Now that Dems have the House, by how much will they cut spending?

This message board is a microcosm of the entire issue.

While we all pearl clutch at Trump's fucking tweets, real shit is being ignored.

The Dimms have NO solution for the debt.

The cant articuate any solution because they have none.
This message board is a microcosm of the entire issue.

While we all pearl clutch at Trump's fucking tweets, real shit is being ignored.

The Dimms have NO solution for the debt.

The cant articuate any solution because they have none.
The rights solution was to increase it rapidly...
This message board is a microcosm of the entire issue.

While we all pearl clutch at Trump's fucking tweets, real shit is being ignored.

The Dimms have NO solution for the debt.

The cant articuate any solution because they have none.
The rights solution was to increase it rapidly...

And it was wrong. What is the solution of the left?
Isn’t it telling the left has no solution for the debt, yet if Trump tweets something they don’t like, they sure as fuck chime in.

So pathetic.

How are we going to get out of our serious debt crisis and not end up like Greece?

The RINOS didn’t do it, what will the left do to address it?

How do we get out. of debt, specifically?

Does anyone want to NOT be a coward and actually address this issue?

Trump increased the debt, we know. How are you guys going to decrease it? What’s the plan?

I’m just asking for you to lay it out?

We all know you have very firm opinions, what’s your opinion on how we should decrease our debt?
Why do the resident liberals avoid these threads, but jump all over Trump gicing a hat to the military.

They seem so concerned about shit that doesnt matter.

I got news for you libs, we are about 5-10 years from becoming Greece. What is YOUR plan? Just lay it out. Specifically, how do we get out of our debt crisis....leave all social justice out of it and stick to NUMBERS. Numbers dont see colors.

I am not a liberal, but I will tell you what the conservative solution to our debt is. I've laid it out many, many, many times on this forum.

1. I would eliminate the $1.4 trillion of tax expenditures we give away each year. That alone would not only balance the budget, it would provide a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. Once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.

This would have the added benefit of entities earning identical incomes paying identical taxes.

Anyone opposed to this idea has no clue what being a conservative means. And they are innumerate.

Reagan proved this works way back in 1986.

Another serendipitous benefit of banning tax expenditures would be there would no longer be an incentive for special interests to bribe our politicians to put them in the tax code.

There needs to be an outright ban of tax expenditures. Codified into law.

Funnily enough, Republicans are the worst offenders of this corruption. Because they know the rubes are too stupid to catch on.

Every tax expenditure has to be offset by either tax rate increases or borrowing. And that is how we got to 22 trillion in debt.

2. I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, immediately, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.
We are living far longer than our ancestors who established Social Security. We should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

There you go. Easy peasey!

I agree with what you are posting, and not only conservatives think this would be a very viable solution!
Come on lefties, what is your solution for solving the debt problem.

Pretend Trump tweeted about it, does that help?
Our unfunded liabilities exceed 200 trillion dollars. If you don't like the current debt, you certainly won't like whats gonna happen in the future.
Now that Dems have the House, by how much will they cut spending?

Cut spending ? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.
Will increase it tenfold
...we don't need our common offense and general warfare on crime, drugs, and terror if we need a Wall.

Discretionary general warfare and common offense spending must be cut before general welfare and common defense spending.

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