New poll on does Obama love America

I wouldn't expect any less from the ODS stricken rightwingers of this country. The shocking thing is that, in a Rasmussen poll, only 35% said he doesn't love his country.

LOL! Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Pssfffft. It's only a few points higher than President Bushes final approval rating.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Only to the rubes who make decisions based on misleading headlines and out of context quotes.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You stroke your vag while you were typing that?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

How many conservatives, in any poll about Obama are going to reply favorably?

You could have a poll "Is Obama worse than Hitler?" and 35 % conservatives will agree

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Similar polls said that Romney was going to win the election.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question[sic]

49%... Read the poll. To not know" is a vote in the affirmative, wherein those who so polled are telling the polster: 'They see no evidence in obama that he loves the United States.'

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Couldn't have said it better myself, ya rube.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Um no. Only a couple hundred thousand. That's according to the CBO. How do you not understand that it people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money?

LOL! You can't hide the idiots.

They have a check which has more money, which buys LESS. Because the axiomatic increase in cost of labor, did not result in more production, therefore the increase in the cost of that labor, means that the cost of the good produced by that labor, cost MORE with NO CORRELATING INCREASE IN VALUE.

How do you not understand that if it cost more to buy the SAME THING, that the increase in the dollars paid: HAS DONE NOTHING BUT DEVALUE THE DOLLARS USED TO PAY THE WOULD-BE WORKER! ??
I wouldn't expect any less from the ODS stricken rightwingers of this country. The shocking thing is that, in a Rasmussen poll, only 35% said he doesn't love his country.

LOL! Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Pssfffft. It's only a few points higher than President Bushes final approval rating.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Only to the rubes who make decisions based on misleading headlines and out of context quotes.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You stroke your vag while you were typing that?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

How many conservatives, in any poll about Obama are going to reply favorably?

You could have a poll "Is Obama worse than Hitler?" and 35 % conservatives will agree

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Similar polls said that Romney was going to win the election.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question[sic]

49%... Read the poll. To not know" is a vote in the affirmative, wherein those who so polled are telling the polster: 'They see no evidence in obama that he loves the United States.'

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Couldn't have said it better myself, ya rube.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Can I get a t-t-t-t-t-T!!! Can I get and L! Colon anybody? Bring me over that D and R! Can I also get an AMEN!!!
Um no. Only a couple hundred thousand. That's according to the CBO. How do you not understand that it people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money?

LOL! You can't hide the idiots.

They have a check which has more money, which buys LESS. Because the axiomatic increase in cost of labor, did not result in more production, therefore the increase in the cost of that labor, means that the cost of the good produced by that labor, cost MORE with NO CORRELATING INCREASE IN VALUE.

How do you not understand that if it cost more to buy the SAME THING, that the increase in the dollars paid: HAS DONE NOTHING BUT DEVALUE THE DOLLARS USED TO PAY THE WOULD-BE WORKER! ??
Um what? Let me see if I follow your so-called logic. A raise in cost to labor does not increase production? What the fuck? Are you listening to yourself? Why would an increase in labor in one part of the market buy less everywhere else in the market? Youre offering no actual explanation for why this non sense makes sense. You're just throwing phrases together and hoping it all makes sense. It doesn't. Price increases in the market, would again, depend on the raise of the wages. If raised to 10.10, the price increase would be pennies on the dollar. Over time, the boost of consumer spending would lower prices. Raising the minimum wage to a reasonable level would do NOTHING to devalue the dollar.
It really isn't a cap on earnings that I want. If wages were fair, I wouldn't care if CEOs made 350x more. Unfortunately, CEOs can't make that kind of money without giving the little guy the shaft. I would like to see the minimum wage gradually raised over a few years to $15.00 per hour. That may sound like a lot but it isn't. That wage would be kept up with the current rate of inflation. Right now wages are stuck in the 1960s inflation wise. Raising it gradually to that over a few years would give the market time to respond to it. The loss of initial capital would be minimal. Overtime that capital would be regained and more with the boost to consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

3% of people working in the US are making minimum wage. Most of them are part time teens. Raising it to $50 would not fix anything, but it would keep some teens from having part time jobs. Minimum wage is a non issue except with the media clowns. No one is trying to make a lifetime career and raise a family on minimum wage. The whole issue is a joke.

Yes, 2.6% actually of workers and 75% of them are 24 or under and only a tiny portion of them earned minimum wage three years ago. The minimum wage gets no one a raise, raise it and the poorest workers get fired and replaced with better workers. No one pays an employee worth $5 an hour $7.25 an hour.

The minimum wage is also a stealth tax on the poor. Most of the businesses that do pay it have to raise their prices, and most of the customers of minimum wage paying businesses are poor. The minimum wage is one of the greatest evils perpetrated on the poor by the left. Who needs a job more than a kid with no skills to get a chance to gain experience and get a better job?
The cost to capital depends on the raise. Raising it to 10.10 would kill only a couple hundred thousand jobs. Over time the boost t consumer spendif would regain those jobs and more.

There would be no boost to consumer spending, all you did is get everyone not worth $10.10 an hour fired and raised prices on the poor who can least afford it
Um no. Only a couple hundred thousand. That's according to the CBO. How do you not understand that it people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money?

Didn't read my post, Skippy. Do you understand the money came from the customers of the business so they have ... wait for it ... less money? Money doesn't come from nowhere. When you grasp that, you will be step 1 to understanding economics. Right now you not only know nothing but everything you know is wrong. And it has resulted in a 50% inner city teenage unemployment rate you plan to grow. Who needs jobs more than just the few hundred thousand you plan to ax? And who needs money more than their community you want to increase the cost for things like eating out?
You're dumb to believe the market should go unregulated. You're dumb to think there should be no minimum wage. You people are bat shit crazy. Me opposing libertarianism has nothing to do with wanting "the gov to care of me" whatever that means...

Strawman, I never said the market should not be regulated. I always enjoy the you want roads! You get Marxism! There is of course nothing in the middle. Anarchy or Marxism. Sure Billy. Here you go:

What is a small government libertarian US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He (or she) is making the Grand Assumption Extrapolation. I get that all the time.
But remember, only he/she gets to do that. You conclude that he-she's a Republican, you're in deep doodoo.

Having it both ways -- Priceless.

LOL, you just responded to a guy who projected that since I don't want socialism I'm an anarchist, that I am the one extrapolating. I'm not an anarchist, Bongo. Can't make up the idiocy Democrats spew.

As for Republican, you again demonstrate your flagrant liberal greed. I argue on the board with Republicans about the military and social policy. I only agree with them on fiscal issues. But with your obsession with wealth and money, that's all you hear. Again you show that's what everything boils down to for you. It's the $$$
Yes, they were classic liberals. You are an authoritarian leftist, you have nothing to do with liberal. No liberal would have government worrying about how much someone makes, an authoritarian leftist would be obsessed with it. I'm a liberal, today we are called libertarians. If someone's not in my shit, it's not my business. That is liberal. You are in my shit. That is authoritarian leftist
Libertarians are dumb. I'm sorry but they are.

Yes, that is our flaw. The idea we don't need government to take care of us? Sheer folly, you are on top of it, you can't make it on your own, you need a politician and a bureaucrat to do it for you. Genius
You're dumb to believe the market should go unregulated. You're dumb to think there should be no minimum wage. You people are bat shit crazy. Me opposing libertarianism has nothing to do with wanting "the gov to care of me" whatever that means...

He (or she) is making the Grand Assumption Extrapolation. I get that all the time.
But remember, only he/she gets to do that. You conclude that he-she's a Republican, you're in deep doodoo.

Having it both ways -- Priceless.
He/she more than likely has never set foot in a classroom of higher learning.

We can split that one, I have the learning, you get high
The founding fathers were not liberal by todays standard.

if they were, there never would have been a Declaration Of Independence, Revolutionary War, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the freedom for the demofools and liberliars to spew their HATE of America.
Liberalism is what founded this country.
in so damn many ways there are at least 37,281 reasons you are WRONG, the founders were more Conservative than we are today, do you have the slightest idea what Conservatism is ?? i do not believe you do.


:fu: ......................... :asshole: ... :lmao:
Raising it to higher than that would give a boost to all of those people.


raise the price of the goods they serve.., how does a plain no frills $7.99 hamburger sound to you ? add in fries and soda we now have $14.99 worth junk food !!

have you ever considered getting a job where you can earn enough $$$$$ to buy a simple starter brain ??? :lmao:
It really isn't a cap on earnings that I want. If wages were fair, I wouldn't care if CEOs made 350x more. Unfortunately, CEOs can't make that kind of money without giving the little guy the shaft. I would like to see the minimum wage gradually raised over a few years to $15.00 per hour. That may sound like a lot but it isn't. That wage would be kept up with the current rate of inflation. Right now wages are stuck in the 1960s inflation wise. Raising it gradually to that over a few years would give the market time to respond to it. The loss of initial capital would be minimal. Overtime that capital would be regained and more with the boost to consumer spending from bigger paychecks.

3% of people working in the US are making minimum wage. Most of them are part time teens. Raising it to $50 would not fix anything, but it would keep some teens from having part time jobs. Minimum wage is a non issue except with the media clowns. No one is trying to make a lifetime career and raise a family on minimum wage. The whole issue is a joke.

Yes, 2.6% actually of workers and 75% of them are 24 or under and only a tiny portion of them earned minimum wage three years ago. The minimum wage gets no one a raise, raise it and the poorest workers get fired and replaced with better workers. No one pays an employee worth $5 an hour $7.25 an hour.

The minimum wage is also a stealth tax on the poor. Most of the businesses that do pay it have to raise their prices, and most of the customers of minimum wage paying businesses are poor. The minimum wage is one of the greatest evils perpetrated on the poor by the left. Who needs a job more than a kid with no skills to get a chance to gain experience and get a better job?
The cost to capital depends on the raise. Raising it to 10.10 would kill only a couple hundred thousand jobs. Over time the boost t consumer spendif would regain those jobs and more.

There would be no boost to consumer spending, all you did is get everyone not worth $10.10 an hour fired and raised prices on the poor who can least afford it
Um no. Only a couple hundred thousand. That's according to the CBO. How do you not understand that it people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money?

If the burger joint pays every employee $200 more per week, what does that do to his profit margin? Most likely destroys it. So he has two choices, raise prices or fire employees. Either way the people that you want to spend more money don't have it to spend or everything costs more so they are no better off.

this is only complicated to simple minds.
Um no. Only a couple hundred thousand. That's according to the CBO. How do you not understand that it people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money?

If the burger joint pays every employee $200 more per week, what does that do to his profit margin? Most likely destroys it. So he has two choices, raise prices or fire employees. Either way the people that you want to spend more money don't have it to spend or everything costs more so they are no better off.

this is only complicated to simple minds.

Exactly, and as I pointed out, most minimum wage jobs are in areas with poor customers and they now have to pay more to eat out, and they cut back because they can't afford the higher prices. Liberalism is the endless quest to get things for free. And nothing is so expensive as that which is free. Socialism is a death spiral.
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
Like most liberals he views U.S. history through the prism that we have had 200+ years of social injustice. That America is an evil and rotten place.
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92

Conclusion: 35% of Americans are helplessly stupid and harbor bigoted views.
The founding fathers were not liberal by todays standard.

if they were, there never would have been a Declaration Of Independence, Revolutionary War, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the freedom for the demofools and liberliars to spew their HATE of America.

The concepts of "freedom of speech", "all men are created equal" and the idea that power derives from "We the People" are the absolute essentials of Liberalism, like it or lump it. Conservatism of the time would have kept us subjects of the King and the Church. That's what Liberalism got rid of.

You're welcome, ingrate.
The founding fathers were not liberal by todays standard.

if they were, there never would have been a Declaration Of Independence, Revolutionary War, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the freedom for the demofools and liberliars to spew their HATE of America.

The concepts of "freedom of speech", "all men are created equal" and the idea that power derives from "We the People" are the absolute essentials of Liberalism, like it or lump it. Conservatism of the time would have kept us subjects of the King and the Church. That's what Liberalism got rid of.

You're welcome, ingrate.

You are completely wrong. Individual freedom and individual rights are conservative values that were strongly held by the founders.

Today's liberals want a dictatorial monarchy with Obama as king and supreme ruler.
Today's liberals want a dictatorial monarchy with Obama as king and supreme ruler.

The '(snicker)' "Messiahs" reign will end in the peaceful transition of power on Jan. 20, 2017.

Yes, it will, and the country will have survived. The next president will have a lot of damage to repair.

How do you suggest that the next president deal with over 20 trillion in debt (it was 10T when obama took office) ?

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