New Sheriff: Trump Inquires About Revoking, Suspending CNN’s White House Access; BuzzFeed Too

Normally i don't support actions like this, but CNN and BuzzFeed really have been proven to be Fake News shite. So i feel this action is warranted in this particular case.

Wouldn't be long before he's after breitbart or Fox news for some slight.
Honestly, it would really be more efficient for him to only have one source with access. He could even nationalize it to save some money, and work on legislation to dismantle the rest of the media.
Time to take your head out of the glue bag.
Normally i don't support actions like this, but CNN and BuzzFeed really have been proven to be Fake News shite. So i feel this action is warranted in this particular case.

Wouldn't be long before he's after breitbart or Fox news for some slight.

faux maybe but breitbart is a propaganda arm of the USSR by promoting white nationalism.
God, that is the dumbest thing I've seen in this forum all day, and the competition is stiff.
The circle of wagons gets even tighter.

How about Trump go after all 'news' outlets that ran with the Birther fake news?

Including Trump himself? Ban yourself from your press conferences you dimwit.

What "birther fake stories?" How is asking Obama to produce his birth certificate "fake?"
Normally i don't support actions like this, but CNN and BuzzFeed really have been proven to be Fake News shite. So i feel this action is warranted in this particular case.

Wouldn't be long before he's after breitbart or Fox news for some slight.

faux maybe but breitbart is a propaganda arm of the USSR by promoting white nationalism.
God, that is the dumbest thing I've seen in this forum all day, and the competition is stiff.

Don't like it when people tell the truth about your employer?
I hope he does. It made it plain he's not going to let them ask any questions.

An incensed President-Elect Donald Trump has asked the First Amendment gurus on his legal team if it is permissible to expel or restrict CNN and BuzzFeed News personnel from White House press corps, a transition insider told True Pundit.

At a raucous press conference Wednesday Trump warned BuzzFeed and CNN “would suffer the consequences” for publishing “fake news” about him, though he did not elaborate.

I am against type of banning.. Let them be there, just do not have to call on them during Q and A..
I agree, maybe something like state run media would be a good idea.

You fucking idiot.
can you go back and point out the threads where you claimed that obama was doing something wrong by trying to exclude Fox News from the White House?
I would like to read that before you are called a hypocrite.
Of course Im sure you will come up with a billion reasons why its not the same when your HNIC did it.
Documents Show Obama White House Attacked, Excluded Fox News Channel - Judicial Watch
CNN has no Constitutional right to be in the White House.

CNN wasn't around when the constitution was written.

apparently you think that matters.

Did you know that your posts are absolutely hilarious?
I think that was a shot at the liberals who keep claiming the constitution does not cover certain things because they didnt exist when it was written. Like, owning any firearm other than a muzzle loader because thats what they had when they wrote the 2A, now way could the 2A cover a handgun, the framers of the constitution would not have even imagined such a thing.
The poor little babies can't take the heat and have to ban like little Hitlers. Wahhh, waahhhhh,,,,,
Its kind of the same as the liberals on here (you) it does get tiring when you are unable to come up with anything that has even a slight bearing of truth to it.
I do have to ask though, do you believe that bullshit that you and the other brain deads post or are you just hoping if you throw enough out there something will stick. Maybe you think that by making people defend your lies, focus on the real criminals ( hillary and obama) will be less.

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