New Deal: Another Name For Fascism

Timeline of the Great Depression

take a look at the real history and the real numbers.

There is a reason the right waited until all these years later to try and rewrite this history.

The numbers are obvious and they hope people dont bring them back up.

When a partys ideas are so failed they hope you forget history it means they are dead wrong.
Ahhh yes. To save the constitution, we must violate it!

Bullshit. It caused power to flow into government hands from the private sector by violating the tax code, Interstate Commerce Clause and stripped bare states rights and individual rights all the more.

And the balance the New Deal through the Great Society created was marked by an era of corporate wealth and boom, American innovation and dominance in technology, the mass building of infrastructure, the growth of a burgeoning middle class, the vast expansion of individual rights and men on the moon.

The conservative era that followed has built.............................................................
Nooo.. the fact that our main industrial competitors were bombed into the stone age had NOTHING to do with it. :rolleyes: It was alllll social spending and government waste.

Nor did the hundreds of millions of dollars in repaid war bonds making their way into private individual hands allowing for large amounts of disposable income that never had before existed for the middle class.

Nor the new application of technologies garnered from wartime scientific investment, both private and public causing the creating of new industries and products to become economically viable for the masses to buy.

Nope. It was all socialist spending of the government violating the constitution to buy voting blocs and create identity politics to support corrupt politicians enriching themselves off the largess of taxpayer monies they had no right to in the first place doing things they had no enumerated power to do.


The New Deal recognized what our founding fathers knew...corporations must be regulated to protect We, the People from corporate malfeasance, unethical business practices and the usurp of government BY those corporations. It is a concept that is the very antithesis of today's conservatives.

Throughout our history our most visionary political leaders republican and democrat have been warning the American public against the domination by corporate power.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth who would erode them from within.

Dwight Eisenhower, another republican in his most famous speech ever warned America against the domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country I fear the bankers more."

Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of Fascism" and Benito Mussolini who had an insider’s view of that process said the same thing. Essentially he said that - he complained that Fascism should not be called Fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state of corporate power.

And we what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called Communism.

The domination of government by business is called Fascism.

And what our job is is to walk that narrow trail in between which is free market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left. ref
And the balance the New Deal through the Great Society created was marked by an era of corporate wealth and boom, American innovation and dominance in technology, the mass building of infrastructure, the growth of a burgeoning middle class, the vast expansion of individual rights and men on the moon.


Indeed, the period starting with the New Deal encompassed the greatest expanse of free market capitalism and individual civil liberties.

And this Era was facilitated and embraced by republicans and conservatives, such as Earl Warren, Barry Goldwater, and Dwight Eisenhower. It was the great age of enlightened conservatism – the conjoining of public and private sectors, just as was done during the Second World War, to improve the American human condition.

Consequently the OP is erroneous idiocy.
And the balance the New Deal through the Great Society created was marked by an era of corporate wealth and boom, American innovation and dominance in technology, the mass building of infrastructure, the growth of a burgeoning middle class, the vast expansion of individual rights and men on the moon.


Indeed, the period starting with the New Deal encompassed the greatest expanse of free market capitalism and individual civil liberties.

And this Era was facilitated and embraced by republicans and conservatives, such as Earl Warren, Barry Goldwater, and Dwight Eisenhower. It was the great age of enlightened conservatism – the conjoining of public and private sectors, just as was done during the Second World War, to improve the American human condition.

Consequently the OP is erroneous idiocy.

Living in New York, we had a Senator who was a....................LIBERAL Republican...Jacob Javits. A man that J. Edgar Hoover didn't want on the Warren Commission because......he was TOO liberal.
The new deal certainly helped create a solid middle class, the best schools in the world and what many consider the best years this country ever had. The top tax rate was arround 88%.

They really have to spin hard to try and trash this record.

It will always fall short in the face of the real numbers.
The new deal certainly helped create a solid middle class, the best schools in the world and what many consider the best years this country ever had. The top tax rate was arround 88%.

They really have to spin hard to try and trash this record.

It will always fall short in the face of the real numbers.

See if you can detect when the conservative era began...


And the balance the New Deal through the Great Society created was marked by an era of corporate wealth and boom, American innovation and dominance in technology, the mass building of infrastructure, the growth of a burgeoning middle class, the vast expansion of individual rights and men on the moon.

The conservative era that followed has built.............................................................
Nooo.. the fact that our main industrial competitors were bombed into the stone age had NOTHING to do with it. :rolleyes: It was alllll social spending and government waste.

Nor did the hundreds of millions of dollars in repaid war bonds making their way into private individual hands allowing for large amounts of disposable income that never had before existed for the middle class.

Nor the new application of technologies garnered from wartime scientific investment, both private and public causing the creating of new industries and products to become economically viable for the masses to buy.

Nope. It was all socialist spending of the government violating the constitution to buy voting blocs and create identity politics to support corrupt politicians enriching themselves off the largess of taxpayer monies they had no right to in the first place doing things they had no enumerated power to do.


The New Deal recognized what our founding fathers knew...corporations must be regulated to protect We, the People from corporate malfeasance, unethical business practices and the usurp of government BY those corporations. It is a concept that is the very antithesis of today's conservatives.

Throughout our history our most visionary political leaders republican and democrat have been warning the American public against the domination by corporate power.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth who would erode them from within.

Dwight Eisenhower, another republican in his most famous speech ever warned America against the domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country I fear the bankers more."

Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of Fascism" and Benito Mussolini who had an insider’s view of that process said the same thing. Essentially he said that - he complained that Fascism should not be called Fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state of corporate power.

And we what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called Communism.

The domination of government by business is called Fascism.

And what our job is is to walk that narrow trail in between which is free market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left. ref
The New Deal recognized what our founding fathers knew...corporations must be regulated to protect We, the People from corporate malfeasance, unethical business practices and the usurp of government BY those corporations. It is a concept that is the very antithesis of today's conservatives.

I look forward to you posting evidence of this ludicrous statement. What are they usually called? Hmmm.... oh yes. White, rich, slave-owning, oppressive capitalist pigs.

Why would they ever want to repress themselves? Or is this only a definition when it's politically convenient for you, quickly thrown over the side for you to try and score political points with lies later?

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth who would erode them from within.

He was partially right and a Republican... but not a conservative. That being said, for his era he implemented some DESPERATELY needed reforms that helped increase freedom for the vox populi while preventing the abuse of power caused by too much power in too few hands. It was because that era showed the dangers of Lassaiez faire capitalism which I have often pointed out and agreed needed regulation from. I am very much for consumer and labor protection as much as I am for industry needed to be protected from bureaucrats and government interference in markets... including bailouts. But you're comparing two eras with distinctly different levels of scale. The good news is that while the boomers and progressivism is dying by it's own excesses in government corruption, many of the dangers of Parasitic Government is beginning to be rolled back. And if we're lucky... really REALLY , we'll also see a rollback on Federal Power to pre-civil war levels.

Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of Fascism" and Benito Mussolini who had an insider’s view of that process said the same thing. Essentially he said that - he complained that Fascism should not be called Fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state of corporate power.

FDR got it backwards. Government is the one in ultimate control, not industry. What's a business going to do when the government pulls a gun on them? Shoot back? pfft!

As Mussolini defined it, the proper term is Corporatism. This is where Government COOPERATES with and CONTROLS Industry not the other way around. It's an unholy marriage of the two, but Government is in charge of Industry and covertly profits while Industry unjustly profits from protectionism and corruption. Government still has the guns and law as their force, they control, not industry. refuse to obey and you're done. The government chucks you out and appoints a stooge from the party till they screw up. You can believe otherwise all you want, but it's party Apparatchiks, not corporate boards who hold the cards. Just like communists. A gun to the temple of an unwilling participant is just as effective as a willing conspirator.

Now... how's that compare to our current administration??? ooooooooohh.... wow. a little too close for comfort eh? And think! The labor unions are in bed with him too! All those kickbacks are paying off it seems.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history,

Debatable. He was the first. But often you forget Republican does not equal Conservative.

And we what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called Communism.

And Fascism. Sorry, the difference is only in the bureaucracy. Of course you deny the rainbow of leftism.

Just like A Ford Escape is a Mercury Mariner is a Mazda Tribute. Only thing different is some of the cosmetic parts and name plates. Functionally they are 98% the same.

And what our job is is to walk that narrow trail in between which is free market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left. ref

Okay, if you are incapable of original thought we're done talking here. I mean jeez! Is there ever something you don't plagiarize and pass off as your own? If I wanted to debate these authors, I'd have emailed them.

But thanks for proving none of this is your idea... just another useful idiot for Lenin to love.
The new deal certainly helped create a solid middle class, the best schools in the world and what many consider the best years this country ever had. The top tax rate was arround 88%.

They really have to spin hard to try and trash this record.

It will always fall short in the face of the real numbers.

See if you can detect when the conservative era began...


Oh lookie! Tardtard's favorite non-sequiter of dogmatic irrelevant insignificance correlation!

Now he will accuse me of being a mass murderer of some sort now because I've shown the math of this nonsense to be irrelevant garbage.
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twist and spin.

The real numbers show the real story and the right will never be able to make the real record disapear.

You can shit all over the generation of this country which lived through the great depression and won WWII all you want.

Most are dead now so you feel safe in doing so.

The numbers will never disapear and your historically failed political ideas will never be free of this history.
Living in New York, we had a Senator who was a....................LIBERAL Republican...Jacob Javits. A man that J. Edgar Hoover didn't want on the Warren Commission because......he was TOO liberal.

There were a number of intelligent, pragmatic republicans like Javits at that time who were interested in what was best for America and worked to create responsible governance, not blind dogma and pointless ideology as we see today and have examples of in this very thread.
twist and spin.

The real numbers show the real story and the right will never be able to make the real record disapear.

You can shit all over the generation of this country which lived through the great depression and won WWII all you want.

Most are dead now so you feel safe in doing so.

The numbers will never disapear and your historically failed political ideas will never be free of this history.
Not the place for self reflection, truthiepoo. But that's some of the most honest things you've ever said about yourself.
Today's conservatives want "industry" to BE the government. They want to turn over control of the country to corporations. Why they think organizations with a profit motive would be better then what we have now is beyond me.

Of course that's what they want. And on occasion, you'll get one of them to slip up and say as much.
...Pipes up our resident expert on being retarded.

Please explain to me the functional difference between the two political stances:

1. The state takes ownership of your business, and tells you what to do.
2. The state lets you keep your business as LONG as you do what they tell you.

What is the functional difference between the two, save option 2 having less paperwork and government bureaucracy.

Now, compare that to the position of the Conservative (classical liberal), which is 'right wing'. How can either of these positions be right wing since the very nature of Conservatism is the rejection of government control of industry?

There's actually a rather significant difference between the two. For starters, the returns on production go to the state in the first case, while the returns still go to the business owners in the second. If you think that difference isn't significant, why did the Bolsheviks not have the support of the business community, while they were overwhelming in support of the Nazis?

I'd call it stupidity. They hoped they'd be getting richer by cooperating with the fascists. There is hope they will survive if they just go along. Communists made it clear that the capitalists would be removed and probably executed regardless of cooperation. I think that makes it damn clear why capitalists will tolerate fascism a little better: a slim chance of survival and potential for huge corrupt profits (if they're corrupt too).

In communist nations, the bureaucrats who replace the former capitalist owners grow very fat and profit personally off of their corruption inherent to the function of their collectivist government. Under fascism, they don't replace the owners with bureaucrats out of hand, they wait for them to fail to obey to replace them. Otherwise, there's no need, and the owners get just as fat off of government corruption as long as they do what they're told and don't rock the boat.

As Al Capone said, you can get further with a kind word and a gun, than you can with just a kind word.

Let's all welcome the new boss... same as the old boss.

And guess what? Those hopes were correct!
1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%, 1940 14.6%

Here's the data set.

You need to thank Hitler for invading Poland for pulling US out of the FDR Depression

I'd say the fall from 24.9% to 14.3% was pretty significant. The reason unemployment ticks back up in 1938-1939 is that he paid too much attention to the conservatives of his day and cut spending.


You think 15% unemployment after 7 full years is a job well done?

As usual you facts are all fucked up, in 1920-21 Conservative crushed unemployed in 18 months dropping it from 12% to 4%, if FDR was great for 15% unemployment after 7 years Conservatives are Gods.

I say a 40% fall in the rate in four years is a great job. If only he hadn't listened to the conservatives of his day, we'd have already been close to full employment by 1940.
If you want to know who the real fascists were, it was MacGuire and his gang.
You will never be allowed to rewrite the history like you want to.

Keep spitting on the very generation that won WWII
Nooo.. the fact that our main industrial competitors were bombed into the stone age had NOTHING to do with it. :rolleyes: It was alllll social spending and government waste.

Nor did the hundreds of millions of dollars in repaid war bonds making their way into private individual hands allowing for large amounts of disposable income that never had before existed for the middle class.

Nor the new application of technologies garnered from wartime scientific investment, both private and public causing the creating of new industries and products to become economically viable for the masses to buy.

Nope. It was all socialist spending of the government violating the constitution to buy voting blocs and create identity politics to support corrupt politicians enriching themselves off the largess of taxpayer monies they had no right to in the first place doing things they had no enumerated power to do.


The New Deal recognized what our founding fathers knew...corporations must be regulated to protect We, the People from corporate malfeasance, unethical business practices and the usurp of government BY those corporations. It is a concept that is the very antithesis of today's conservatives.

Throughout our history our most visionary political leaders republican and democrat have been warning the American public against the domination by corporate power.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth who would erode them from within.

Dwight Eisenhower, another republican in his most famous speech ever warned America against the domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country I fear the bankers more."

Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of Fascism" and Benito Mussolini who had an insider’s view of that process said the same thing. Essentially he said that - he complained that Fascism should not be called Fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state of corporate power.

And we what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called Communism.

The domination of government by business is called Fascism.

And what our job is is to walk that narrow trail in between which is free market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left. ref

I look forward to you posting evidence of this ludicrous statement. What are they usually called? Hmmm.... oh yes. White, rich, slave-owning, oppressive capitalist pigs.

Why would they ever want to repress themselves? Or is this only a definition when it's politically convenient for you, quickly thrown over the side for you to try and score political points with lies later?

He was partially right and a Republican... but not a conservative. That being said, for his era he implemented some DESPERATELY needed reforms that helped increase freedom for the vox populi while preventing the abuse of power caused by too much power in too few hands. It was because that era showed the dangers of Lassaiez faire capitalism which I have often pointed out and agreed needed regulation from. I am very much for consumer and labor protection as much as I am for industry needed to be protected from bureaucrats and government interference in markets... including bailouts. But you're comparing two eras with distinctly different levels of scale. The good news is that while the boomers and progressivism is dying by it's own excesses in government corruption, many of the dangers of Parasitic Government is beginning to be rolled back. And if we're lucky... really REALLY , we'll also see a rollback on Federal Power to pre-civil war levels.

FDR got it backwards. Government is the one in ultimate control, not industry. What's a business going to do when the government pulls a gun on them? Shoot back? pfft!

As Mussolini defined it, the proper term is Corporatism. This is where Government COOPERATES with and CONTROLS Industry not the other way around. It's an unholy marriage of the two, but Government is in charge of Industry and covertly profits while Industry unjustly profits from protectionism and corruption. Government still has the guns and law as their force, they control, not industry. refuse to obey and you're done. The government chucks you out and appoints a stooge from the party till they screw up. You can believe otherwise all you want, but it's party Apparatchiks, not corporate boards who hold the cards. Just like communists. A gun to the temple of an unwilling participant is just as effective as a willing conspirator.

Now... how's that compare to our current administration??? ooooooooohh.... wow. a little too close for comfort eh? And think! The labor unions are in bed with him too! All those kickbacks are paying off it seems.

Debatable. He was the first. But often you forget Republican does not equal Conservative.

And we what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called Communism.

And Fascism. Sorry, the difference is only in the bureaucracy. Of course you deny the rainbow of leftism.

Just like A Ford Escape is a Mercury Mariner is a Mazda Tribute. Only thing different is some of the cosmetic parts and name plates. Functionally they are 98% the same.

And what our job is is to walk that narrow trail in between which is free market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left. ref

Okay, if you are incapable of original thought we're done talking here. I mean jeez! Is there ever something you don't plagiarize and pass off as your own? If I wanted to debate these authors, I'd have emailed them.

But thanks for proving none of this is your idea... just another useful idiot for Lenin to love.

Maybe if you had honored my request to not to chop up my posts, you would have gotten to the link beforehand.

17th century political philosopher Thomas Hobbes called corporations "worms in the body politic." Adam Smith condemned them for their effect in curtailing "natural liberty." And most of the so-called "founding fathers" of this nation shared an opinion of corporations that today would earn them the label "lunatic fringe" from the same mainstream tongue-cluckers.

Those who won independence from England hated corporations as much as they hated the King. For it was through state-chartered corporations that the British government carried out some of its most pernicious oppression. Governments extending their power by means of corporations, and corporations themselves taking on the powers of government, are not new problems.

Because they were well aware of the track record of government-chartered corporations, and because they guarded their freedom so jealously, citizens of the newly independent United States of America chartered only a handful of corporations in the several decades after independence.

On those few occasions when states did charter a corporation, "the powers which the corporation might exercise in carrying out its purposes were sparingly conferred and strictly construed," Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1933.

In researching nineteenth-century laws regulating corporations, Morris found that in Wisconsin, as in most other states at that time:

*Corporations were required to have a clear purpose, to be fulfilled but not exceeded.2

*Corporations’ licenses to do business were revocable by the state legislature if they exceeded or did not fulfill their chartered purpose(s).3

*The state legislature could revoke a corporation’s charter if it misbehaved.4

*The act of incorporation did not relieve corporate management or stockholders/owners of responsibility or liability for corporate acts.5

*As a matter of course, corporation officers, directors, or agents couldn’t break the law and avoid punishment by claiming they were “just doing their job” when committing crimes but instead could be held criminally liable for violating the law.6

*State (not federal) courts heard cases where corporations or their agents were accused of breaking the law or harming the public.7

*Directors of the corporation were required to come from among stockholders.8

*Corporations had to have their headquarters and meetings in the state where their principal place of business was located.9

*Corporation charters were granted for a specific period of time, such as twenty or thirty years (instead of being granted “in perpetuity,” as is now the practice).10

*Corporations were prohibited from owning stock in other corporations, to prevent them from extending their power inappropriately.11

*Corporations’ real estate holdings were limited to what was necessary to carry out their specific purpose(s).12

*Corporations were prohibited from making any political contributions, direct or indirect.13

*Corporations were prohibited from making charitable or civic donations outside of their specific purposes.14

*State legislatures could set the rates that some monopoly corporations could charge for their products or services.15

*All corporation records and documents were open to the legislature or the state attorney general.16

Similar laws existed in most other states.

The Early Role of Corporations in America

The Legacy of the Founding Parents
The new deal certainly helped create a solid middle class, the best schools in the world and what many consider the best years this country ever had. The top tax rate was arround 88%.

They really have to spin hard to try and trash this record.

It will always fall short in the face of the real numbers.

See if you can detect when the conservative era began...


Oh lookie! Tardtard's favorite non-sequiter of dogmatic irrelevant insignificance correlation!

Now he will accuse me of being a mass murderer of some sort now because I've shown the math of this nonsense to be irrelevant garbage.

The incarceration chart is accurate. You attacked the source, mindlessly ignoring that they provided documentation.

U. S. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin NCJ 221944

See page #6

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