No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

CaféAuLait;8668376 said:

What got Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher in trouble was the fact that people were able to use Obama's answer to Joe as fodder and the left did not like it. McCain brought it up the "spread the wealth" etc... S

Seriously, you are upset because he called himself a plumber while working under his company's plumbing license ( something his boss claimed he could do)? You really think people were like OMG, I JUST HAVE to find out more about this man! He may have lied and he is not a plumber! HOLY MOLY Batman a CRIME of EPIC proportions!!! Lets start digging so we can make this man look awful!!! Please. Its scary.

As far as racist? Are you going to make the same claim he is a racist for linking to an article by a black tea partier and discussing it on his blog? Because that is the article he linked to then everyone started calling him a racist.

Here is the article that got it going where they linked to his blog and accused him of writing it, when he clearly links to the original black author and tea partier.

Naw, what made us all think he was a racist is when he called himself a "White Power Mario".

Sam the Scab is the kind of dumbass Republican working person who thinks that he's going to be successful because with enough asses kissed, the plutocrats will let him rise.

And no surprise, we found out he owed back taxes, missed child support payments, and oh, yeah, despite being Mr. Upwardly Mobile Entrepenuer, he took a union job because that paid better.

I can't find a damn thing to back up that claim at all. I see blogs and other people calling him that, but no where he called himself that at all. Please link to your claim. TIA. If not, its right up there with those claiming he lied about his name, since he used his middle name as thousands and thousands of people do, or a nick name as Obama AKA Barry did. And those who claim he said he owned a business, and those who claim he was not working as a plumber because he was unlicensed, etc. etc.
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CaféAuLait;8668539 said:
Because a person earning $40,000 can't buy a a business for $280,000. Plus, he was acting as though he was concerned about his taxes going up if he net more than $250K, when in reality, he wasn't even paying all of his taxes when he was making only $40K.

You don't know what kind of deal was offered to him by the owner of the business he was working for? You really have no clue about that? As far as the back taxes, even the tax office of his state said there was a 99 percent chance HE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM.

There is a judgment lien against him for nonpayment of income tax," Barb Losie, deputy clerk of the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, told "The state files hundreds of liens a day. It means he owes that money."

Losie said Wurzelbacher owes $1,182 from January 2007, but no action has been taken against him outside of filing the lien.

"There is no judge pulled, there is no attorney assigned... There is a 99 percent chance he doesn't know about the lien, unless he did a credit report or was ready to pay his taxes," Losie said.

America's Overnight Sensation Joe the Plumber Owes $1,200 in Taxes - ABC News

Also, from your link ... he changed his story ...

Wurzelbacher conceded today that he is not in danger of being hit with the higher tax rate. He acknowledged that he wants to buy a plumbing company for $250,000 to $280,000. That wouldn't be how much profit he would make from the firm.

OMG talk about splitting hairs.

This is what he said:

Joe: I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes about $250,000 … $270-$280,000 a year.

And the lie is where?

Who knows what happened to the plans. Maybe his boss got pissed since his business was put under the microscope and he believed his employee could work under the company's license.

Who knows? If every broken dream and or promise or plan was called a lie when it fell through, then we all would be liars, yes? It just seems silly to me to rip this man apart that asked Obama a question while Obama was on this mans street campaigning.

IMO I don't think Joe the Plumber knew what would happen. The MEDIA made him famous and McCain and others. Then his life was examined. I would hate to think this could happen to anyone on the campaign trail. Left, right or center.
CaféAuLait;8668696 said:

I can't find a damn thing to back up that claim at all. I see blogs and other people calling him that, but no where he called himself that at all. Please link to your claim. TIA. If not, its right up there with those claiming he lied about his name, since he used his middle name as thousands and thousands of people do, to include Obama AKA Barry. And those who claim he said he owned a business, and those who claim he was not working as a plumber because he was unlicensed, etc. etc.

Um, Obama's middle name is "Hussein"....

You k now, you guys need to stop elevating toads and worry when they make a stink.
CaféAuLait;8668696 said:

I can't find a damn thing to back up that claim at all. I see blogs and other people calling him that, but no where he called himself that at all. Please link to your claim. TIA. If not, its right up there with those claiming he lied about his name, since he used his middle name as thousands and thousands of people do, to include Obama AKA Barry. And those who claim he said he owned a business, and those who claim he was not working as a plumber because he was unlicensed, etc. etc.

Um, Obama's middle name is "Hussein"....

You k now, you guys need to stop elevating toads and worry when they make a stink.

As you can see my post was edited to reflect 'nick name' prior to your time stamp. Which probably means you click reply before my edit showed up.

Did Obama go by the name Barry? at one point in his life, Yes or no? Does that make him a liar?

Do thousands and thousands of American's use their middle names as first names. Yes, or no?

Those people named Charles and go by Chuck or Dick, when named Richard make them a lairs?

You really need to stop trying to make people look bad because they disagree with one party or another or ask a question. A shame politics are so flippin partisan when people say someone is a liar for using a middle name. The left wing attack on Joe the Plumber are nothing but petty and dishonest IMO. If one wants a true issue then focus on the real issues, not someone who uses his middle name and said he wanted to buy a business and did not. It makes the left look insincere at best.
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So Sam Wurzelburger is his name, not Joe the Plumber. So what?

Samuel Joseph Wurzelburger. Like many people (including my mother), he goes by his middle name. Joe The Troll is just having a conniption because Mr. Wurzelburger dared to commit the unpardonable sin: he did not bow down to The New Messiah!
So Sam Wurzelburger is his name, not Joe the Plumber. So what?

I think joe may be his middle name...
But you are right what.
He was critical of unions and to get ths job he had to join a union?
So we are going to give him shit for it...

The man wants to work.
Make fun all you want Libs.

He didn't have to join the union - that's the point.

Union membership is not mandatory.

OK, now you're just lying!
CaféAuLait;8668814 said:

As you can see my post was edited to reflect 'nick name' prior to your time stamp. Which probably means you click reply before my edit showed up.

Did Obama go by the name Barry? at one point in his life, Yes or no? Does that make him a liar?

Do thousands and thousands of American's use their middle names as first names. Yes, or no?

Those people named Charles and go by Chuck or Dick, when named Richard make them a lairs?

You really need to stop trying to make people look bad because they disagree with one party or another or ask a question. A shame politics are so flippin partisan when people say someone is a liar for using a middle name. The left wing attack on Joe the Plumber are nothing but petty and dishonest IMO. If one wants a true issue then focus on the real issues, not someone who uses his middle name and said he wanted to buy a business and did not. It makes the left look insincere at best.

No, guy, I don't go back and read posts, and using a "nickname" is different than using a middle name. Usually nicknames are assigned by other people. I usually sign most of my official documents "Joseph", but everyone calls me Joe.

Sam the Scab wanted to be known a "joe the Plumber" because it sounded earthy. Like I said,I really think this guy is a Koch Brother plant, and it was nice this weed got torn out by the roots.

Sam the Scab tried to present himself as something he wasn't, and he got called on it. And now the big phony is taking a union job after spending years bashing unions. (My guess. He won't last.)
CaféAuLait;8668814 said:

As you can see my post was edited to reflect 'nick name' prior to your time stamp. Which probably means you click reply before my edit showed up.

Did Obama go by the name Barry? at one point in his life, Yes or no? Does that make him a liar?

Do thousands and thousands of American's use their middle names as first names. Yes, or no?

Those people named Charles and go by Chuck or Dick, when named Richard make them a lairs?

You really need to stop trying to make people look bad because they disagree with one party or another or ask a question. A shame politics are so flippin partisan when people say someone is a liar for using a middle name. The left wing attack on Joe the Plumber are nothing but petty and dishonest IMO. If one wants a true issue then focus on the real issues, not someone who uses his middle name and said he wanted to buy a business and did not. It makes the left look insincere at best.

No, guy, I don't go back and read posts, and using a "nickname" is different than using a middle name. Usually nicknames are assigned by other people. I usually sign most of my official documents "Joseph", but everyone calls me Joe.

Sam the Scab wanted to be known a "joe the Plumber" because it sounded earthy. Like I said,I really think this guy is a Koch Brother plant, and it was nice this weed got torn out by the roots.

Sam the Scab tried to present himself as something he wasn't, and he got called on it. And now the big phony is taking a union job after spending years bashing unions. (My guess. He won't last.)

Sam the you're still butt hurting over him huh?
NO, not really. Frankly, I'm mostly just saddened that the GOP used to be about ideas, and now it's become a party that celebrates stupid people like Sarah Palin and Sam the Scab.
NO, not really. Frankly, I'm mostly just saddened that the GOP used to be about ideas, and now it's become a party that celebrates stupid people like Sarah Palin and Sam the Scab.

yeah yeah, sam the scab (Joe the Plumber) is a nobody only to you petty people on the left...

And Palin is a former Governor of a state, former candidate for Vice President of our COUNTRY, how dare PEOPLE celebrate her

Do you people ever grow up and out of your hate for people?

it's ugly and pathetic
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NO, not really. Frankly, I'm mostly just saddened that the GOP used to be about ideas, and now it's become a party that celebrates stupid people like Sarah Palin and Sam the Scab.

yeah yeah, sam the scab (Joe the Plumber) is a nobody only to you petty people on the left...

And Palin is a former Governor of a state, former candidate for Vice President of our COUNTRY, how dare PEOPLE celebrate her

Do you people ever grow up and out of your hate for people?

it's ugly and pathetic

The reason you don't celebrate these people is because they are dumber than shit. The fact that McCain didn't vet this woman properly and gave her a national soapbox to display her ignorance is just kind of sad.
NO, not really. Frankly, I'm mostly just saddened that the GOP used to be about ideas, and now it's become a party that celebrates stupid people like Sarah Palin and Sam the Scab.

yeah yeah, sam the scab (Joe the Plumber) is a nobody only to you petty people on the left...

And Palin is a former Governor of a state, former candidate for Vice President of our COUNTRY, how dare PEOPLE celebrate her

Do you people ever grow up and out of your hate for people?

it's ugly and pathetic

The reason you don't celebrate these people is because they are dumber than shit. The fact that McCain didn't vet this woman properly and gave her a national soapbox to display her ignorance is just kind of sad.

my gawd, you're not one to speak about dumber than your postings
and you people have SOME NERVE still going on about vetting....Mrs Palin was a GOVERNOR of a STATE, Obama was a JUNIOR SENATOR of not even ONE TERM IN CONGRESS...please spare up the BS...the people aren't buying it anymore
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my gawd, you're not one to speak about dumber than your postings
and you people whine about vetting....Mrs Palin was a governor of a state, Obama was a JUNIOR SENATOR of not even ONE TERM IN CONGRESS...please spare up the BS...the people aren't buying it anymore

Obama had spent a decade as a state legislator and a Senator for one of the most populus states in the union.

Palin governed a state that has less people in it than some suburbs of Chicago. And she didn't even finish out her term.

Again, you had vastly more qualified people McCain could have chosen, he picked Palin because he thought she had street cred with the crazy faction of your party. And then people saw how stone dead ignorant the woman was, and didn't want her to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency.
CaféAuLait;8668376 said:
CaféAuLait;8668080 said:
[It does not matter, he was working as a plumber. It happens.

He did not call himself "Joe the Plumber" the press did. Secondly, he believed he could work under the license of Newell Plumbing. Either way, it does not mean he was not doing plumbing work.

As I said earlier to argue as you all have since he was doing plumbing work non-licensed does not mean he was working as a plumber. The same way if a driver was unlicensed and driving a car, does not mean he was not the driver. That is how silly your argument is. You all want to push the 'hair-splitting' to denigrate the man who asked a question.

Obama flubbed his answer and his 'sharing the wealth' comment was something that generated a lot of press. Then, the press and McCain used Obama's answer and somehow Joe the Plumber was attacked, instead of attacking the answer. WTH? It's totally laughable.

Actually, I thought Obama's answer was perfectly fine. So did most people.

What got Sam the Scab in trouble was that he was representing himself as a "plumber" when he was not licensed to do plumbing work in that state. Oh, and we also found out he was a racist and a deadbeat dad and owed back taxes. In short, a typical kind of rube that the Tea Party trots out...

What got Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher in trouble was the fact that people were able to use Obama's answer to Joe as fodder and the left did not like it. McCain brought it up the "spread the wealth" etc... S

Seriously, you are upset because he called himself a plumber while working under his company's plumbing license ( something his boss claimed he could do)? You really think people were like OMG, I JUST HAVE to find out more about this man! He may have lied and he is not a plumber! HOLY MOLY Batman a CRIME of EPIC proportions!!! Lets start digging so we can make this man look awful!!! Please. Its scary.

As far as racist? Are you going to make the same claim he is a racist for linking to an article by a black tea partier and discussing it on his blog? Because that is the article he linked to then everyone started calling him a racist.

America Needs a White Republican President

Here is the article that got it going where they linked to his blog and accused him of writing it, when he clearly links to the original black author and tea partier.

'America needs a white Republican president': Joe the Plumber causes outrage with racist post | Mail Online

Personally I don't care if the article itself came from Marvin the Martian.

You folks seem tickled pink when a black fellow spews racist shit.

So you can use it as a "shield" when you spew the same nonsense.

That's what Joe (Sam) the fake plumber (Union Auto Worker) tried.

And it blew up in his face.
my gawd, you're not one to speak about dumber than your postings
and you people whine about vetting....Mrs Palin was a governor of a state, Obama was a JUNIOR SENATOR of not even ONE TERM IN CONGRESS...please spare up the BS...the people aren't buying it anymore

Obama had spent a decade as a state legislator and a Senator for one of the most populus states in the union.

Palin governed a state that has less people in it than some suburbs of Chicago. And she didn't even finish out her term.

Again, you had vastly more qualified people McCain could have chosen, he picked Palin because he thought she had street cred with the crazy faction of your party. And then people saw how stone dead ignorant the woman was, and didn't want her to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency.

lol, a LOWLY frikken state Senator of ONE of the most CORRUPTED state governments in the country...I know because I was raised in Illinois and he got that job through corruption and intimidation...whatever, you people who voted for him to be President has the damage he's done to us on YOUR HANDS and you need someone to piss and moan about so Joe the Plumber is it for THIS WEEK...shows just how petty and shallow you all are, is all
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lol, a LOWLY frikken state Senator of ONE of the most CORRUPTED state governments in the country...I know because I was raised in Illinois and he got that job through corruption and intimidation...whatever, you have the damage he's done to us on YOUR HANDS who voted for him

the only "damage" I see is what George W. Bush did. And I voted for that asshole twice because he was a good family man unlike Clinton.

Now I know better.

I'm not sure what Illinois you live in, I've lived here for 52 years, and sorry, politiicians are like they are everywhere else. They say what they think they need to say to get elected.

The thing is, there ARE some smart people on the Conservative Side. True, you've driven out folks like Charlie Crist and Colin Powell and Arlen Spectre, but you still have a few folks with brains...

Naw, let's go with Sam the Scab and Caribou Barbie.
I think joe may be his middle name...
But you are right what.
He was critical of unions and to get ths job he had to join a union?
So we are going to give him shit for it...

The man wants to work.
Make fun all you want Libs.

He didn't have to join the union - that's the point.

Union membership is not mandatory.

OK, now you're just lying!
Under the NLRA, you cannot be required to be a member of a union or pay it any monies as a condition of employment unless the collective bargaining agreement between your employer and your union contains a provision requiring all employees to either join the union or pay union fees.

The Supreme Court, in Communication Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988), a lawsuit that was supported by the Foundation, ruled that objecting nonmembers cannot be required to pay union dues. The most that nonmembers can be required to pay is an agency fee that equals their share of what the union can prove is its costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment with their employer.

Can I be required to be a union member or pay dues to a union? | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
my gawd, you're not one to speak about dumber than your postings
and you people whine about vetting....Mrs Palin was a governor of a state, Obama was a JUNIOR SENATOR of not even ONE TERM IN CONGRESS...please spare up the BS...the people aren't buying it anymore

Obama had spent a decade as a state legislator and a Senator for one of the most populus states in the union.

Palin governed a state that has less people in it than some suburbs of Chicago. And she didn't even finish out her term.

Again, you had vastly more qualified people McCain could have chosen, he picked Palin because he thought she had street cred with the crazy faction of your party. And then people saw how stone dead ignorant the woman was, and didn't want her to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency.

In 2008, Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined!

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