No More Department of Education?!

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their Own hands; they may a point teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout there Union; they may assume the provision for the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit of the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.
[W]ere the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America."

James Madison

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There never should have been a federal department in any way connected to America's school system. Federal involvement in education was predicted to result in failing schools and indoctrination rather than learning. It has proven itself so.
It was a gift from Carter. This whole behometh of worthless was a gift to the teacher unions in '79. And here we are with people thinking if it never existed nobody would learn anything. As if the actual levels of education haven't dropped since then.

Really? How have they dropped? What reference can you cite to prove that they have dropped?

I graduated in 1978 and my kids had much better educations than I had.
Any of your kids or grandkids wearing pussy hats and vagina costumes? If they are you failed and their education failed. Do your kids need a safe space? You failed and their education failed. Are your kids in need of trigger warnings? If so you failed and their education failed.

No, they do not and neither do kids in public schools. You are referring to a protest march dominated by libs..

My kids are: 1) a loan officer at a commercial lending company, 2) a former Army Infantry Sergeant now college student and Afghan War vet, and 3) one currently serving as an officer in the US Army.
HSLDA: Common Core Issues

There never should have been a federal department in any way connected to America's school system. Federal involvement in education was predicted to result in failing schools and indoctrination rather than learning. It has proven itself so.

What is this "indoctrination" all of you educator wannabees keep touting? The feds have almost zero influence in anything that goes on in a classroom unless it is special education or literacy programs for the poor kids.
Common Core. Are you seriously this dumb?

No, but it appears you don't know anything about Common Core.

There is no requirement whatsoever for states to adopt Common Core. I have taught using Common Core going on 6 years now and it is no different than the standards from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) or Florida's Sunshine State Standards, other than that they are more rigorous.

What most critics call "Common Core" is curriculum designed by textbook manufacturers that is "aligned" to the standards. That stuff is simply crap. No school is or was ever required to sue it and those decisions are made at the state and local school levels.

I have a Master's degree in Education and 20 years experience. What do you have?

Why do you conservative education haters want to dredge up old news? The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) did away with the Common Core requirement. Can't you ever learn something new?

The HSLDA is a group that needs to be sued for malpractice.
Not gonna happen. Although i'm not completely opposed to it. We definitely need revolutionary change in our education system. Government-run Schools are a real mess. Democrat Teacher Unions have viciously fought against every possible innovation.

The Democrats don't serve the kids' best interests. They only serve their own interests at this point. Parents desperately need viable alternatives. It is time for change. Hopefully, Betsy DeVos will be successful in delivering that change.

I'll bet you cannot name a single example of what you claim to be true.

Are you up to the game or just spitballing your pet theories?

Done asshole, now what are you going to say?

Yes, you are likely done, but you are not done being an asshole.

You didn't listen to the video. That video does nothing to answer my challenge to you.

Tell me what innovation has been opposed by the teacher;s unions and not just the NEA. You do realize there are other unions beside the NEA, right?

Teacher's unions represent teachers. Do you think the teamster's union really cares about what type of fuel mileage their trucks get? No. They represent truck drivers.

Why is it that you mental midgets think that a union is concerned about students? They don't pay my union dues, that is if I were even a member of the union.

The teachers unions are a slush fund for the D party. That is their primary purpose.

Yeah, and that has been working out so well for the Democrats, hasn't it?
Not gonna happen. Although i'm not completely opposed to it. We definitely need revolutionary change in our education system. Government-run Schools are a real mess. Democrat Teacher Unions have viciously fought against every possible innovation.

The Democrats don't serve the kids' best interests. They only serve their own interests at this point. Parents desperately need viable alternatives. It is time for change. Hopefully, Betsy DeVos will be successful in delivering that change.

I'll bet you cannot name a single example of what you claim to be true.

Are you up to the game or just spitballing your pet theories?

Done asshole, now what are you going to say?

Yes, you are likely done, but you are not done being an asshole.

You didn't listen to the video. That video does nothing to answer my challenge to you.

Tell me what innovation has been opposed by the teacher;s unions and not just the NEA. You do realize there are other unions beside the NEA, right?

Teacher's unions represent teachers. Do you think the teamster's union really cares about what type of fuel mileage their trucks get? No. They represent truck drivers.

Why is it that you mental midgets think that a union is concerned about students? They don't pay my union dues, that is if I were even a member of the union.

The teachers unions are a slush fund for the D party. That is their primary purpose.

Yeah, and that has been working out so well for the Democrats, hasn't it?

Imagine if the D Party received little to nothing from the Teachers know? Like the R Party does.

If that HUGE revenue source were to dry up, the D Party might die. This is why the Ds will do ANYTHING to keep their monopoly going.
Neither party wants to actually reduce the size cost and scope of government
Haven't you people figured that out yet?
We don't hate education. We hate what education has become.
And odd you say common core has been done away with...

No matter what Kellyanne Conway says, Trump can't repeal the Common Core
Trump Will Repeal Common Core, Says Kellyanne Conway (He Can't)
Trump's pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, could make reform reality
Common Core Foes Are Really Worried About Trump’s Ed Sec Choice

HSLDA: Common Core Issues

There never should have been a federal department in any way connected to America's school system. Federal involvement in education was predicted to result in failing schools and indoctrination rather than learning. It has proven itself so.

What is this "indoctrination" all of you educator wannabees keep touting? The feds have almost zero influence in anything that goes on in a classroom unless it is special education or literacy programs for the poor kids.
Common Core. Are you seriously this dumb?

No, but it appears you don't know anything about Common Core.

There is no requirement whatsoever for states to adopt Common Core. I have taught using Common Core going on 6 years now and it is no different than the standards from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) or Florida's Sunshine State Standards, other than that they are more rigorous.

What most critics call "Common Core" is curriculum designed by textbook manufacturers that is "aligned" to the standards. That stuff is simply crap. No school is or was ever required to sue it and those decisions are made at the state and local school levels.

I have a Master's degree in Education and 20 years experience. What do you have?

Why do you conservative education haters want to dredge up old news? The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) did away with the Common Core requirement. Can't you ever learn something new?

The HSLDA is a group that needs to be sued for malpractice.
There never should have been a federal department in any way connected to America's school system. Federal involvement in education was predicted to result in failing schools and indoctrination rather than learning. It has proven itself so.
It was a gift from Carter. This whole behometh of worthless was a gift to the teacher unions in '79. And here we are with people thinking if it never existed nobody would learn anything. As if the actual levels of education haven't dropped since then.

Really? How have they dropped? What reference can you cite to prove that they have dropped?

I graduated in 1978 and my kids had much better educations than I had.
Any of your kids or grandkids wearing pussy hats and vagina costumes? If they are you failed and their education failed. Do your kids need a safe space? You failed and their education failed. Are your kids in need of trigger warnings? If so you failed and their education failed.

No, they do not and neither do kids in public schools. You are referring to a protest march dominated by libs..

My kids are: 1) a loan officer at a commercial lending company, 2) a former Army Infantry Sergeant now college student and Afghan War vet, and 3) one currently serving as an officer in the US Army.
You're full of shit if you think your kids are the rule instead of the exception. For every one of yours there are 5 snowflakes in the system that hate capitalists and soldiers like your kids. You obviously are not from an area that voted for Hillary. Which is a blessing. Don't ignore what's happening outside of that.

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