None of the Democrats running for President can beat Trump...

You disagree?

Name a Democratic candidate that has a chance of defeating Trump?

I can't think of one, except Joe Biden, but I think he's out.
Any of them. If Hillary, with decades of warfare against her by rubes, could get 3 million more votes than your retarded idiot, then any of the current Dem stable could get to the 4 or 5 million more vote surplus necessary to beat the obsolete electoral college.
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?

You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
Wow, are there really people out there who think Sandy Hook was a hoax? guess anything is possible some people think Bush was involved in 9/11. just scary we have so many Americans who will buy into anything that discredits the other party. its now party over principals.
...I predict that many of them won't even make it to the Iowa caucus. They will run out of money and drop out.
Yeah probably, bro... :cuckoo:
You disagree?

Name a Democratic candidate that has a chance of defeating Trump?

I can't think of one, except Joe Biden, but I think he's out.
Biden's not out...but there's

Mayor Pete

Kamala Harris

Liz Warren

Maybe even Sanders (although I have questions there)
The more I see and hear from Mayor Pete, the more I'm impressed with him. He's level headed, articulate, intelligent and thinks things through before he makes any replies to the questions he's asked.
...I predict that many of them won't even make it to the Iowa caucus. They will run out of money and drop out.
Yeah probably, bro... :cuckoo:
You disagree?

Name a Democratic candidate that has a chance of defeating Trump?

I can't think of one, except Joe Biden, but I think he's out.
Any of them. If Hillary, with decades of warfare against her by rubes, could get 3 million more votes than your retarded idiot, then any of the current Dem stable could get to the 4 or 5 million more vote surplus necessary to beat the obsolete electoral college.
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?
What is your prediction based on?
Wow, are there really people out there who think Sandy Hook was a hoax? guess anything is possible some people think Bush was involved in 9/11. just scary we have so many Americans who will buy into anything that discredits the other party. its now party over principals.
Agreed both theroys are delusional
...I predict that many of them won't even make it to the Iowa caucus. They will run out of money and drop out.
Yeah probably, bro... :cuckoo:
You disagree?

Name a Democratic candidate that has a chance of defeating Trump?

I can't think of one, except Joe Biden, but I think he's out.
Any of them. If Hillary, with decades of warfare against her by rubes, could get 3 million more votes than your retarded idiot, then any of the current Dem stable could get to the 4 or 5 million more vote surplus necessary to beat the obsolete electoral college.
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?

The 2016 election basically came down to 3 states, MI, WI, PA. Trump carried those three states by less than 1 percentage point total.

All three of those states elected Dem governors in 2018.

Hillary was the most flawed candidate ever and she quit campaigning in August because she thought she had it in the bag.

You should avoid making the same mistake the Dems made in 2016

Maryland elected a Republican governor in 2014 and 2018. Yet Maryland was called for Hillary in 2016 with 0% of the vote in and people still at the voting machines. I don't how much of a correlation there is. Certainly Maryland would blow your theory out of the water.

But yes, Republicans can't afford to take any state for granted, for sure.
Me neither but I think the comment was innocent. I'd say "A guy would be lucky to date her", but I am not a narcissist like DJT is. But being that way got him to be a billionaire and the most powerful man in the world. I am just a middle class schmuch. But still I was able to attend a better school than U of Buffalo..with a 60% acceptance rate. LMAO.

He got to be a billionaire by being born into the right family. If Trump had started out in Hill City Kansas the child of a wheat farmer, he would have died a pauper.
Any of them. If Hillary, with decades of warfare against her by rubes, could get 3 million more votes than your retarded idiot, then any of the current Dem stable could get to the 4 or 5 million more vote surplus necessary to beat the obsolete electoral college.
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?

You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
View attachment 254878 View attachment 254878 View attachment 254881 View attachment 254886

No actual samples yet of those contrails to determine what is actually in them, right?
...I predict that many of them won't even make it to the Iowa caucus. They will run out of money and drop out.

I predict Beto will be the golden boy.

Hé needs more maturity
I’d like to see him or Corey Booker as young VPs in the Biden ticket
That way, Biden would only need one term

We have seen what happened with your suggestion
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?

You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
View attachment 254878 View attachment 254878 View attachment 254881 View attachment 254886

No actual samples yet of those contrails to determine what is actually in them, right?

I thought you all were just making that up about Dale Smith, then he doubles down on it! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I wonder if he is friends with the guy that thinks the Avenger movies are brainwashing propaganda?
When they suckholed Al Sharpton and NAN for votes they lost all credibility in my opinion. Great political ads for Trump supporters though.

Kissing a racist, race baiting charlatan's ass on national TV .. not smart..

Like lemmings, they kissed Sharpton's poisonous identity-politics ring.
All they had to do to cross the river Styx, was to answer 'yes' to Sharpton's question about supporting reparations; which Al made it a point to ask each one pubically just before they individually spoke.
They all said yes like the mindless dolts that they are.
To quote Blago, "It was golden"!
You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
View attachment 254878 View attachment 254878 View attachment 254881 View attachment 254886

No actual samples yet of those contrails to determine what is actually in them, right?

I thought you all were just making that up about Dale Smith, then he doubles down on it! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I wonder if he is friends with the guy that thinks the Avenger movies are brainwashing propaganda?

Dale is the president of the "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind Society" After he dies, I'm sure scientists will want to examine his brain to see what went wrong.
And this is based on what? Wishful thinking?

You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
View attachment 254878 View attachment 254878 View attachment 254881 View attachment 254886

No actual samples yet of those contrails to determine what is actually in them, right?
Learn, grow, evolve.
You silly right wingers still think he beat Hillary. He didn't. 3 million less votes didn't make him a winner. The electoral college did. Trump is making sure that the complacency you saw last time won't happen again.

Hillary's meager amount of states that she won? The majority of them had no voter ID laws in place. Some precincts had many more votes cast than they had registered voters. I no more believe that the Hildebeast actually won the popular vote than I do that the moon is made of bleu cheese.
Of course...and you also believe in chemtrails and that Sandy Hook was a fake......pretty much sums you up.
View attachment 254878 View attachment 254878 View attachment 254881 View attachment 254886

No actual samples yet of those contrails to determine what is actually in them, right?
Learn, grow, evolve.

We have all kinds of pollutants in our rain water. Ever hear of acid rain? Water out of a rain Gage is not the same as actually sampling the contrails to determine if there is anything different in them than there is in the air around them.

Why Would You NOT Find Aluminum in Rain Water?

by Jay Reynolds
Nov. 17, 2011 8:08 pm
Some people believe that one should not ever find aluminum in rainwater.
The question they should be asking is why would you NOT find aluminum in rainwater?
Aluminum is older than our solar system, it is found in meteoritesover 4.5 billion years old.
Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in earth's crust.
Aluminum and silica combine to create the most common mineral on earth, Feldspar.
Worldwide, the largest source of airborne mineral dust is the SaharaDesert,
which produces up to 200 million tons of mineral dust per year.
The second largest source is the Gobi Desert of China, .
These mineral dusts are composed mainly of silicon and aluminum oxides.
In 1967 and 1973, scientists measured aluminum in rain and snowand found levels comparable to those found today.

Why would you NOT find aluminum in rain water?

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