Now that we know it was the Dems and not the Russians who tried to manipulate the election

If Susan Rice broke the law, sure, but she did not.

And it looks like Flynn, and Page, and quite a number of Trumpers did.

Send them all to jail. Let the die fly.
I'm shocked, I tell you shocked that a political party would try to influence the outcome of an election.
Who should be the first to go to jail?

This is ridiculous.

The elections have been manipulated since day 1 in the USA. Democracy? Nah... who needs democracy.

You get two parties doing everything to keep their own power, there's no space for smaller parties and they know it.

But then they tell you to fight against the other party, and not to fight against BOTH parties which are the problem.
Donna Brazile admits the emails were authentic where she gave the DNC debate questions for Hillary.

That's hacking an election. Unfair for one candidate to know the questions of the debate.
That is what is being gathered, td.

I know that is Rice or Flynn or whomever are convicted, you will support the findings.
Now that we know, we should just let the matter drop. Russians = bad, democrats = good.
It's always the one pointing the finger who is really pulling the bullshit.

Obama is a very typical left wing fascist. The morons who support him no matter what, lest they be considered racist are nothing but useful idiots.


Here is my list of people that should go to Federal Prison

Dr. Jean "Hacker" Camp
Hillary Rotten Clinton
Obama Bin Lying
Valerie Vagina Jarret
Susan Lice Rice
It's always the one pointing the finger who is really pulling the bullshit.

Obama is a very typical left wing fascist. The morons who support him no matter what, lest they be considered racist are nothing but useful idiots.


Trump is a right wing fascist as well as his followers. They can never admit that Trump is wrong and would defend him if he shot someone. The Trump Davidians.

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