New York Will Sue trump If He Sends His Troops To The City

I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually New York doesn't have a legal leg to stand on
Indefinite Detention, Endless Worldwide War and the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually it's the opposite, the residents can sue the city for violating their constitutional rights and the fraud that is NY taxation raised & ear marked for protecting the citizens being missused=missapropriation of funds.
The citizens should organize a kick Deblasio out of office rally where the cops would surely step aside, then vote Rudy in to clean up the Liberal mess.
Of course, none of that laughable, absurd fantasy will ever happen
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually New York doesn't have a legal leg to stand on
Indefinite Detention, Endless Worldwide War and the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history.
But they aren't military. That's how the mentally ill president tried to skirt the law. So thanks for wasting our time.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually it's the opposite, the residents can sue the city for violating their constitutional rights and the fraud that is NY taxation raised & ear marked for protecting the citizens being missused=missapropriation of funds.
The citizens should organize a kick Deblasio out of office rally where the cops would surely step aside, then vote Rudy in to clean up the Liberal mess.
Of course, none of that laughable, absurd fantasy will ever happen
Actually they could pressure Cuomo into removing DeBlasio, it would not be hard to do.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually New York doesn't have a legal leg to stand on
Indefinite Detention, Endless Worldwide War and the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history.
But they aren't military. That's how the mentally ill president tried to skirt the law. So thanks for wasting our time.
the president has the authority to use all necessary force
There are some very stupid people here. They hear some idiot screech "Sue" and they have hallucinations.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.

Who said anything about martial law?
I bet you hate ICE as well.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Actually it's the opposite, the residents can sue the city for violating their constitutional rights and the fraud that is NY taxation raised & ear marked for protecting the citizens being missused=missapropriation of funds.
The citizens should organize a kick Deblasio out of office rally where the cops would surely step aside, then vote Rudy in to clean up the Liberal mess.
Of course, none of that laughable, absurd fantasy will ever happen
Actually they could pressure Cuomo into removing DeBlasio, it would not be hard to do.
Also fantasy. Would never happen.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

If they are protecting federal property, then the authors of the huge elderly killoff don't have a case.
Trump is commander in chief of the military
And they would ignore his horrible orders again, just as they already have.
The military would love an excuse to open up on Burn Loot Murder.

I would do it differently. I would arm the law abiding citizens. All of them by the millions. Put up a fight against the anarchists and rioters.
the president has the authority to use all necessary force
nothing false about it

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
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the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.
(Added Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, § 1662(f)(1), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(5), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440.)
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

If they are protecting federal property, then the authors of the huge elderly killoff don't have a case.
Wrong. As usual.
the president has the authority to use all necessary force
nothing false about it

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
prev | next
the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.
(Added Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, § 1662(f)(1), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(5), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440.)
Exactly. Thank you, as always, for being my faithful assistant. Will you be assisting me in proving you wrong all night?
Communist democrats really believe that federal judges will protect those who would attack, vandalize and burn down the very courthouses from which they rule. Yes. They do. They believe that.
This is how the first civil war started
Republican President democrat assholes telling the Republican president he doesn't have the authority to do something
Communist democrats really believe that federal judges will protect those who would attack, vandalize and burn down the very courthouses from which they rule. Yes. They do. They believe that.
That is the right wong nutjob fantasy of the situation, and not what would play out in a court.
the president has the authority to use all necessary force
nothing false about it

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
prev | next
the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.
(Added Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, § 1662(f)(1), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(5), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440.)
Exactly. Thank you, as always, for being my faithful assistant. Will you be assisting me in proving you wrong all night?
Did You Know... Border Patrol Was Instrumental in Ending 'Long Night' of Segregation in American South?

James Meredith is escorted by Federal officials to register for classes at the University of Mississippi. Copyright Estate of Donald James Proehl.
James Meredith is escorted
by Federal officials to
register for classes at the
University of Mississippi.
Copyright Estate of Donald
James Proehl.
During the Civil Rights Movement, upholding federal law frequently meant defying state and local governments, as well as managing hostile crowds. At one of the most significant moments in the movement, the U.S. Border Patrol joined U.S. Marshals to enforce federal law by protecting James Meredith as he registered as the University of Mississippi's first African-American student.
Meredith was an Air Force veteran and native of Kosciusko, Miss. In 1961, he applied to the University of Mississippi. When his applications were rejected, Meredith took the University to federal court. He won his case on appeal, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the University to admit Meredith for the fall term of 1962. Despoiling this victory, Ben Cameron, a Fifth Circuit Court judge, negated the ruling even though he had not heard the case. The three-judge panel which heard the case appealed Cameron's actions to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. On September 10, 1962, he vacated Cameron's stays and ordered Meredith's admission to the University.

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