Now that Dems have the House, by how much will they cut spending?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion on a tax cut for billionaires

We can start there
Republitards control both houses in Congress and they still refuse to fund ANOTHER FENCE-

lets shut down the government and blame the democrats.

Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

What was the Debt to GDP ratio from 2009-2017?
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

You must be hard of hearing.

Obama proposes cuts to Social Security - UPDATED ON: JULY 7, 2011 / 3:52 PM / CBS NEWS

Mr. Obama met at the White House Thursday morning with congressional leaders, including House Speaker John Boehner, from both parties to negotiate a deficit reduction deal.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

ZERO - because Republicans will reliably block revenue raising side of the deal.
Too be clear (In my best Obama voice) I am not at all happy that Trump signed a shit budget that added to the deficit.

To use the terms of my liberal friends, saying that Republicans aLao increased the debt is a “ whataboutism”

Fuck the Repugs. What are the Dimms going to do to reduce the debt?

I have gotten zero answers.

Dimms, you have a $21 trillion debt. You now own the house. How are you going to reduce it, specifically?
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.
Just like under Bush. Republicans cut taxes for the super rich and then complain Democrats spend too much on poor people, the middle class, children, the infirm and the elderly.

And not enough on needy billionaires and the sad super rich who can never have too much.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.
We will save at least $20 billion on one unbuilt wall.
We can start by saving $5 billion on a wall
Hmmm...90 billion a year in welfare,hospital visits,food stamps,section 8 housing, vs 5 billion for a wall to stop these invaders....yeah I will take the 5 billion.
Gee...Cato Institute says the cost is between 3 and 16 billion

And the wall probably wouldn't reduce that one bit
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

LOL, nominated for the most ridiculous post of 2018. Do you seriously believe the Dems will cut spending by one fucking penny?
Do you know what sarcasm is? I guess not, as it fly right over that cranium of yours...

For me, fiscal sanity is a hot button issue and I do not like the profligate spending that both political parties are currently engaged in. It's amazing that so few pols in Washington and us ordinary folk are concerned about the growing interest payments we're going to have to make in a few short years that will eclipse defense and many other spending programs and reg'ts. If you wanna make fun of me for not seeing sarcasm, that's fine. But we are wasting gobs of money on stupid shit and inefficient programs that do not fix the intended problem. And it ticks me off.

No time........Orange man must be destroyed.

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