Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

3rd. Someone born of a US citizen outside the US is not natural born. McCain got a pass because he was born in the Canal Zone, which was a US territory at the time.
I agree with everything you said except this. ^^ A person born to American parents abroad is considered a natural born citizen. They are issued two birth certificates--one from the hospital and one from the state department. I was born in Japan in 1951 and I am considered a natural born citizen and always have been. FYI.
first. "wasn't qualified". think before you type.

2nd. Find any post where I bought into that stuff.

3rd. Someone born of a US citizen outside the US is not natural born. McCain got a pass because he was born in the Canal Zone, which was a US territory at the time.

No he didn't.
Oooh, Typo Nazis.
I'm not wasting my time cataloging all the stupid things wingnuts say. Point is, the only difference between Trump and the other 16 bags of bad ideas was Trump was an open Birther... and you guys embraced him, even though he was lying.

Yes, he did. He fomented an insurrection with the intent to overturn an election. The only question is, will SCOTUS stand for the rule of law or not?
I agree with everything you said except this. ^^ A person born to American parents abroad is considered a natural born citizen. They are issued two birth certificates--one from the hospital and one from the state department. I was born in Japan in 1951 and I am considered a natural born citizen and always have been. FYI.

All of this is irrelevant to Obama because he was born in Hawaii.

LMAO, the same place the CO supreme court got its info that Trump was guilty of insurrection. I'm glad we got that cleared up. The only difference is Trump made his case in court, the leftist courts that were supposed to look at the democrat voter fraud chose to ignore it. Try again, fool.
THey didn't ignore it, they found the claims unsupported, INCLUDING the Supreme Court, which is hardly "Left Wing".
What criminal acts? Oh wait the trumped up (lol) acts you made up to impeach and prosecute him.

Jan 6th was a protest that got out of hand resulting in only 1 direct death, and that death was of an unarmed protester shot by a cop.
I mean the criminal acts that the Trump LAWYERS say he's immune from. The acts he did in order to IGNORE the will of the voters and stay in power.
I mean the criminal acts that the Trump LAWYERS say he's immune from. The acts he did in order to IGNORE the will of the voters and stay in power.
Oooh, Typo Nazis.
I'm not wasting my time cataloging all the stupid things wingnuts say. Point is, the only difference between Trump and the other 16 bags of bad ideas was Trump was an open Birther... and you guys embraced him, even though he was lying.

Yes, he did. He fomented an insurrection with the intent to overturn an election. The only question is, will SCOTUS stand for the rule of law or not?

It’s always comical that you make these buffoonish statements with 100% certainty while possessing 0% facts.

Link us to the charge for insurrection™ that filed against Trump.
Great. We will nominate Obama then. Being able to vote doesn’t mean being able to vote for anyone. They still have to qualify for office.

WTF are you talking about a choice of one candidate? Even if Trump is declared ineligible in every state by SCOTUS, there’d still be a republican candidate.

That actually breaks the rules, clearly breaks the rules.

Until your side made more shit up and got them disqualified.
I agree with everything you said except this. ^^ A person born to American parents abroad is considered a natural born citizen. They are issued two birth certificates--one from the hospital and one from the state department. I was born in Japan in 1951 and I am considered a natural born citizen and always have been. FYI.

Were you born on a Military base?
Oooh, Typo Nazis.
I'm not wasting my time cataloging all the stupid things wingnuts say. Point is, the only difference between Trump and the other 16 bags of bad ideas was Trump was an open Birther... and you guys embraced him, even though he was lying.

Yes, he did. He fomented an insurrection with the intent to overturn an election. The only question is, will SCOTUS stand for the rule of law or not?

No, he didn't.
I mean the criminal acts that the Trump LAWYERS say he's immune from. The acts he did in order to IGNORE the will of the voters and stay in power.

Same old TDS crap from some same old TDS craphead.
That actually breaks the rules, clearly breaks the rules.

Until your side made more shit up and got them disqualified.
So you’re going to disenfranchise us by not letting us vote for Obama.

No one made up anything about Trump. You just can’t bring yourself to acknowledge what he did.
So you’re going to disenfranchise us by not letting us vote for Obama.

No one made up anything about Trump. You just can’t bring yourself to acknowledge what he did.

Trump is eligible under the Constitution, despite your shit interpretation of the 14th amendment.
Trump is eligible under the Constitution, despite your shit interpretation of the 14th amendment.
That’s for the courts to decide.

Your shit interpretation of the constitution crumbled long ago so your lashing out at me is particularly hilarious.
And the SC will, probably with a 9-0 verdict.
Maybe. It’ll be hilarious to watch either way.

We should have done what you assholes did and wait till everyone votes and then sue in the states Trump won to take away those votes and make Biden the winner.

That’s actual disenfranchisement, and that’s what you defended.

So don’t get all sanctimonious considering your history of fucking around.
And the SC will, probably with a 9-0 verdict.
They may, or they may not....

It's going to be tricky, they have to be able to do this, without interfering in the State's constitutional right to determine and control their own elections.

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