Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

The next session of the Jan 6 Panel will be Trumps efforts to influence Mike Pence

Should be interesting to watch

After that does Jerry Lewis get to entertain us, Bozo The Clown, or maybe we get treated to some standup by Seinfeld or Chapelle?

Hell, America would settle for Eddie Murphy instead of the Clown Show run by frauds like you.
The Democrats did nothing to provoke Benghazi

Trump created a lie to provoke Jan 6

Just keep at this. I think it's an excellent strategy to keep pounding on Jan 6th while gas prices explode, inflation balloons, and the recession starts.

Really. Keep going.
The Democrats did nothing to provoke Benghazi

Trump created a lie to provoke Jan 6
Benghazi was an illegal weapons and cash depot and Obama and Clinton were in direct violation of international law when they used that outpost to funnel money and weapons for the COUP in Libya and assassination of Qadaffi.
You get high marks for that fatuous false equivalence.

As I just told RW, you really should keep crying about Jan 6th right up to the midterms. Ignore gas prices, inflation, the coming layoffs and recession.

The American people will LOVE that strategy. Keep going
Just keep at this. I think it's an excellent strategy to keep pounding on Jan 6th while gas prices explode, inflation balloons, and the recession starts.

Really. Keep going.

Current inflation and gas prices will be a temporary blip in American history

Generations of School Children will learn of Trumps assault on Democracy

"Herschmann is an unknown useless tool"
Ummm? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
You know he is a 'tool'?
Yet, you say he is 'unknown'.
Well then, how do you know that?
You ain't simply being defensive, are you?


"Rachel Maddow admitted that...."
Ah, so Maddow is now your north star on political news?
Who knew?

"...inconvenient truths like how you leftist screamed Pence is a lying religious nut who will destroy America and he’s worse than Trump. Now you’ll hang on every word he says."

Well, it is like this poster is complicated. Lotsa nuances. Stops and starts. What was, now ain't. What is, won't be. Lotsa moving parts. Ofttimes in differing directions. That's sorta what life is like for those who are active and engaged in our societies. Trust me.

Mike Pence is more of a religious absolutist than fits my taste. And also for my tastes....he was overtly obsequious to Don Trump. THAT made him look weak and sycophant-like. IMHO

But, in the nuance-thingy I reference above.......he did have strength and non-sycophant behavior when he defied Trump un-Constitutional demands over the Electoral Ballot counting.

It would be interesting if Mike would open up about his thoughts on Don Trump putting Pence's wife and daughter at grave risk on January 6th. Trump egged on the violent crowd by criticizing Pence during their rampaging.

Reported within days of January 6th:

  • "Pence was in the building during the insurrection and was pursued by the pro-Trump mob over his refusal to interfere with the certification of the US election, a point Trump brought up to his followers several times.
  • Trump tweeted condemnation of Pence even as the president's supporters stormed the building."

    That's some pretty bad juju. Intentionally, or negligently, endangering the Vice Preside, his wife and daughter. Putting them at risk of being torn apart by a crowd of Trump Supporters who had been sent at the Capitol and enraged by Trump moments before at the Ellipse.

So let's watch and listen to the witnesses in today's hearing. Check your local listings.
Only in your echo chamber.

BTW I laughed out loud at this. "Trump's assault on democracy". Okay drama queen

That is Trumps place in History

it will record how Trump

Lost an election and created a lie that he was cheated
How he tied up the courts with unfounded claims
How he demanded senseless recounts and audits
How he pressured local election officials to overturn the voters
How he demanded his Vice President overturn the states

When that failed, how he called a mob to DC, fed them lies about how they were cheated, how he sent them to the Capitol to stop Congress

Mostly, Trump will be remembered for creating mistrust in the validity of our electoral process….All because he lost
I am sure you all got Trump this time...

Meanwhile, skyrocketing inflation, war in Europe, humanitarian crisis on our own border, Courts being threatened by your brownshirts, violent crime on the rise, drug overdoses on the rise, shortages of all products....this committee is the demafascist....this committee is Nero...playing a fiddle...while Rome burns.

He is still afraid of Trump

His staff will testify
He wasn't afraid of Trump when he certified the Election. Why would he be afraid now?

Pence is the central figure of 1/6, not his staff. You could have gone with the honest response and said you don't know shit.
He wasn't afraid of Trump when he certified the Election. Why would he be afraid now?

Pence is the central figure of 1/6, not his staff. You could have gone with the honest response and said you don't know shit.

I agree Pence should testify…..On the record and under oath
For the Historical Record

He won’t

He is afraid of Trump and MAGA
I am sure you all got Trump this time...

Meanwhile, skyrocketing inflation, war in Europe, humanitarian crisis on our own border, Courts being threatened by your brownshirts, violent crime on the rise, drug overdoses on the rise, shortages of all products....this committee is the demafascist....this committee is Nero...playing a fiddle...while Rome burns.

What does one event have to do with the other?

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