Next SCOTUS case may give ALL Americans a constitutional right to conceal carry guns in public

It all depends on where you live, what your circumstances are, if you are capable of defending yourself without one.........

I never messed with guns when I was younger. My father would never dream of owning a gun and nobody I knew had one as a kid. When I got older, one day I came home after work and my door was broken down and my VCR was gone. I knew who did it and I knew what they were capable of, so I bought a gun.

During the housing bubble, all the lowlifes from the inner-city started moving in. With them came the crime. That's when I decided to get my CCW.

You may not have ever shot a gun in your life, but remember this: one of the reasons you are safe in your home is because we Americans have that right to own a gun. Criminals have no idea if you armed or not, so if they decide to rob your home, they will do what they can to make sure you are not home when they do.

So have you ever used one in defense?

I have shot many, just never out of any necessity.

I don't buy it makes us any safer at all. Gun owners just guarantee more criminals with guns. Many countries with few guns are far safer than us. And just look how many people are accidently shot.

Gun bans didn't work in the countries they were tried. Did you ever take note how mass shootings almost always happen in gun free zones? Why do you suppose gunmen choose gun free zones in the first place?

If you don't believe guns make us safer, get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that sign on your front porch. Get back to us in a couple months and let us know how it worked out for you.........if you're still here that is.

You seem to have ignored all the facts. We have the most guns in the world, yet are far from the safest. Many countries with far fewer guns have much lower violent crime rates. Guns aren't making anyone safer.

It makes me safer, and that's all that counts.

If not being armed makes you safer, why do our police carry guns?

Our crime is not because of guns, our crime is because of criminals. How long has it been since we outlawed recreational drugs? Yet in spite or our laws, drug usage, overdose and deaths are at a record high.

No it really doesn't make you safer. How many defenses you have?

Police have to apprehend criminals. Completely different than defense.

Not saying crime is because of guns. But accidental shootings are because of guns. And those don't make you safer. Because we have lots of guns we have more armed criminals. Again, doesn't make you safer.
I've never seen a gun jump up out of a nightstand and shoot someone. Gun owners, like car owners do make mistakes.

Still waiting on your infallible plan to remove all guns from criminals and at the same time guarantee the safety of all law abiding citizens.
Man accused of pulling pistol in road rage on M-59

The caller followed the alleged pistol-puller, giving information to the police the entire way, until both vehicles stopped in a parking lot on John R. near Auburn. When police reached the suspect, they found a .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol in his waistband. The man did have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, authorities said.

This is getting repetitive: Nobody shot........NEXT!!!!
So have you ever used one in defense?

I have shot many, just never out of any necessity.

I don't buy it makes us any safer at all. Gun owners just guarantee more criminals with guns. Many countries with few guns are far safer than us. And just look how many people are accidently shot.

Gun bans didn't work in the countries they were tried. Did you ever take note how mass shootings almost always happen in gun free zones? Why do you suppose gunmen choose gun free zones in the first place?

If you don't believe guns make us safer, get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that sign on your front porch. Get back to us in a couple months and let us know how it worked out for you.........if you're still here that is.

You seem to have ignored all the facts. We have the most guns in the world, yet are far from the safest. Many countries with far fewer guns have much lower violent crime rates. Guns aren't making anyone safer.

It makes me safer, and that's all that counts.

If not being armed makes you safer, why do our police carry guns?

Our crime is not because of guns, our crime is because of criminals. How long has it been since we outlawed recreational drugs? Yet in spite or our laws, drug usage, overdose and deaths are at a record high.

No it really doesn't make you safer. How many defenses you have?

Police have to apprehend criminals. Completely different than defense.

Not saying crime is because of guns. But accidental shootings are because of guns. And those don't make you safer. Because we have lots of guns we have more armed criminals. Again, doesn't make you safer.
I've never seen a gun jump up out of a nightstand and shoot someone. Gun owners, like car owners do make mistakes.

Still waiting on your infallible plan to remove all guns from criminals and at the same time guarantee the safety of all law abiding citizens.

When did I suggest I would do that?
Gun bans didn't work in the countries they were tried. Did you ever take note how mass shootings almost always happen in gun free zones? Why do you suppose gunmen choose gun free zones in the first place?

If you don't believe guns make us safer, get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that sign on your front porch. Get back to us in a couple months and let us know how it worked out for you.........if you're still here that is.

You seem to have ignored all the facts. We have the most guns in the world, yet are far from the safest. Many countries with far fewer guns have much lower violent crime rates. Guns aren't making anyone safer.

It makes me safer, and that's all that counts.

If not being armed makes you safer, why do our police carry guns?

Our crime is not because of guns, our crime is because of criminals. How long has it been since we outlawed recreational drugs? Yet in spite or our laws, drug usage, overdose and deaths are at a record high.

No it really doesn't make you safer. How many defenses you have?

Police have to apprehend criminals. Completely different than defense.

Not saying crime is because of guns. But accidental shootings are because of guns. And those don't make you safer. Because we have lots of guns we have more armed criminals. Again, doesn't make you safer.
I've never seen a gun jump up out of a nightstand and shoot someone. Gun owners, like car owners do make mistakes.

Still waiting on your infallible plan to remove all guns from criminals and at the same time guarantee the safety of all law abiding citizens.

When did I suggest I would do that?
So you don't want to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms? Good. Now stop with your silly antidotes. I already posted the real numbers. There has been a steady decline in all crime, ever since we started locking up the trash. 3 strike rule, etc.

With all this road rage going on, maybe we should ban all modern means of travel. Back to horses.
You seem to have ignored all the facts. We have the most guns in the world, yet are far from the safest. Many countries with far fewer guns have much lower violent crime rates. Guns aren't making anyone safer.

It makes me safer, and that's all that counts.

If not being armed makes you safer, why do our police carry guns?

Our crime is not because of guns, our crime is because of criminals. How long has it been since we outlawed recreational drugs? Yet in spite or our laws, drug usage, overdose and deaths are at a record high.

No it really doesn't make you safer. How many defenses you have?

Police have to apprehend criminals. Completely different than defense.

Not saying crime is because of guns. But accidental shootings are because of guns. And those don't make you safer. Because we have lots of guns we have more armed criminals. Again, doesn't make you safer.
I've never seen a gun jump up out of a nightstand and shoot someone. Gun owners, like car owners do make mistakes.

Still waiting on your infallible plan to remove all guns from criminals and at the same time guarantee the safety of all law abiding citizens.

When did I suggest I would do that?
So you don't want to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms? Good. Now stop with your silly antidotes. I already posted the real numbers. There has been a steady decline in all crime, ever since we started locking up the trash. 3 strike rule, etc.

With all this road rage going on, maybe we should ban all modern means of travel. Back to horses.

Yes the Bill Clinton crime bill has been very effective.
It makes me safer, and that's all that counts.

If not being armed makes you safer, why do our police carry guns?

Our crime is not because of guns, our crime is because of criminals. How long has it been since we outlawed recreational drugs? Yet in spite or our laws, drug usage, overdose and deaths are at a record high.

No it really doesn't make you safer. How many defenses you have?

Police have to apprehend criminals. Completely different than defense.

Not saying crime is because of guns. But accidental shootings are because of guns. And those don't make you safer. Because we have lots of guns we have more armed criminals. Again, doesn't make you safer.
I've never seen a gun jump up out of a nightstand and shoot someone. Gun owners, like car owners do make mistakes.

Still waiting on your infallible plan to remove all guns from criminals and at the same time guarantee the safety of all law abiding citizens.

When did I suggest I would do that?
So you don't want to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms? Good. Now stop with your silly antidotes. I already posted the real numbers. There has been a steady decline in all crime, ever since we started locking up the trash. 3 strike rule, etc.

With all this road rage going on, maybe we should ban all modern means of travel. Back to horses.

Yes the Bill Clinton crime bill has been very effective.
I'm glad he signed it. The truth-in-sentencing laws for the states was very effective. The weapon ban was ridiculous and ineffective, but the rest of it worked relatively well.

Great! You finally found one. You had to go back four years, but you did it.

Lots of shady characters. I won't continue, but they are easy to find.

Find all you like. But the truth is that road rage incidents that involve CCW holders actually shooting somebody is probably a fraction of 1%. So the idea of CCW holders being armed in their vehicles will lead to uncontrollable road rage deaths is a fallacy.
We have Constitutional Carry in Kansas. The libs predicted the return of the Wild West (or at least their fictitious version of what they think the Wild West was). Salon published a long, poorly researched article on the topic. It never happened.

Oh yea, same thing here, especially when they incorporated our Castle Doctrine for CCW holders in their car. They predicted massive road rage murders. Never happened.

Recently, they passed a law that allows us to carry guns where alcohol is sold. Of course you can't drink while carrying, but the libs predicted gun fights like the old west used to have when people had too much to drink. Never happened.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing
Posting meaningless crap is a poor debate tactic.

Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says

But the rate of violence in other countries has also fallen. It's based on there being better entertainment at home, so less people are likely to be hanging out on the streets getting up to no good.

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits

The numbers don’t lie: banning guns means more crime


UK police behind effort to ban knives to end ‘knife violence’

Posting just websites isn't really an argument.

You third one about Australia was written in 2009. The gun ban was in 1997.

The problem is that sometimes things don't show a correlation in the short term, or something happens that leads to more crime.

Australian Institute of Criminology - Violent crime


Certainly looking at this, robbery rates have dropped dramatically since 2001. Sexual assault is at about the same rate.

Victims of violent crime (n per year)

There were 321 murders in 1997, and 249 in 2013. 2003 was the last time there were 300 or more. So, in the long term, perhaps the gun ban has helped reduce murders by 70 a year.

The UK also implemented a gun ban in 1997, and the impact has also been positive.




So, posting websites all referring to the same report which basically took a very small amount of time after a gun ban, to prove something which isn't the case, isn't going to get you very far.
We have Constitutional Carry in Kansas. The libs predicted the return of the Wild West (or at least their fictitious version of what they think the Wild West was). Salon published a long, poorly researched article on the topic. It never happened.

Oh yea, same thing here, especially when they incorporated our Castle Doctrine for CCW holders in their car. They predicted massive road rage murders. Never happened.

Recently, they passed a law that allows us to carry guns where alcohol is sold. Of course you can't drink while carrying, but the libs predicted gun fights like the old west used to have when people had too much to drink. Never happened.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing
Posting meaningless crap is a poor debate tactic.

Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says

But the rate of violence in other countries has also fallen. It's based on there being better entertainment at home, so less people are likely to be hanging out on the streets getting up to no good.
I believe you and a few other leftist wackados need to educate yourselves regarding the rate of ownership vs homicides and get back to us afterwards. Hint: there is comprehensive study on the topic, complete with pictures even the dumbest liberal will comprehend.

You didn't write anything to respond to. You only use insults.
Oh yea, same thing here, especially when they incorporated our Castle Doctrine for CCW holders in their car. They predicted massive road rage murders. Never happened.

Recently, they passed a law that allows us to carry guns where alcohol is sold. Of course you can't drink while carrying, but the libs predicted gun fights like the old west used to have when people had too much to drink. Never happened.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing
Posting meaningless crap is a poor debate tactic.

Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says

But the rate of violence in other countries has also fallen. It's based on there being better entertainment at home, so less people are likely to be hanging out on the streets getting up to no good.
I believe you and a few other leftist wackados need to educate yourselves regarding the rate of ownership vs homicides and get back to us afterwards. Hint: there is comprehensive study on the topic, complete with pictures even the dumbest liberal will comprehend.

You didn't write anything to respond to. You only use insults.
No, I asked you to gain useful knowledge and report back. Obviously some/most liberals are unable to do so.

Great! You finally found one. You had to go back four years, but you did it.

Lots of shady characters. I won't continue, but they are easy to find.

Find all you like. But the truth is that road rage incidents that involve CCW holders actually shooting somebody is probably a fraction of 1%. So the idea of CCW holders being armed in their vehicles will lead to uncontrollable road rage deaths is a fallacy.

But probably more than the number of Muslims killing people in terrorist acts, but you would take extreme measures against Muslims....

But the rate of violence in other countries has also fallen. It's based on there being better entertainment at home, so less people are likely to be hanging out on the streets getting up to no good.
I believe you and a few other leftist wackados need to educate yourselves regarding the rate of ownership vs homicides and get back to us afterwards. Hint: there is comprehensive study on the topic, complete with pictures even the dumbest liberal will comprehend.

You didn't write anything to respond to. You only use insults.
No, I asked you to gain useful knowledge and report back. Obviously some/most liberals are unable to do so.

I couldn't give a shit about your silly games, you're very close to the ignore list.

Great! You finally found one. You had to go back four years, but you did it.

Lots of shady characters. I won't continue, but they are easy to find.

Find all you like. But the truth is that road rage incidents that involve CCW holders actually shooting somebody is probably a fraction of 1%. So the idea of CCW holders being armed in their vehicles will lead to uncontrollable road rage deaths is a fallacy.

But probably more than the number of Muslims killing people in terrorist acts, but you would take extreme measures against Muslims....
How many Middle Eastern men have you invited to stay with you?

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