Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....

so says a gun hating liberfool who most likely grew up in a very sheltered family and now lives in Mommie and Daddies basement....., or under a rock

My parents died 30 years ago, and after 11 years in the Army, I probably handled more guns than you ever will.

But my point stands. there's no good reason why Adam Lanza or Joker Holmes should have an AR-15.
It does no good? According to you there are at least 65,000 instances in which an armed civilian stops a crime. But, since that isn't part of your agenda, I guess you want to ignore that too, huh?

I think it would depend on the crime.

Cost benefit analysis- what do 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries cost us each year.

Then what do 65,000 DGU's most of which do not involve an imminent threat to life or limb, save us. Particularly since only 200 of those bad guys end up on a slab, we have to assume that the remaining 64,800 bad guys went on to commit a crime somewhere else.
Gangs, who do 80% of the murders out of the 8-9,000 each year are confined to small, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities....that leave 1,800 non gang related a country of 310 million people....

Except you still haven't provided supporting documentation to that.

the only person I've known who was murdered with a gun was not killed by a gangbanger. She was killed by her husband during an argument.
It does no good? According to you there are at least 65,000 instances in which an armed civilian stops a crime. But, since that isn't part of your agenda, I guess you want to ignore that too, huh?

I think it would depend on the crime.

Cost benefit analysis- what do 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries cost us each year.

Then what do 65,000 DGU's most of which do not involve an imminent threat to life or limb, save us. Particularly since only 200 of those bad guys end up on a slab, we have to assume that the remaining 64,800 bad guys went on to commit a crime somewhere else.

You forgot the 1.6 milllion times a year on average that people use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....all while only killing 200 of the monsters....such great restraint and calm under attack should be praised....with only 6-700 accidental gun deaths a year in a country of 310 million people....
It's not that he is ignoring the facts....I don't think his brain can process them....I have a feeling that libs like Joe have the part of the brain that deals with facts, the truth, reality, rational thought and a functioning moral compass....that is underdeveloped.......that is why they believe what they believe...

Like I said guy, I used to be more right wing than you are. Until I realized that the only real divide is between rich people and those of us who do the work. That day was the day after six years of busting my ass for a company, they let me go because I had run up too many medical bills on insurance that was part of my compensation package. forget I had six years of outstanding reviews or that i had seniority. "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union!" was his exact quote.

The rich just get stupid people like you to vote against our economic interests by using race, religion sex and guns to keep you upset about stuff you shouldn't be.

The fact is, every other industrialized nation bans or limits private ownership of firearms. They have a fraction of our crime rate, a fraction of our murder rates, and a fraction of our incarceration rates. If prisons and guns made us safer, we'd be the safest country in the world, not one of the more dangerous ones.
You forgot the 1.6 milllion times a year on average that people use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....all while only killing 200 of the monsters....such great restraint and calm under attack should be praised....with only 6-700 accidental gun deaths a year in a country of 310 million people....

No, guy, I didn't forget it.

I reject it as utter horseshit. you know what all of those shootiings have in common......waiting....waiting....background checks did not stop one of them....

That just means the background checks were inadequate. Not that they are a bad idea.

The thing was, in every one of those cases, the media quickly found out how deranged Cho, Loughner, Kleibold, Lanza, Holmes were- within HOURS of the shootings.
I am serious in my opinion....I don't know exactly how it works but arguing with people like Joe...and the others....shows there is something not meshing in regards to facts, evidence and reality....

I them that background checks will not stop one murder or mass shooting or keep guns out of the hands of criminals....and their response...."We need background checks to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people"....I mean....that is what they say....

Well, your arugment would be fine if there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the history of these shooters that should have raised a red flag.

Point was, every one of these shooters, we found out how nuts they were within hours of the shooting. People knew, they just didn't do anything about it and no one tried very hard to find out before selling them a gun.
Funny how you ignore the fact that 80% of those homicides are gang related. Black on Black being the majority, and Hispanic on Hispanic the other. Not one of those countries you mentioned has the gang problems we do. Not one. Germany though, IS starting feel the effects of Muslim gang activity.

Guy most white people are killed by other white people. Most people are killed by people they know.

84% of white murder victims are killed by - OTHER WHITE PEOPLE

Now, yes, the Brits have gang problems.

Gangs in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But their gang-bangers can't get guns like ours do.
And you didn't stop it.

So much for unarmed "good guys" saving the day huh

Considering I didn't hear about it until days later, no.
And it only happened feet from you?

You are an oblivious idiot aren't you.

No, it happened feet from where I am typing this right now. It didn't happen wh en I was home, but even if it had, I wouldn't have heard anything, these walls are pretty thick and I'm told it was a small caliber gun.
On gang murders....

Chicago Homicide Rate Spikes While New York s Plummets

Chicago's McCarthy said the city's high murder rate, up 18 percent over last year as of Dec. 16, was due to gang violence. Eighty percent of the homicides were gang-related and 80 percent of the victims were African-Americans, he said.

Blacks make up about 33 percent of the city's population, according to the 2011 estimate from the U.S. Census.
On gang murders....

Chicago Homicide Rate Spikes While New York s Plummets

Chicago's McCarthy said the city's high murder rate, up 18 percent over last year as of Dec. 16, was due to gang violence. Eighty percent of the homicides were gang-related and 80 percent of the victims were African-Americans, he said.

Blacks make up about 33 percent of the city's population, according to the 2011 estimate from the U.S. Census.

So again, your claim is not that 80% of all murders in the US were gangbangers, not that 80% of them in Chicago were.

And usually, "Gang related" means "We aren't going to try very hard to investigate it", as only 30% of murders in Chicago wind up with someone being charged.

So you threw out a bullshit number and wondered why no one believes your other bullshit numbers.
It does no good? According to you there are at least 65,000 instances in which an armed civilian stops a crime. But, since that isn't part of your agenda, I guess you want to ignore that too, huh?

I think it would depend on the crime.

Cost benefit analysis- what do 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries cost us each year.

Then what do 65,000 DGU's most of which do not involve an imminent threat to life or limb, save us. Particularly since only 200 of those bad guys end up on a slab, we have to assume that the remaining 64,800 bad guys went on to commit a crime somewhere else.

All that shows is that gun owners are not the bloodthirsty fiends you try to portray them as.

Of the 32,000 deaths, only 10,000 are murders. There is no evidence that the 22,000 suicides would be effected by a lack of firearms.
All that shows is that gun owners are not the bloodthirsty fiends you try to portray them as.

Of the 32,000 deaths, only 10,000 are murders. There is no evidence that the 22,000 suicides would be effected by a lack of firearms.

There's no evidence they wouldn't be. I'm perfectly willing to try, becuase honestly, I don't give a shit if you need to compensate for a tiny penis.
All that shows is that gun owners are not the bloodthirsty fiends you try to portray them as.

Of the 32,000 deaths, only 10,000 are murders. There is no evidence that the 22,000 suicides would be effected by a lack of firearms.

There's no evidence they wouldn't be. I'm perfectly willing to try, becuase honestly, I don't give a shit if you need to compensate for a tiny penis.

There certainly is evidence that there wouldn't be. Look at the suicide rates in Australia before and after the heavy restrictions were placed on firearms.
Obviously not. Try as you and your ilk do, there are still guns for sale and more people are buying them.

That's becaue we allow it and we don't hold gun sellers accountable.

That's easy enough to fix. Other countries have done it.

It is easy to fix? lmao Again, obviously not. There are politicians who have been trying to ban handguns and semi-auto rifles since the 1960s. I can go buy either one right now.

And your plan to imprison gun sellers after they follow the rules and get federal gov't approval is never going to happen. Even other anti-gun posters think you are trolling when you post about that.

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