news about it. An anonymous note complaining about a flag and a couple trucks and a house that visually poses no problem. Sounds as if someone is looking for publicity.
This story has the whiff of fake news about it. An anonymous note complaining about a flag and a couple trucks and a house that visually poses no problem. Sounds as if someone is looking for publicity.
We go thru this with EVERY news story than exposes the America hating left. Deny the story because YOUR networks refuse to cover it.
This story has the whiff of fake news about it. An anonymous note complaining about a flag and a couple trucks and a house that visually poses no problem. Sounds as if someone is looking for publicity.
We go thru this with EVERY news story than exposes the America hating left. Deny the story because YOUR networks refuse to cover it.
I doubt that an anonymous note taped to a door in Montana will set off alarms in news rooms coast to coast.

They are your networks too. Dividing the people from the press then dividing the press is an Authoritarian game Americans should have no part in. We are a freedom loving people, not a people who embrace Authoritarian ideals.
At last count, there are four liberals in the entire state of Montana

I doubt if they will be taking down any flags
I doubt ti too because they'll get their asses beat down.
They hate the flag.

They hate conservatives.

They will not compromise on their leftist views. aka we are the devil because we disagree.

They riot when someone of different opinions want to speak.

They say nothing of Federal agencies abusing citizens.

Face it. They SUCK.

More reason to show why conservatives are so gullible over lame stories like this
Gullible . I state my opinion. That flag on my lawn is MINE. Try to take it down you better have good health insurance because you will need it.

Your side harrasses people at their own dang house.Mind your on business or don't complain when you here a story about the one trying to steal private property gets sent to the ER and put in a body cast.
Such a lame video

You must be a moron to believe it
We have realtors around here who put little flags with advertising on everyone's lawn on the chinese made that touch the ground.
The ones they do in my area dont have any advertising on it but yeah they are cheap. If I catch the fucker I am going to put a foot in his ass.

Sure you will, tough guy.
Come test me and find out weak guy.
Ok Einstein, What how do you bisect a line with only a compass?
They are your networks too. Dividing the people from the press then dividing the press is an Authoritarian game Americans should have no part in
No. CNN and most networks you guys listen to has a clear agenda to TAKE DOWN a president. They are NOT my press.
This thread looks like a good place to drop this link....
Shop Apparel - Collections - Page 1 - Nine Line Apparel

Here’s a vid of the guy who started it.....

I’m liking this shirt.....

This thread looks like a good place to drop this link....
Shop Apparel - Collections - Page 1 - Nine Line Apparel

Here’s a vid of the guy who started it.....

I’m liking this shirt.....

View attachment 205054

Does this shirt come in White Trash too? Do you have to be covered in homemade tattoos to wear this shirt? Do they have a line that sends a less sophisticated message

That site isn’t for people of your caliber. You won’t find a rainbow shirt there.
They are your networks too. Dividing the people from the press then dividing the press is an Authoritarian game Americans should have no part in
No. CNN and most networks you guys listen to has a clear agenda to TAKE DOWN a president. They are NOT my press.
Trump is taking himself down. Here's a hint:HE IS AN IDIOT!
He seems to be doing great as far as I can see. His enemies OTOH, not so good.
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