Now that Dems have the House, by how much will they cut spending?

I thought the parties were taking turns paying off the debt, and since the Democrats paid off the debt under Jackson they are still waiting for the Republicans to take their turn. But all Republicans do for the debt--is talk.
Government spending is why Rand Paul is needed and popular. All who mock him fail to appreciate his message.

Trump realizes he cannot get Establishment politicians to stop spending, his best hope, is to cut expenses. Thus, withdrawal of troops, changes to federal taxpayer obligations with SALT, a wall to cut illegal immigration spending, while also increasing revenue via better trade deals and more equal trade rather than massive imbalances.

I believe instinctively, Trump really doesn't want an imbalance or even deficits. Look how often he has criticized million dollar expenses, something you never hear Presidents or world leaders do. He knows how to squeeze a nickel, as he himself has faced business liquidity problems.

I would bet my right arm if the GOP put forward a spending bill in which the U.S had a surplus, Trump would sign it just as well. If he is going to spend, he has to at least build a wall to save billions a month.
This is a guy who used to whine about Obama's golf trips and then outspent Obama on golf trips.

Trump loves to spend other people's money. Being President allows one to spend TRILLIONS of dollars of other people's money, and Trump has taken to it like a fish to water.

Your claim is exploded by the fact Trump just submitted a budget asking for more spending than any human in the history of the Universe.
By how much will the cut spending?

Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."
I swear, anyone who says Republicans are about small government and balanced budgets should be bitch slapped.

By how much will the cut spending?

Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.
Uh-huh, remind me, how much did federal spending decline before the "Republicans were put back in charge" ?

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."

"Fool you once" and then what? Let the other political Crime Family fool you some more?
By how much will the cut spending?

Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.
Uh-huh, remind me, how much did federal spending decline before the "Republicans were put back in charge" ?

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."

"Fool you once" and then what? Let the other political Crime Family fool you some more?
If spending increases, it does not matter so long as revenues increase at the same pace.

That is not the case with Deficit Donald. That was the case with Obama. Revenues were increasing faster than spending under Obama. Not so with Trump.

That's why the deficit decreased under Obama and has increased under Trump.

Fool you once and then what? Then start holding your own party accountable instead of drinking their piss and regurgitating it like a retard.
The pseudocon tards have been bragging all year long how much revenues have increased. That was a deliberate misdirection by their propagandists to keep their eyes off the even greater increase in spending, thus greater deficits, by their party and Trump.

Eight years, the propagandists whined about deficits and spending. Then they suddenly decided to start focusing on revenues. There's a huge clue, retards.

It was also a lie of omission. They were told the revenues increased because of the tax cut. Actually, the revenues would have been even higher without the tax cut.

And it is a fact revenues increased when Obama and Clinton increased taxes. The rubes are never told this because it does not fit the idiotic narrative they are told to bleev and parrot.

You never heard the pseudocon propagandists crowing about record revenues after Obama's tax increase!

See how that works?

Wake up, rubes.
By how much will the cut spending?

Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.
Uh-huh, remind me, how much did federal spending decline before the "Republicans were put back in charge" ?

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."

"Fool you once" and then what? Let the other political Crime Family fool you some more?
If spending increases, it does not matter so long as revenues increase at the same pace.
OIC., so you're okay with cumulative operating deficits that keep growing (along with the expense to service them) as long as the federal government extracts whatever is necessary from the productive part of the economy to keep the deficit stable? What do you do when real GDP contracts?

Then start holding your own party accountable instead of drinking their piss and regurgitating it like a retard.
How's that "holding your own party accountable" strategy been working out for you so far?
Republicans nor Democrats will never cut spending, they use it to retain their power.
By how much will the cut spending?

Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.
Uh-huh, remind me, how much did federal spending decline before the "Republicans were put back in charge" ?

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."

"Fool you once" and then what? Let the other political Crime Family fool you some more?
If spending increases, it does not matter so long as revenues increase at the same pace.
OIC., so you're okay with cumulative operating deficits that keep growing (along with the expense to service them) as long as the federal government extracts whatever is necessary from the productive part of the economy to keep the deficit stable? What do you do when real GDP contracts?

I would much prefer a much smaller government with a much smaller budget. A budget with NO deficit.

I've explained many times exactly how a balanced budget, with lower tax rates for everyone, can be achieved. Many times.

Then start holding your own party accountable instead of drinking their piss and regurgitating it like a retard.

How's that "holding your own party accountable" strategy been working out for you so far?
Unfortunately, I am vastly outnumbered by retards who literally turn a blind eye to their own party's deficit spending. Vastly outnumbered.

The whole point of the majority of my posts on this forum since I have come here is to point out their blindness and hypocrisy.
Republicans nor Democrats will never cut spending, they use it to retain their power.
And yet pseudocons actually believe Republicans don't spend as much as Democrats, when in fact Republicans have always spent MORE when they get maximum power.

There's a reason I call them willfully blind.
Our country's maxim: Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

So long as a politician abides by this demand, he will be elected over and over. Our politicians are only doing what we demand of them.

If you want to find the culprit responsible for an ever increasing budget and debt, look in the mirror.
Republicans nor Democrats will never cut spending, they use it to retain their power.
And yet pseudocons actually believe Republicans don't spend as much as Democrats, when in fact Republicans have always spent MORE when they get maximum power.

There's a reason I call them willfully blind.

You follow either party and believe their BS, you are willfully blind. I have no faith in either of the two parties.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

No time for budget............must impeach Cheeto man!
Approximately as much as the Republicans have.:cool:
Actually, the deficit was declining until the Republicans were put back in charge. They have doubled it since.
Uh-huh, remind me, how much did federal spending decline before the "Republicans were put back in charge" ?

Just like they did the last time they had complete power of Congress and the White House, the Republicans have exploded spending and deficits.

"Fool me once..."

"Fool you once" and then what? Let the other political Crime Family fool you some more?
If spending increases, it does not matter so long as revenues increase at the same pace.
OIC., so you're okay with cumulative operating deficits that keep growing (along with the expense to service them) as long as the federal government extracts whatever is necessary from the productive part of the economy to keep the deficit stable? What do you do when real GDP contracts?

I would much prefer a much smaller government with a much smaller budget. A budget with NO deficit.

I've explained many times exactly how a balanced budget, with lower tax rates for everyone, can be achieved. Many times.
That's great but the vitally important question remains; do you actually understand that it will NEVER happen under the current duopoly operating the current system? and that it makes no difference which crime family you put "in charge" of it?

Unfortunately, I am vastly outnumbered by retards who literally turn a blind eye to their own party's deficit spending. Vastly outnumbered.

The whole point of the majority of my posts on this forum since I have come here is to point out their blindness and hypocrisy.

So, your strategy is an abject failure yet you continue to pursue it?

Well, to each his/her own I suppose.:dunno:

"Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results." -- Narcotics Anonymous
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

LOL, nominated for the most ridiculous post of 2018. Do you seriously believe the Dems will cut spending by one fucking penny?
Do you know what sarcasm is? I guess not, as it fly right over that cranium of yours...

For me, fiscal sanity is a hot button issue and I do not like the profligate spending that both political parties are currently engaged in. It's amazing that so few pols in Washington and us ordinary folk are concerned about the growing interest payments we're going to have to make in a few short years that will eclipse defense and many other spending programs and reg'ts. If you wanna make fun of me for not seeing sarcasm, that's fine. But we are wasting gobs of money on stupid shit and inefficient programs that do not fix the intended problem. And it ticks me off.
Suddenly, Dems hate debt. I don’t recall hearing it from 2009-2017 when it skyrocketed from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.

So we know Dems now hate debt, that’s what they tell us.

By how much will the cut spending?

I believe them and I think they will cut spending about 5% per year as long as they have the house because they are responsible spenders and are concerned about the debt and the economy.

No time for budget............must impeach Cheeto man!

Yup and start more investigations even when investigations have already been done.

I'm sure their two years will be spent investigating, investigating and more investigating. All looking for shit on Trump.

2019 should be a blast.

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