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No time to gloat...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
Much as I'd like to see articles of impeachment filed against the just about every member of the Bush administration, now is not the time.

Tom DeLay has threatened to turn the next Congress into a "lame-duck majority". This scorched earth policy is not what America needs...Not now...Not ever.

Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives, and govern rather than engage in witch-hunts, however justified they may be. Such actions will ultimately be counter-productive and serve only to make Republican partisans even more determined to do whatever it takes to regain their strangle-hold on power.

These same Republican partisans need to put away their desire for revenge over this loss. The Democrats did not vote them out of office. The American people did.

Both parties need to come together and do their jobs, put aside partisan politics and do the people's work, It's what we pay them to do. The time will come for the Democrats to use their subpoena power, but there is work to be done first.

There is no time for gloating...There is no time for reprisals...It's time for both parties to go to work in Washington. If they don't, we, the People, will find suitable replacements.
Let me see if i get this straight:

1)We are in power, anything goes to try to stop us.
2)you are in power, "its not time for paritsanship"

Exactly how is Delay going to do anything to this Congress anyway? He has no power. Id be more scared that the second these charges against him are dismissed that he is going to try to take his seat back.

The first things on your agenda are impeachment and shutting Rush and Hannity up. Do you honestly thing we are going to ignore that?
Much as I'd like to see articles of impeachment filed against the just about every member of the Bush administration, now is not the time.
Yea, that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that such a move would be political suicide. How "nice" of you ;)

Tom DeLay has threatened to turn the next Congress into a "lame-duck majority". This scorched earth policy is not what America needs...Not now...Not ever.
But it was OK for Dems to do that all along right up to the election.

Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives, and govern rather than engage in witch-hunts, however justified they may be. Such actions will ultimately be counter-productive and serve only to make Republican partisans even more determined to do whatever it takes to regain their strangle-hold on power.
Strangle-hold? How could it have been a "strangle-hold" if they just got booted out of power? How is it when Dems are in control its not a strangle-hold?

These same Republican partisans need to put away their desire for revenge over this loss. The Democrats did not vote them out of office. The American people did.
In other words, "Don't do what we did when we lost". :smoke:

Both parties need to come together and do their jobs, put aside partisan politics and do the people's work, It's what we pay them to do. The time will come for the Democrats to use their subpoena power, but there is work to be done first.
Both parties need to come together, but only when your party has the majority.

You never cease to amaze me Bully...
Much as I'd like to see articles of impeachment filed against the just about every member of the Bush administration, now is not the time.

Tom DeLay has threatened to turn the next Congress into a "lame-duck majority". This scorched earth policy is not what America needs...Not now...Not ever.

Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives, and govern rather than engage in witch-hunts, however justified they may be. Such actions will ultimately be counter-productive and serve only to make Republican partisans even more determined to do whatever it takes to regain their strangle-hold on power.

These same Republican partisans need to put away their desire for revenge over this loss. The Democrats did not vote them out of office. The American people did.

Both parties need to come together and do their jobs, put aside partisan politics and do the people's work, It's what we pay them to do. The time will come for the Democrats to use their subpoena power, but there is work to be done first.

There is no time for gloating...There is no time for reprisals...It's time for both parties to go to work in Washington. If they don't, we, the People, will find suitable replacements.

Funny how it takes you exactly 0.00473 seconds to start dribbling out the liberal montra.

Sorry pulit. It's a steaming pile of dog shit. You sons a bitchin' liberals have been frothing at the mouth for years now, and now you think ten words from your new God nancy pelosi is going to make us think you're all about something different?

Not a fucking chance son.
Yea, that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that such a move would be political suicide. How "nice" of you ;)

Pelosi already said, if you watched her interview on 60 Minutes, that there not going to be an impeachment. Do you think we're like you guys? Yes, some will make noises about it, but it's going to be just that... noise.

But it was OK for Dems to do that all along right up to the election.

As opposed to saying that people should vote for the status quo or die? Wanna talk about divisiveness...everything the repubicans have done since 2000. Politics goes both ways and it was fair to call you guys to task for screwing things up. Better than running ads telling people the black guy running for senate was gonna steal their white women. :crutch:

Strangle-hold? How could it have been a "strangle-hold" if they just got booted out of power? How is it when Dems are in control its not a strangle-hold?

What would you call the last six years? It was time for some checks and balances. I'm actually surprised it went as far as it did and I'm sorry that a good man like Lincoln Chafee ended up as collateral damage.

In other words, "Don't do what we did when we lost". :smoke:

No...the lesson is don't be smug, arrogant assholes when you win .... you know, like your guys were for the last six years. The arrogance of power is a dangerous thing, as your folk have proven repeatedly.

I've seen a lot of things about how the right should obstruct everything the dems try to do... that doesn't sound very bi-partisan, does it? Luckily, the pres seems to be actually thinking about his legacy and while I think he isn't intellectually equipped for the presidency, he is a very astute politician. Plus, he's brought in the smart people who worked with his daddy and has marginalized Cheney and the neo-cons... that's a huge step forward. Had he done it a week earlier, neither the House nor the Senate would have changed hands.

Seeing Karl Rove's strategy of only appealing to the base fail was also a huge wake up call for Bush who, when he was governor of Texas, actually had a history of being able to work across the aisle and accomplish things. Had he not forgotten that when he took the presidency your party wouldn't be in the pickle it's in.

Both parties need to come together, but only when your party has the majority.

Right out of your right-wing playbook, maybe? But I'm hoping that we do better than you did in that regard.
Let me see if i get this straight:

1)We are in power, anything goes to try to stop us.
2)you are in power, "its not time for paritsanship"

Exactly how is Delay going to do anything to this Congress anyway? He has no power. Id be more scared that the second these charges against him are dismissed that he is going to try to take his seat back.

The first things on your agenda are impeachment and shutting Rush and Hannity up. Do you honestly thing we are going to ignore that?

Wrong, as usual. And who is the "we" you referred to? You gotta mouse in yer pocket?

DeLay said he was going to work to make the Democratic majority a "lame-duck majority". He was a major power-broker in Washington, and he still has the ear of many in that town who will listen to him.

As for Rush and Hannity, they can talk all they want. They have nothing to say to me. Their listeners will choose whether or not they will be "shut up". Impeachment, as richly as Bush and members of his administration deserve it, doesn't seem to be on the Democratic agenda, which, BTW, isnn't neccessarily mine.

I'm truly sorry you can't accept the simple fact that I want to see this nation's wounds healed...that I want to see a functional government that is of the people, by the people and for the people...But it's the truth. If you can't accept that simple truth, that is your choice. It's wrong, but it's your choice, and I won't gainsay you the right to make that choice.
I'm truly sorry you can't accept the simple fact that I want to see this nation's wounds healed...that I want to see a functional government that is of the people, by the people and for the people...But it's the truth. If you can't accept that simple truth, that is your choice. It's wrong, but it's your choice, and I won't gainsay you the right to make that choice.

As long as 'the people' are the people with whom you agree, eh? Here's the problem - Liberals (Republican and democrat) are BAD for the nation. Liberals CAUSE wounds. You say you seek 'truth' but you worship lies and liars. Ironic.
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Funny how it takes you exactly 0.00473 seconds to start dribbling out the liberal montra.

Sorry pulit. It's a steaming pile of dog shit. You sons a bitchin' liberals have been frothing at the mouth for years now, and now you think ten words from your new God nancy pelosi is going to make us think you're all about something different?

Not a fucking chance son.

Nancy Pelosi isn't "My god". Being an atheist, I worship no gods. I sincerely hope Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats in Congress will work to seal the breach and bring civility, common sense and decency back to the halls of power in Washington.

I'm sorry if you can't accept that, but it's your choice. Good luck.
Nancy Pelosi isn't "My god". Being an atheist, I worship no gods. I sincerely hope Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats in Congress will work to seal the breach and bring civility, common sense and decency back to the halls of power in Washington.

I'm sorry if you can't accept that, but it's your choice. Good luck.

Please, Democrats are the ones causing the incivility. They havent been civil since FDR.
Much as I'd like to see articles of impeachment filed against the just about every member of the Bush administration, now is not the time.

Tom DeLay has threatened to turn the next Congress into a "lame-duck majority". This scorched earth policy is not what America needs...Not now...Not ever.

Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives, and govern rather than engage in witch-hunts, however justified they may be. Such actions will ultimately be counter-productive and serve only to make Republican partisans even more determined to do whatever it takes to regain their strangle-hold on power.

These same Republican partisans need to put away their desire for revenge over this loss. The Democrats did not vote them out of office. The American people did.

Both parties need to come together and do their jobs, put aside partisan politics and do the people's work, It's what we pay them to do. The time will come for the Democrats to use their subpoena power, but there is work to be done first.

There is no time for gloating...There is no time for reprisals...It's time for both parties to go to work in Washington. If they don't, we, the People, will find suitable replacements.

:rotflmao: Where has this new found position been since 2000? Wait, I've heard it a thousand times, just not from the left.:eek2:
Amazing that the left is still afraid of Delay. maybe he should run for President lol
Amazing that the left is still afraid of Delay. maybe he should run for President lol

LOL He doesn't even hold office and they are still worried about him. I'd love to see him run for Prez....libs would wet their pants in fear. :cool:
Much as I'd like to see articles of impeachment filed against the just about every member of the Bush administration, now is not the time.

Tom DeLay has threatened to turn the next Congress into a "lame-duck majority". This scorched earth policy is not what America needs...Not now...Not ever.

Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives, and govern rather than engage in witch-hunts, however justified they may be. Such actions will ultimately be counter-productive and serve only to make Republican partisans even more determined to do whatever it takes to regain their strangle-hold on power.

These same Republican partisans need to put away their desire for revenge over this loss. The Democrats did not vote them out of office. The American people did.

Both parties need to come together and do their jobs, put aside partisan politics and do the people's work, It's what we pay them to do. The time will come for the Democrats to use their subpoena power, but there is work to be done first.

There is no time for gloating...There is no time for reprisals...It's time for both parties to go to work in Washington. If they don't, we, the People, will find suitable replacements.

Ok, I'm willing to give the Democrats a chance, even though they never gave the Republicans one.

But, the minute I see them starting to come after the President, or any of his cabinet, all bets are off.

As long as your people do what you say they are going to do, that's great, we DO need to direct our energy toward the issues facing the American public, and NOT the issues between the two parties.

As I've mentioned before, my parents were Democrats. They would be saddened by what the party has become.

As you said,"Democratic partisans need to stop sharpening their knives", this will be THE defining moment of the party, what they do NOW.

All us members of the "vast right-wing conspiracy", WILL be watching.

Your turn at the "plate".:cool:
What I find funny about this post, is it's been two day's since the election, and the Democrat's are already out there telling us how their going to save us and THE WORLD....

And fer sur.....NO Gloating........

Amazing that the left is still afraid of Delay. maybe he should run for President lol

Nothing to fear there. His ideals were repudiated on Tuesday. But there are those in the GOP who would cheerfully sacrifice any chance at real bi-partisan work on the altar of their desire for power. And there are plenty of DeLay's proteges left in the House, as well as the K-Street Project which is still up and running, which would poison the bi-partisn well without hesitation.

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