Obama Needs Some Good News!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Okay, so things haven't been real good in Obonzo-World. His approval rating are in the dumper, the majority of Americans now feel he is a liar and incompetent, and none of the media will publish the Obonzo official family Christmas pictures. :( What has happened to Hope and Change?

But forgot all this...I was able to find some good news, and it's all about Obonzo's signature achievement. No, it is not his ghost written "autobiographies," it is not his days as a community organizer. This is real stuff.

Obonzo-care successes!!!

1. One person has been able to successfully sign up for Obonzo-care in North Carolina. Zero so far in Oregon, but they have a prospect!

2. People who have had insurance cancelled outnumber enrollees by a 50-1 margin...but hey, it's something.

3. Healthcare premiums have increased under Obonzo-care by 41%. The good news, this hits mostly middle-class folks....the screw-ups are doing great through!

4. The website only fails 10% of the time now...so that's better....40% of the site has yet to be built but that only effects the "back office" function that allows you to actually get your coverage. People won't find out about that screw-up for another month or so...good news!

5. And I wanted to end with a real feel good story....there was a successful sign up in Colorado...and yes, someone's dog now has Obonzo-care!

All the rest of the fun facts are here.

This is a cool quote by a young man in the story. Hard Sell | The Weekly Standard

“This is how I see it: The government is still running it. That’s the problem. Insurance companies have always taken advantage of people. Government takes advantage of people. But like, the two of them are going to get together and create something that helps the people? I’m very skeptical, okay? Two barracudas getting together and saying we made something good for you? I just don’t buy that.”

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Obama 'gamed' the system from the time he was a kid. It's in his genes. By the time he was in his teens he was a past-master' at using his 'half-white, half-black' persona to get into schools run by LIBs he otherwise wouldn't have been allowed in the service door.
He 'gamed' the education system at Columbia and Harvard.
He was the 'perfect LIB Presidential candidate for the East Coast LIBs. He was the 'First Affirmative Action' President. And we all know how hiring on that bases has turned out.
The West Coast LIBs have been screaming their heads off at the East Coast LIBs since Obama's first of many screw-ups: "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!"
Now the LIBs are screwed in 016. Hillary will be lucky to live to 016 health-wise. She'll be pushing seventy by 016. Not a lot of 'Hope and Change' happening unless it's in regards to the 'Depends'.
The LIBs know the REP turn-out will be historic in 016, no matter who the LIBs put up. Booker? No way the East Coast LIBs are getting to choose another Black nomination. Biden? The dude needs pure oxygen to stand for more than a couple of minutes.
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How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.
How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.

There are some interesting points to the Republican healthcare proposals. Which ones do you like versus don't like?
You forgot #6. There is no security on the obamacare website, so enter at your own risk. On the upside, you'll only have to enter all your personal info on a one-time-only basis, a time saver fer shure!
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How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.

There are some interesting points to the Republican healthcare proposals. Which ones do you like versus don't like?

I love the fact that there is no real Republican plan. That's the best part.
Obama's numbers are low, his plan is more popular than he, but yet we GOP cannot come up with a signature solution to our economic challenges other than "end Obamacare" and ultra sound wands.

The first can't happen now, and the second is simply stupid.
Funny how it's the ACA when the Act is proving to be simply another of 'The First Affirmative Action' President's fiascos. Before the Act was rolled out it was "Obamacare". Hell, he even called it "Obamacare".
Now with LIBs it's the ACA.
The problem is Obamacare will forever be the name given to Obama's all time gold medal winning public humiliation. When the President goes before the entire country and blatantly lies in order to further his Socialist agenda you have to know there's something wrong.
What history will record is the LIBs and their Black base hired a boy to do a man's jobs based solely on the color of his skin. The LIBs would put up Charlie Manson if they thought they'd win the White house.
Okay, so things haven't been real good in Obonzo-World. His approval rating are in the dumper, the majority of Americans now feel he is a liar and incompetent, and none of the media will publish the Obonzo official family Christmas pictures. :( What has happened to Hope and Change?

But forgot all this...I was able to find some good news, and it's all about Obonzo's signature achievement. No, it is not his ghost written "autobiographies," it is not his days as a community organizer. This is real stuff.

Obonzo-care successes!!!

1. One person has been able to successfully sign up for Obonzo-care in North Carolina. Zero so far in Oregon, but they have a prospect!

2. People who have had insurance cancelled outnumber enrollees by a 50-1 margin...but hey, it's something.

3. Healthcare premiums have increased under Obonzo-care by 41%. The good news, this hits mostly middle-class folks....the screw-ups are doing great through!

4. The website only fails 10% of the time now...so that's better....40% of the site has yet to be built but that only effects the "back office" function that allows you to actually get your coverage. People won't find out about that screw-up for another month or so...good news!

5. And I wanted to end with a real feel good story....there was a successful sign up in Colorado...and yes, someone's dog now has Obonzo-care!

All the rest of the fun facts are here.

This is a cool quote by a young man in the story. Hard Sell | The Weekly Standard

“This is how I see it: The government is still running it. That’s the problem. Insurance companies have always taken advantage of people. Government takes advantage of people. But like, the two of them are going to get together and create something that helps the people? I’m very skeptical, okay? Two barracudas getting together and saying we made something good for you? I just don’t buy that.”

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are many government sites which are secure and work well. The problem with this site is the developer, a crony of Moo's who was awarded this contract sans bids.

I have been admonished in my life not to confuse malice with incompetence. But you have to admit that putting up a site you have already been paid millions of dollars for and then getting more millions for having to fix it is a pretty sweet gig.
Obama 'gamed' the system from the time he was a kid. It's in his genes. By the time he was in his teens he was a past-master' at using his 'half-white, half-black' persona to get into schools run by LIBs he otherwise wouldn't have been allowed in the service door.
He 'gamed' the education system at Columbia and Harvard.
He was the 'perfect LIB Presidential candidate for the East Coast LIBs. He was the 'First Affirmative Action' President. And we all know how hiring on that bases has turned out.
The West Coast LIBs have been screaming their heads off at the East Coast LIBs since Obama's first of many screw-ups: "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!"
Now the LIBs are screwed in 016. Hillary will be lucky to live to 016 health-wise. She'll be pushing seventy by 016. Not a lot of 'Hope and Change' happening unless it's in regards to the 'Depends'.
The LIBs know the REP turn-out will be historic in 016, no matter who the LIBs put up. Booker? No way the East Coast LIBs are getting to choose another Black nomination. Biden? The dude needs pure oxygen to stand for more than a couple of minutes.

This country will not have a woman president in the next 100 years. Won't happen.
You forgot #6. There is no security on the obamacare website, so enter at your own risk. On the upside, you'll only have to enter all your personal info on a one-time-only basis, a time saver fer shure!


I would never enter my personal info on that site. :cool:
You forgot #6. There is no security on the obamacare website, so enter at your own risk. On the upside, you'll only have to enter all your personal info on a one-time-only basis, a time saver fer shure!


I would never enter my personal info on that site. :cool:

But seriously.

No one in their right mind would ever, ever, ever create a website that requires the input of personal info and not have security be the first issue addressed. I mean, can you imagine if Amazon did that? "Enter all you personal info here, including that 3 digit security code on the back of your credit card. Oh, by the way ... we're totally unsecure." What, they'd say "ooops" and just keep the site running like this thing is? :eusa_hand:
How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.

There are some interesting points to the Republican healthcare proposals. Which ones do you like versus don't like?

No. You're asking a serious question of one of the most brain dead posters on this site. He hasn't looked at any GOP proposals. He believes the GOP healthcare plan is not to get sick. And if you get sick, die quickly (which is actually the Obamacare plan). He denies there has ever been a GOP proposal, despite the dozens that have been linked on this site over the years every time he or his brain dead buddies make the claim.
You're wasting bandwidth on this loser.
How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.

There are some interesting points to the Republican healthcare proposals. Which ones do you like versus don't like?

No. You're asking a serious question of one of the most brain dead posters on this site. He hasn't looked at any GOP proposals. He believes the GOP healthcare plan is not to get sick. And if you get sick, die quickly (which is actually the Obamacare plan). He denies there has ever been a GOP proposal, despite the dozens that have been linked on this site over the years every time he or his brain dead buddies make the claim.
You're wasting bandwidth on this loser.

There is no Republican proposal. Actually, I take that back....there was one Republican plan. And we actually implemented it. It's called the Affordable Care Act.
I heard the expected failure rate is estimated at 20% and that personal data still isnt secure.

The best part is Obama renewed the contract of the fucking morons who built this malfunctioning website FOR 600 MILLION

Meanwhile a couple kids in California I think have created an alternate site for peanuts that runs fine.
I heard the expected failure rate is estimated at 20% and that personal data still isnt secure.

The best part is Obama renewed the contract of the fucking morons who built this malfunctioning website FOR 600 MILLION

Meanwhile a couple kids in California I think have created an alternate site for peanuts that runs fine.

That's the worst part about this is how ridiculously incompetent this dev agency has been and for the dollars they've charged. Any half way decent dev shop could have had this site built for 1/10th of the cost and in half the time and would be fully operational by this point.
How depressing is it that as much of a train wreck the ACA has been these past few months, it's still better than the alternate plan proposed by Republicans.

What alternate plan?

Oh, I guess that was your point:

Obama's numbers are low, his plan is more popular than he, but yet we GOP cannot come up with a signature solution to our economic challenges other than "end Obamacare" and ultra sound wands.

The first can't happen now, and the second is simply stupid.

Jake, I like you man...but you are always wrong. And I do mean always.

ACA current approval per the Real Clear Politics average is 38%. Obama is at 40%. Yes, both numbers suck....but the ACA is even more unpopular than Obama. Here is a link to the data.

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