Newt vs Paul Paul gets pwned

Did anyone hear about the latest attack on US CITIZENS in the War On Terror?

While nearly all Americans head to family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Senate is gearing up for a vote on Monday or Tuesday that goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans. The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, but at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States itself.

Senators need to hear from you, on whether you think your front yard is part of a “battlefield” and if any president can send the military anywhere in the world to imprison civilians without charge or trial.

The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president — and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. Even Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) raised his concerns about the NDAA detention provisions during last night’s Republican debate. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.

The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing (source: Washington Post).

Another bill before Congress pushing the USA further into the dark of endless war, stripping away our liberties « Fabius Maximus

But don't worry, nothing to see here, Ron Paul is crazy, herp, derp...
Do people really support the Patriot Act? It seems y'all don't understand the unlimited power it gives to the govt. over it's citizens. You guys awnna live in a potential Nazi state and trust your govt. with your lives?

Yeah that's real smart, in the name of defense right? You know what's better than the govt. defending you? You defending yourself, from terrorists or the govt. We don't need spying or any of this shit.

Besides when did terrorist attacks spike like this? Oh right since we started these occupations, why don't we just leave these countries and mind our own business instead of provoking attacks on ourselves? I mean really what was the reason OBL gave for 9/11 again? Oh right the occupation of Saudi Arabia and the aid to Israel both things we should cut. If we were a neutral state that didn't meddle with other people, do you REALLY think we would be attacked by terrorists?

And let's look at this stat, you are 8 times more likely to die from a cop than a terrorist attack. Or any hundreds of thousands of times more likely to die from a heart attack than a terrorist attack, yet we need to give up all of our rights in this bill to MAYBE prevent an attack from happening?

You've got to be kidding me at the amount of stupidity found in Americans today, wow.


Get real

A nuke gets into downtown LA and some super citizen is going to stop the attack.

If pilots on those planes had guns like they do're the only one who needs to get real. As for the other moron who quoted my post, what am I suppose to say to him just saying I'm an idiot with nothing else?

Seriously, this is the reason this board just pisses me off, you guys aren't even fucking debating. These aren't fucking debates, you say one thing maybe two and then straight to just insulting the other person and calling them childish and nonsense like this without even fucking debating the actual topic.

I really don't give a fuck anymore what you guys think since none of you are willing to actually debate the issues.

The situation you put is hilariously, laughable, how would be smuggled across seas? Is this guy serious right now? And what no one would notice? You've got to be kidding, let me guess you believe the shit on that show 24 actually happens too. LMAO.
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Do people really support the Patriot Act? It seems y'all don't understand the unlimited power it gives to the govt. over it's citizens. You guys awnna live in a potential Nazi state and trust your govt. with your lives?

Yeah that's real smart, in the name of defense right? You know what's better than the govt. defending you? You defending yourself, from terrorists or the govt. We don't need spying or any of this shit.

Besides when did terrorist attacks spike like this? Oh right since we started these occupations, why don't we just leave these countries and mind our own business instead of provoking attacks on ourselves? I mean really what was the reason OBL gave for 9/11 again? Oh right the occupation of Saudi Arabia and the aid to Israel both things we should cut. If we were a neutral state that didn't meddle with other people, do you REALLY think we would be attacked by terrorists?

And let's look at this stat, you are 8 times more likely to die from a cop than a terrorist attack. Or any hundreds of thousands of times more likely to die from a heart attack than a terrorist attack, yet we need to give up all of our rights in this bill to MAYBE prevent an attack from happening?

You've got to be kidding me at the amount of stupidity found in Americans today, wow.


Get real

A nuke gets into downtown LA and some super citizen is going to stop the attack.

If pilots on those planes had guns like they do're the only one who needs to get real. As for the other moron who quoted my post, what am I suppose to say to him just saying I'm an idiot with nothing else?

Seriously, this is the reason this board just pisses me off, you guys aren't even fucking debating. These aren't fucking debates, you say one thing maybe two and then straight to just insulting the other person and calling them childish and nonsense like this without even fucking debating the actual topic.

I really don't give a fuck anymore what you guys think since none of you are willing to actually debate the issues.

you just logged on, and insulted five or six people, and you have responded to debate statements.
Do people really support the Patriot Act? It seems y'all don't understand the unlimited power it gives to the govt. over it's citizens. You guys awnna live in a potential Nazi state and trust your govt. with your lives?

Yeah that's real smart, in the name of defense right? You know what's better than the govt. defending you? You defending yourself, from terrorists or the govt. We don't need spying or any of this shit.

Besides when did terrorist attacks spike like this? Oh right since we started these occupations, why don't we just leave these countries and mind our own business instead of provoking attacks on ourselves? I mean really what was the reason OBL gave for 9/11 again? Oh right the occupation of Saudi Arabia and the aid to Israel both things we should cut. If we were a neutral state that didn't meddle with other people, do you REALLY think we would be attacked by terrorists?

And let's look at this stat, you are 8 times more likely to die from a cop than a terrorist attack. Or any hundreds of thousands of times more likely to die from a heart attack than a terrorist attack, yet we need to give up all of our rights in this bill to MAYBE prevent an attack from happening?

You've got to be kidding me at the amount of stupidity found in Americans today, wow.


Get real

A nuke gets into downtown LA and some super citizen is going to stop the attack.

If pilots on those planes had guns like they do're the only one who needs to get real. As for the other moron who quoted my post, what am I suppose to say to him just saying I'm an idiot with nothing else?

Seriously, this is the reason this board just pisses me off, you guys aren't even fucking debating. These aren't fucking debates, you say one thing maybe two and then straight to just insulting the other person and calling them childish and nonsense like this without even fucking debating the actual topic.

I really don't give a fuck anymore what you guys think since none of you are willing to actually debate the issues.

The situation you put is hilariously, laughable, how would be smuggled across seas? Is this guy serious right now? And what no one would notice? You've got to be kidding, let me guess you believe the shit on that show 24 actually happens too. LMAO.

Speaking of insults and lack of debating skills....

Get real

A nuke gets into downtown LA and some super citizen is going to stop the attack.

If pilots on those planes had guns like they do're the only one who needs to get real. As for the other moron who quoted my post, what am I suppose to say to him just saying I'm an idiot with nothing else?

Seriously, this is the reason this board just pisses me off, you guys aren't even fucking debating. These aren't fucking debates, you say one thing maybe two and then straight to just insulting the other person and calling them childish and nonsense like this without even fucking debating the actual topic.

I really don't give a fuck anymore what you guys think since none of you are willing to actually debate the issues.

you just logged on, and insulted five or six people, and you have responded to debate statements.
I just read what you anti-Paul people write and it's pretty much the same crap over and over, mostly things saying oh he's a kook, he's crazy, he's insane, he's talking about the moon, he's asinine, he's living in the past.

Pretty much a bunch of ad-homiens with little to no substance behind them.

Grampa that's all you've got, in every post I've read on anything pertaining Ron Paul it's pretty much all you've posted. Want me to compile a list for you in my free time of all your useless posts? I can do that for you and shut you up once and for all.
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If pilots on those planes had guns like they do're the only one who needs to get real. As for the other moron who quoted my post, what am I suppose to say to him just saying I'm an idiot with nothing else?

Seriously, this is the reason this board just pisses me off, you guys aren't even fucking debating. These aren't fucking debates, you say one thing maybe two and then straight to just insulting the other person and calling them childish and nonsense like this without even fucking debating the actual topic.

I really don't give a fuck anymore what you guys think since none of you are willing to actually debate the issues.

you just logged on, and insulted five or six people, and you have responded to debate statements.
I just read what you anti-Paul people write and it's pretty much the same crap over and over, mostly things saying oh he's a kook, he's crazy, he's insane, he's talking about the moon, he's asinine, he's living in the past.

Pretty much a bunch of ad-homiens with little to no substance behind them.

Grampa that's all you've got, in every post I've read on anything pertaining Ron Paul it's pretty much all you've posted. Want me to compile a list for you in my free time of all your useless posts? I can do that for you and shut you up once and for all.

Yeah be my guest. I like having my own personal trolls on a leash.

By the way internet talk is cheap so give a rest son.
You do Paul no justice acting a fool like this. I simply don't like him. I know most of the posters and at times I enjoy pushing their buttons. If your not mature enough to handle a jovial adult conversation maybe you should turn your internet off.
Odd comparison.


anyone who supports the patriot act is a fool.

Then I guess most of congress and half of America are fools. If only we were all as informed as you.....

i'd say you've lowballed the percentage of americans who are fools.

i love you guys who get all up in arms about the "nanny state" when the subject is welfare, but you're just fine with being searched to get on a bus.


anyone who supports the patriot act is a fool.

I've been called worse.

How's the patriot act effected you?

it's made banking a real pain in the ass for one thing, but how it affects me really isn't the point.

are you going to tell me now that if i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to worry about?
What do you fear?

Are you a gay anti war closet Muslim that supports Palin while looking at internet porn?

Seriously though how has the patriot act affected your banking? The only noticible affect I saw was when I had transactions over 10k. And even then it really wasn't a big deal. 5 extra minutes of my time more or less.

anyone who supports the patriot act is a fool.

Then I guess most of congress and half of America are fools. If only we were all as informed as you.....

i'd say you've lowballed the percentage of americans who are fools.

i love you guys who get all up in arms about the "nanny state" when the subject is welfare, but you're just fine with being searched to get on a bus.


Searching someone on a bus or plane for safety is far different than my tax dollars supporting a crack mother while she has her 4th baby.

And by the way nice painting. I've never made a reference to nanny state
I've been called worse.

How's the patriot act effected you?

it's made banking a real pain in the ass for one thing, but how it affects me really isn't the point.

are you going to tell me now that if i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to worry about?
What do you fear?

Are you a gay anti war closet Muslim that supports Palin while looking at internet porn?

Seriously though how has the patriot act affected your banking? The only noticible affect I saw was when I had transactions over 10k. And even then it really wasn't a big deal. 5 extra minutes of my time more or less.

my banking is none of the govt's business if i don't break any laws.

my life is none of the govt's business if i don't break any laws.

we've gone from innocent until proven guilty to guilty until the govt says otherwise. fuck that.

you might think it's worth it, but i think it sucks.
I've been called worse.

How's the patriot act effected you?

it's made banking a real pain in the ass for one thing, but how it affects me really isn't the point.

are you going to tell me now that if i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to worry about?
What do you fear?

Are you a gay anti war closet Muslim that supports Palin while looking at internet porn?

Seriously though how has the patriot act affected your banking? The only noticible affect I saw was when I had transactions over 10k. And even then it really wasn't a big deal. 5 extra minutes of my time more or less.

When J Edgar Hoover used illegal wiretaps, they were mostly used to crush political movements and manipulate elections. The highest ranking law enforcement officer in the United States is Eric Holder. You do the math.

anyone who supports the patriot act is a fool.

I've been called worse.

How's the patriot act effected you?

it's made banking a real pain in the ass for one thing, but how it affects me really isn't the point.

are you going to tell me now that if i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to worry about?

Yeah, it's also made banking real hard for terrorists, which has been the key to keeping us safe.

The way you phrase the question is clever, but with respect to the legislation, if you are not a terrorist, then you have nothing to worry about.
Gingrich is very fortunate Dr. Paul is an honorable & compassionate man. He could have ripped him a new one if he wanted to. But it would have been way too easy for him to do that. Gingrich has a very sketchy flip-flopping history. That wasn't Ron Paul in that Global Warming commercial farce with Nancy Pelosi. Guess who it was? Gingrich will do or say anything to get elected. He's exactly what you don't want in a candidate. I do respect him for his intelligence but he is not trustworthy enough to get my vote.

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