New Wikileaks File Dump

But the rest of the world did not, now we all know...the question is why and what purpose does it serve to release it?

What value is gained by its release? Are we better off as a society now that it is released?

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But so what?

There is no so what.

So there is no but, buttinski.

And new anti-libel legislation will deal with the leftist games.

Are you this stupid or is it just an act for the forum?

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Thank you for confirming it was not a act.

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Thank you for your service to the dead.

It is not the dead i am concerned about, but you are too fucking brain dead to understand that point.

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So people are stupid enough to think that Assange didn't have a contingency plan for this situation? I wouldn't be surprised if he was saving some really damaging stuff just for this situation. With instructions to his crew about what to do going forward. That's not being a fraud, that's being a step ahead of your pursuers.

Assange stood for openness and no more secrets....except for his own.

Biggest fraud ever

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Poor baby. Did Assange outsmart you too? Every person in that kind of position keeps some things under his hat for this type of situation. It's called a contingency plan. Just because he was better at keeping his personal things hidden than idiots like Podesta and Hillary doesn't make him a fraud. Just a lot smarter than them.
Golfing gator is proud of his career keeping the people's government's secrets from the American people. He doesn't much care for Assange or his contingency plans.

This might be his motto?
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state".

Petty crazy I do not think that people’s private medical records are any of your business.

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Nor do I have any interest in them.

Due to the contradictory dates, possible evidence of forgery, strong motivations for fabrication, and few motivations for a legitimate revelation, the images
should not be taken at face value.
Steve Jobs purported HIV medical status results, 2008 - WikiLeaks
But so what?

There is no so what.

So there is no but, buttinski.

And new anti-libel legislation will deal with the leftist games.

Are you this stupid or is it just an act for the forum?

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Thank you for confirming it was not a act.

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Thank you for your service to the dead.

It is not the dead i am concerned about, but you are too fucking brain dead to understand that point.

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This will be the primary motivation for the anti-libel laws...


while you whine about the dead and how others might 'feel'.

Foul Ball!
Are you this stupid or is it just an act for the forum?

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Thank you for confirming it was not a act.

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Thank you for your service to the dead.

It is not the dead i am concerned about, but you are too fucking brain dead to understand that point.

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This will be the primary motivation for the anti-libel laws...


while you whine about the dead and how others might 'feel'.

Foul Ball!

There will be no new laws

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Thank you for confirming it was not a act.

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Thank you for your service to the dead.

It is not the dead i am concerned about, but you are too fucking brain dead to understand that point.

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This will be the primary motivation for the anti-libel laws...


while you whine about the dead and how others might 'feel'.

Foul Ball!

There will be no new laws

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Now you have your head in the Democrat's crystal ball of the future.

Get back to your outrage on how the dead and others might 'feel' about their privacy ... and the truth.

Yea, like when the Dimms said their emails were altered.

Never any evidence of that. They lied. Shocker.
So people are stupid enough to think that Assange didn't have a contingency plan for this situation? I wouldn't be surprised if he was saving some really damaging stuff just for this situation. With instructions to his crew about what to do going forward. That's not being a fraud, that's being a step ahead of your pursuers.

Assange stood for openness and no more secrets....except for his own.

Biggest fraud ever

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Poor baby. Did Assange outsmart you too? Every person in that kind of position keeps some things under his hat for this type of situation. It's called a contingency plan. Just because he was better at keeping his personal things hidden than idiots like Podesta and Hillary doesn't make him a fraud. Just a lot smarter than them.
Golfing gator is proud of his career keeping the people's government's secrets from the American people. He doesn't much care for Assange or his contingency plans.

This might be his motto?
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state".
It’s a tough transition from the Naval Infantry to keyboard warrior.
Why was he hiding this stuff before? If he is supposed to be about openness, why does he not practice what he preaches?

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Wikileaks denies it has dumped more files. Says the files being referenced have been there all along.
There is no coverage by any major news source, not even CNN or FOX. I think it's a rumor.
Yea, like when the Dimms said their emails were altered.

Never any evidence of that. They lied. Shocker.
Are you talking into the void?

The statement is from wikileaks.
The point still stands.
I'm not even sure what the point was.
Some Democrats said that Assange e-mails were 'doctored. Hillary and her gang along with Brazille, etc... were part of those 'some.'

But no, they weren't edited. The bits were not digitally altered. Just more leftist weaseling all the way up to Hillary's roost.
Why was he hiding this stuff before? If he is supposed to be about openness, why does he not practice what he preaches?

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Wikileaks denies it has dumped more files. Says the files being referenced have been there all along.
There is no coverage by any major news source, not even CNN or FOX. I think it's a rumor.

Yes, it's a rumor that they are new. In fact, so far, it looks to be a dump of a past dump.

And that says volumes. Someone is afraid... and it's not J... or it would have been the real dump...which must have been stopped. He had said there was one waiting his arrest or death.


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