Now that Dems have the House, by how much will they cut spending?

We can start by saving $5 billion on a wall
Hmmm...90 billion a year in welfare,hospital visits,food stamps,section 8 housing, vs 5 billion for a wall to stop these invaders....yeah I will take the 5 billion.
Gee...Cato Institute says the cost is between 3 and 16 billion

And the wall probably wouldn't reduce that one bit
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

Oh and yes the wall would stop the invasion dramatically. Just as the parts in Yuma,San Diego have just like it had done so in Hungary and Israel as well.

We can start by saving $5 billion on a wall
Hmmm...90 billion a year in welfare,hospital visits,food stamps,section 8 housing, vs 5 billion for a wall to stop these invaders....yeah I will take the 5 billion.

Let’s see...

Build a useless wall or assist ANERICANS with healthcare, housing or food ?
Build the wall to stop the invasion and we would have over 100 billion a year to help Americans,stop the invasion and American's could find jobs to help themselves.
Republitards control both houses in Congress and they still refuse to fund ANOTHER FENCE-

lets shut down the government and blame the democrats.


Exactly you just can't make this shit up! Besides tRump says that Mexico is paying for the wall so why are we funding it?
Republitards control both houses in Congress and they still refuse to fund ANOTHER FENCE-

lets shut down the government and blame the democrats.


Exactly you just can't make this shit up! Besides tRump says that Mexico is paying for the wall so why are we funding it?

By how much will Dems cut spending in their new budgets?
I said 5% per year.

What do the board liberals think will be the amount the new Dem would will reduce spending by?
Republitards control both houses in Congress and they still refuse to fund ANOTHER FENCE-

lets shut down the government and blame the democrats.


Exactly you just can't make this shit up! Besides tRump says that Mexico is paying for the wall so why are we funding it?

By how much will Dems cut spending in their new budgets?

Hopefully as much as the Rethugs! How is that?
the right wing only wants to cut social spending on the poor.
I remember the Liberals took control in Canada in 2015, they said they would balance the budget by 2019. Of course, this isn't going to happen, Canada really never balances their books either, the forecast has now been pushed out to, get this one; 2040! Some bean counter somewhere signed off on some laughable "forecast" for another government 22 years in the future to balance the books.

So, my guess is, spending don't go down at all, if Canadian liberalism (which, increasingly is what the left in America are embracing) is any indication.
They will certainly do better than has been done over the past two years. You keep using the whole johny jumped off a bridge excuse so I did it to. Dems ain't like that they actualy take responsibility. Of course what do expect from the educated.

Billions in tax cuts to billionaires, but cut money helping the middle class, the elderly, and the poor!

Republicans have achieved their trifecta of meanness. Not only do they hate, but they have no heart and no soul.

GOP, the party of awful.

Billions in tax cuts to billionaires, but cut money helping the middle class, the elderly, and the poor!

Republicans have achieved their trifecta of meanness. Not only do they hate, but they have no heart and no soul.

GOP, the party of awful.

That certainly is their utopia.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.
Probably as much as repubs cut with full control of the government.
Why do the resident liberals avoid these threads, but jump all over Trump gicing a hat to the military.

They seem so concerned about shit that doesnt matter.

I got news for you libs, we are about 5-10 years from becoming Greece. What is YOUR plan? Just lay it out. Specifically, how do we get out of our debt crisis....leave all social justice out of it and stick to NUMBERS. Numbers dont see colors.

Why do the resident liberals avoid these threads, but jump all over Trump gicing a hat to the military.

They seem so concerned about shit that doesnt matter.

I got news for you libs, we are about 5-10 years from becoming Greece. What is YOUR plan? Just lay it out. Specifically, how do we get out of our debt crisis....leave all social justice out of it and stick to NUMBERS. Numbers dont see colors.

I am not a liberal, but I will tell you what the conservative solution to our debt is. I've laid it out many, many, many times on this forum.

1. I would eliminate the $1.4 trillion of tax expenditures we give away each year. That alone would not only balance the budget, it would provide a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. Once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.

This would have the added benefit of entities earning identical incomes paying identical taxes.

Anyone opposed to this idea has no clue what being a conservative means. And they are innumerate.

Reagan proved this works way back in 1986.

Another serendipitous benefit of banning tax expenditures would be there would no longer be an incentive for special interests to bribe our politicians to put them in the tax code.

There needs to be an outright ban of tax expenditures. Codified into law.

Funnily enough, Republicans are the worst offenders of this corruption. Because they know the rubes are too stupid to catch on.

Every tax expenditure has to be offset by either tax rate increases or borrowing. And that is how we got to 22 trillion in debt.

2. I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, immediately, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.
We are living far longer than our ancestors who established Social Security. We should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

There you go. Easy peasey!
Let’s argue more about what Trump said in a tweet.

You fucking sheep.

Sheep. How funny.

I have no doubt once the Democrats take the House, you will suddenly notice how much spending is going on. You won't be able to stop yourself.

Despite the fact you sheep have been totally silent about Trump's massive overspending.

You literally won't be able to stop yourself. It's just the way the profound hypocrisy in you tards works.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.
Probably as much as repubs cut with full control of the government.

Yep, and it was disgusting. So your answer is they will not cut spending?

What is your solution to the debt crisis, specifically?
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

They may as well not try; Trump is a runaway spending freight train; a trillion plus per year and he wants more for the wall.
Why do the resident liberals avoid these threads, but jump all over Trump gicing a hat to the military.

They seem so concerned about shit that doesnt matter.

I got news for you libs, we are about 5-10 years from becoming Greece. What is YOUR plan? Just lay it out. Specifically, how do we get out of our debt crisis....leave all social justice out of it and stick to NUMBERS. Numbers dont see colors.

ditch our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. the right wing refuses to get serious enough to pay real times of war tax rates. must be, right wing propaganda and rhetoric not real world political-economics.

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