Obama goes after Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

“Temperamentally unfit,” “racist, sexist pig,” a “lunatic,” and more of what Obama really thinks of Trump​

During the Democratic National Convention, Obama elaborated, “The consequences of that failure are severe, 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever. Our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before.” The 44th president concluded, “This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes for them to win.”
The former President said the indictment of Donald Trump sends a troubling message to the rest of the world but ultimately “uphold the basic notion that nobody’s above the law and the allegations will now be sorted out through a court process.” He continued, “Having been president of the United States, you need a president who takes the oath of office seriously,” adding, “You need a president who believes not just in the letter but in the spirit of democracy,” OK! Magazine reported.

Barrack Obama is a racist pig.
This is why he went to Rev' Wright's racist church for 20 years.
This is why he volunteered to work for Louis Farrakhan.
This is why race relations in America have taken deep nose-dive since his presidency.
Obama has still not explained why he illegally spied upon president's Trump's campaign.
Obama has still not explained why he and his corrupt DOJ and FBI attempted to frame president Trump's with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy.
The Democrat Party's incredible level of corruption, lying and abuses of power are the real threat to our "democracy".
Open borders, ballot box stuffing, no voter ID, counting ballots in secrecy......are what the Lunatic Lib's are calling "democracy".
Barry is the real lunatic with his crazy claim to be protecting "democracy".
A dumb Negro, who was the worst President up until Potatohead took the honors, has the audacity to attack the best President of modern times? LOL!

The Worthless Negro would have been better suited to be a shoeshine boy instead of President. He only won because worthless RINOs ran against him and racist Negroes and pukey sorry White Guilt pukes voted for him.
Obama > “The consequences of that failure are severe, 170,000 Americans dead."
WTF is that lunatic talking about?
Actually, Trump made enormous progress compared to Barry Obama's presidency.
Trump had lower unemployment than Barry.
Trump had lower inflation than Barry.
Trump had the illegal border crossing crisis under control.
Trump had lower gasoline prices.
Trump had a 10X better foreign policy than Barry.
Who gives a damn what that sniveling, pathetic meat puppet faggot says?

Trump better watch out or race baiting Barry will put on his cute bicycle helmet and get on his undersized bicycle and mow Trump down
Actually, Trump made enormous progress compared to Barry Obama's presidency.
Trump had lower unemployment than Barry.
Trump had lower inflation than Barry.
Trump had the illegal border crossing crisis under control.
Trump had lower gasoline prices.
Trump had a 10X better foreign policy than Barry.

Then Covid was unleashed, a coordinated release one might say.

Recall how Pelosi held onto the Fauxpeachment I docs until we started getting a bigger picture about Covid, and then dumped them into the Senate for a February 2020 trial.

Then, Pelosi played the race card when she went to Chinatown as they attacked Trump for banning travel from China.

Democrats offered no solutions, only criticisms and attacked Trump at every turn over Covid.
Then Covid was unleashed, a coordinated release one might say.

Recall how Pelosi held onto the Fauxpeachment I docs until we started getting a bigger picture about Covid, and then dumped them into the Senate for a February 2020 trial.

Then, Pelosi played the race card when she went to Chinatown as they attacked Trump for banning travel from China.

Democrats offered no solutions, only criticisms and attacked Trump at every turn over Covid.
Libs do not seek solutions but rather perpetuation of what they want to complain they are victims of

“Temperamentally unfit,” “racist, sexist pig,” a “lunatic,” and more of what Obama really thinks of Trump​

During the Democratic National Convention, Obama elaborated, “The consequences of that failure are severe, 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever. Our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before.” The 44th president concluded, “This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes for them to win.”
The former President said the indictment of Donald Trump sends a troubling message to the rest of the world but ultimately “uphold the basic notion that nobody’s above the law and the allegations will now be sorted out through a court process.” He continued, “Having been president of the United States, you need a president who takes the oath of office seriously,” adding, “You need a president who believes not just in the letter but in the spirit of democracy,” OK! Magazine reported.

Barrack Obama is a racist pig.
This is why he went to Rev' Wright's racist church for 20 years.
This is why he volunteered to work for Louis Farrakhan.
This is why race relations in America have taken deep nose-dive since his presidency.
Obama has still not explained why he illegally spied upon president's Trump's campaign.
Obama has still not explained why he and his corrupt DOJ and FBI attempted to frame president Trump's with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy.
The Democrat Party's incredible level of corruption, lying and abuses of power are the real threat to our "democracy".
Open borders, ballot box stuffing, no voter ID, counting ballots in secrecy......are what the Lunatic Lib's are calling "democracy".
Barry is the real lunatic with his crazy claim to be protecting "democracy".
Damn but the stupid is thick in that post. Obama is a racist pig? Do tell. Kind of hard to figure out how someone can be half white and half black and be a racist. Doesn't really compute. But the lily white Trump, well that there is a consummate racist. The big hint, "the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered" quote from Trump, uttered multiple times. A huge deception flag, just stating that. But this is the bit that seals the deal,

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,”

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020

Wow, I mean just "wow". But then there is the whole "Russian collusion" bit. Can't call it a hoax, can't say that the Obama administration illegally spied on the Trump campaign when real indictments, real convictions, and yes, even real pardons, all stem from that claim. The ability of the Trump idiots to ignore those realities is a testament to how far down the rabbit hole they have fallen.

And race relations. I mean I am just going to lay it out there. Trump was a genius, he really was. He managed to tap into something that I knew all along was there. I didn't vote for Obama the first time he ran, I voted for McCain. And boy howdy did I get an ear full. Mostly from my kids. "You are a racist" they said, as they damn near all voted for Obama. But that vote for Obama by them was just their way of cleansing themselves of their own racism, it was like a get out of jail free card, but a get out of racism free card instead. It was shallow, and I wasn't falling for it.

Then they all voted for Trump the first time. And that is the thing, Trump won because he switched a bunch of Obama voters to his side. Who were these voters?

This new paper fits with a sizeable slate of studies conducted over the past 18 months or so, most of which have come to the same conclusions: There is tremendous evidence that Trump voters were motivated by racial resentment (as well as hostile sexism), and very little evidence that economic stress had anything to do with it.

Hell, Trump knew it, he figured out exactly what I had figured out. All those simple redneck racist little pricks, the pick-up driving, gun toting, dumbshits had gotten their racism reprieve with their vote for Obama. They were now free to vote for a racist scumbag like Trump. Hell, did you vote for Obama in 2008? I am willing to take a bet that you did. I am also damn positive you would never admit it.

Just being honest. Supporting Trump is a clear sign of a real lack of intelligence. Seriously. Trump speaks at, graciously, a fourth grade level. Obama speaks at an 11th grade level. Trump sucks, he is a piss poor businessman, I mean what, six bankruptcies? You call that "success"? Honestly, everything he touches turns to shit and that includes this country. And God bless his heart, being a dumbass can't be helped. But being a dumbass, and then a totally self-absorbed piece of shit, consumed with himself and no ability to exhibit empathy, is a mental disease. I mean let's get real here. If Trump would not have been born into wealth he would be pushing a grocery cart and living behind the local Walmart, in a TENT. And stupid shits like you believe he should be president. How screwed up is that?
If there was any doubt before, documents declassified Tuesday by the head of the country’s intelligence services made it official:

The plot to Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency of the United States, and the investigations that plagued his administration from before it even began, stretched right into Barack Obama’s Oval Office of four years ago — and right into the current presidential campaign.

That’s the unavoidable conclusion from handwritten notes made public by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday.
Notes were taken in 2016 by then-CIA Director John Brennan (the swampiest of the anti-Trump swamp creatures) after a meeting with Obama where Brennan briefed the president on then-Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan to tie Trump to a Russian intelligence operation.

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan’s notes state, according to Fox. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service.”

Obama and the Democrat Cult's Russian Collusion scandal is one of the worst in American history.
They are attacking our "democracy".
Obama is a delusional narcissist.
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