Obama Destabilizes Our Democracy with Fake News


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Obama Destabilizes Our Democracy with Fake News

Obama and his press secretary, Josh Earnest, are now leading the post-election campaign against Trump. That’s evident by their latest accusations and charges against Trump. They have made strong statements of supposed fact that are more extreme than anything they’ve said so far. Their statements are fake news, that is, suppositions that are presented as if they were known and true facts. They are like the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and the lie that Gaddafi was springing a genocide on the Libyan people.

The facts about who hacked or leaked e-mails from the DNC are not known at this time. We do not know who did what or why. We know what Obama is saying about the DNC leaks, and I will argue that what he and his associates are saying is fake news. I will argue that the main accusation against Trump, which is that he’s destabilizing our democracy, applies directly to Obama’s own statements. I do not pretend to be presenting facts in everything I say. I present hypotheses whose truth can only be verified as new evidence is brought forward or as existing facts tend to confirm the suppositions I am making. I present an overall picture that tries to make sense of what is being said by Obama and his spokesmen. I want to present this as a case study in the generation of fake news from the White House. I want to show how it is that we cannot simply accept or believe what is told to us by government officials. We have to go deeper if we are to judge the truth or falsity of their statements."


The CORRUPT community organizer is trying to influence EC voters by claiming that he has "seen" the evidence consequently we should trust that he is telling the truth.


.Send his underlings to testify under oath UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY or shut the fuck up.



Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner. Obama hates Trump. He thinks he’s “uniquely unqualified” and that’s only what he has said in public. Obama considers himself as uniquely qualified, of course. Obama is extremely partisan in favor of his party, never missing an opportunity to criticize Republicans and push his own agenda. He wants to undermine Trump any way he can. Obama hates Putin too. He has compared him to Saddam Hussein. Obama resents Putin’s interference in Syria in 2013 on the matter of chemical weapons. Obama has been made to look foolish concerning his red line. Obama has joined the president’s club of living ex-presidents, which means he looks upon himself as a saint who believes in a God that’s America as represented by the U.S. government. He views Trump as a boorish sacrilegious upstart and outsider who threatens the ideology that he believes in of American exceptionalism."

We can understand Obama’s attacks on Trump by realizing that he hates Trump and wants to undermine his legitimacy so as to prevent him from fulfilling his agenda. Josh Earnest is Obama’s press secretary and speaks for him. Here’s some fake news from his lips: “Mr. Trump obviously knew that Russia was engaged in malicious cyber activity that was helping him, [and] hurting [Democrat Hillary] Clinton … These are all facts that are not in dispute.”

No one with half a brain pays any attention to bath house barry or his blubbering bitch earnie.
I love how you try and attack Obama for spreading fake news by linking to a partisan opinion attack piece... aka. Fake news

The irony is thick
this is hilarious considering republican members of the senate have been briefed on this issue and raised similar concerns. russia is behind the cyber attacks, these are facts. it's not our fault you all voted the way russia wanted you to despite the many reasons not to. lmao. how embarrassing.
THAT Russia Hacked the DNC, isn't some fake news story. Nor is it a fabrication invented by Obama. it is the conclusion of ALL 16 U.S Intelligence Agencies.

On Oct. 7, 2016, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security issued a joint statement saying that the U.S. Intelligence Community — which includes all 16 US Intelligence agencies — was “confident” that recent hacks into the email systems of the Democratic Party were directed by the Russian government.

Quote “ Joint Statement, Oct. 7: "The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

- Joint Statement of the USIC


Department Of Homeland Security . Gov
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

Fact Check (.org)
Trump, Russia and the U.S. Election - FactCheck.org

FOX News Calls Out Trump For His Lies Regarding Russia’s Tampering With Election

ABC News A Timeline of Russia's Hacking Into US Political Organizations Before the Election
Timeline of Russia's Hacking Into US Political Groups Before Election
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I love how you try and attack Obama for spreading fake news by linking to a partisan opinion attack piece... aka. Fake news

The irony is thick

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner. Obama hates Trump. He thinks he’s “uniquely unqualified” and that’s only what he has said in public. Obama considers himself as uniquely qualified, of course. Obama is extremely partisan in favor of his party, never missing an opportunity to criticize Republicans and push his own agenda. He wants to undermine Trump any way he can. Obama hates Putin too. He has compared him to Saddam Hussein. Obama resents Putin’s interference in Syria in 2013 on the matter of chemical weapons. Obama has been made to look foolish concerning his red line. Obama has joined the president’s club of living ex-presidents, which means he looks upon himself as a saint who believes in a God that’s America as represented by the U.S. government. He views Trump as a boorish sacrilegious upstart and outsider who threatens the ideology that he believes in of American exceptionalism."

I love how you try and attack Obama for spreading fake news by linking to a partisan opinion attack piece... aka. Fake news

The irony is thick

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner. Obama hates Trump. He thinks he’s “uniquely unqualified” and that’s only what he has said in public. Obama considers himself as uniquely qualified, of course. Obama is extremely partisan in favor of his party, never missing an opportunity to criticize Republicans and push his own agenda. He wants to undermine Trump any way he can. Obama hates Putin too. He has compared him to Saddam Hussein. Obama resents Putin’s interference in Syria in 2013 on the matter of chemical weapons. Obama has been made to look foolish concerning his red line. Obama has joined the president’s club of living ex-presidents, which means he looks upon himself as a saint who believes in a God that’s America as represented by the U.S. government. He views Trump as a boorish sacrilegious upstart and outsider who threatens the ideology that he believes in of American exceptionalism."


i'm sorry but that is obviously a partisan article. i mean really to even introduce something like that to prove a point doesn't get anyone anywhere.
It must really suck to live in the US. We are following in your footsteps, but it'll be a few more years before we catch up with you. But maybe (just maybe) we will follow your lead and vote in a "Donald Trump" or our own and thwart the final blow before it is too late. I sure hope so.
this is hilarious considering republican members of the senate have been briefed on this issue and raised similar concerns. russia is behind the cyber attacks, these are facts. it's not our fault you all voted the way russia wanted you to despite the many reasons not to. lmao. how embarrassing.


McCAIN is a RINO who is pissed at Trump because he won the presidency and McCain couldn't.

At any rate , Congress attempted to get the agencies to testify and they REFUSED to show up.

Obama and his press secretary, Josh Earnest, are now leading the post-election campaign against Trump. That’s evident by their latest accusations and charges against Trump. They have made strong statements of supposed fact that are more extreme than anything they’ve said so far. Their statements are fake news, that is, suppositions that are presented as if they were known and true facts. They are like the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and the lie that Gaddafi was springing a genocide on the Libyan people.

I love how you try and attack Obama for spreading fake news by linking to a partisan opinion attack piece... aka. Fake news

The irony is thick

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner. Obama hates Trump. He thinks he’s “uniquely unqualified” and that’s only what he has said in public. Obama considers himself as uniquely qualified, of course. Obama is extremely partisan in favor of his party, never missing an opportunity to criticize Republicans and push his own agenda. He wants to undermine Trump any way he can. Obama hates Putin too. He has compared him to Saddam Hussein. Obama resents Putin’s interference in Syria in 2013 on the matter of chemical weapons. Obama has been made to look foolish concerning his red line. Obama has joined the president’s club of living ex-presidents, which means he looks upon himself as a saint who believes in a God that’s America as represented by the U.S. government. He views Trump as a boorish sacrilegious upstart and outsider who threatens the ideology that he believes in of American exceptionalism."


i'm sorry but that is obviously a partisan article. i mean really to even introduce something like that to prove a point doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Shut the fuck up.

Those who have actual information have a ministerial duty to testify UNDER OATH and expose the criminality.

They wouldn't so Obama is lying through his teeth.

this is hilarious considering republican members of the senate have been briefed on this issue and raised similar concerns. russia is behind the cyber attacks, these are facts. it's not our fault you all voted the way russia wanted you to despite the many reasons not to. lmao. how embarrassing.


McCAIN is a RINO who is pissed at Trump because he won the presidency and McCain couldn't.

At any rate , Congress attempted to get the agencies to testify and they REFUSED to show up.

Obama and his press secretary, Josh Earnest, are now leading the post-election campaign against Trump. That’s evident by their latest accusations and charges against Trump. They have made strong statements of supposed fact that are more extreme than anything they’ve said so far. Their statements are fake news, that is, suppositions that are presented as if they were known and true facts. They are like the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and the lie that Gaddafi was springing a genocide on the Libyan people.


lol k
Obama Destabilizes Our Democracy with Fake News

Obama and his press secretary, Josh Earnest, are now leading the post-election campaign against Trump. That’s evident by their latest accusations and charges against Trump. They have made strong statements of supposed fact that are more extreme than anything they’ve said so far. Their statements are fake news, that is, suppositions that are presented as if they were known and true facts. They are like the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and the lie that Gaddafi was springing a genocide on the Libyan people.

The facts about who hacked or leaked e-mails from the DNC are not known at this time. We do not know who did what or why. We know what Obama is saying about the DNC leaks, and I will argue that what he and his associates are saying is fake news. I will argue that the main accusation against Trump, which is that he’s destabilizing our democracy, applies directly to Obama’s own statements. I do not pretend to be presenting facts in everything I say. I present hypotheses whose truth can only be verified as new evidence is brought forward or as existing facts tend to confirm the suppositions I am making. I present an overall picture that tries to make sense of what is being said by Obama and his spokesmen. I want to present this as a case study in the generation of fake news from the White House. I want to show how it is that we cannot simply accept or believe what is told to us by government officials. We have to go deeper if we are to judge the truth or falsity of their statements."


The CORRUPT community organizer is trying to influence EC voters by claiming that he has "seen" the evidence consequently we should trust that he is telling the truth.


.Send his underlings to testify under oath UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY or shut the fuck up.



I think you have Obama confused with Putin, or maybe Trump.
this is hilarious considering republican members of the senate have been briefed on this issue and raised similar concerns. russia is behind the cyber attacks, these are facts. it's not our fault you all voted the way russia wanted you to despite the many reasons not to. lmao. how embarrassing.


McCAIN is a RINO who is pissed at Trump because he won the presidency and McCain couldn't.

At any rate , Congress attempted to get the agencies to testify and they REFUSED to show up.

Obama and his press secretary, Josh Earnest, are now leading the post-election campaign against Trump. That’s evident by their latest accusations and charges against Trump. They have made strong statements of supposed fact that are more extreme than anything they’ve said so far. Their statements are fake news, that is, suppositions that are presented as if they were known and true facts. They are like the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and the lie that Gaddafi was springing a genocide on the Libyan people.


lol k

He wants to undermine Trump any way he can. Obama hates Putin too. He has compared him to Saddam Hussein. Obama resents Putin’s interference in Syria in 2013 on the matter of chemical weapons. Obama has been made to look foolish concerning his red line. Obama has joined the president’s club of living ex-presidents, which means he looks upon himself as a saint who believes in a God that’s America as represented by the U.S. government. He views Trump as a boorish sacrilegious upstart and outsider who threatens the ideology that he believes in of American exceptionalism.

this is hilarious considering republican members of the senate have been briefed on this issue and raised similar concerns. russia is behind the cyber attacks, these are facts. it's not our fault you all voted the way russia wanted you to despite the many reasons not to. lmao. how embarrassing.

Hey moron. Stop blaming the messenger, your candidate was corrupt, incompetent and a liar. The exposed emails proved it. It doesn't matter one bit who exposed them. Whoever did should be congratulated.

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