Obama Says: "Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"

Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower" .....and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them one way or another

makes a big difference when you post the whole quote

yeah...nevermind the intent especially in view of his audience...right?
Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower" .....and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them one way or another

makes a big difference when you post the whole quote

yeah...nevermind the intent especially in view of his audience...right?

Ohhh ?

And now you can tell us what the "intent" was???
Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower" .....and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them one way or another

makes a big difference when you post the whole quote

yeah...nevermind the intent especially in view of his audience...right?

Ohhh ?

And now you can tell us what the "intent" was???

Read it and weep...

World safer after nuclear summit, Obama says
Experts said afterwards that Obama's goals, while lofty, were by no means assured.
"I think it's ambitious, it's underfunded and it's going to take a lot effort by the United States and other countries to make it work," Ken Luango, president for Partnership for Global Security, told AFP.

Meanwhile, Obama appealed for 10 billion dollars in an initiative with Canada to improve nuclear security worldwide.

[And what about that Canadian Nuclear "Stockpile" ?] ~T


The US leader also addressed fears about the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan, a major stronghold for Al-Qaeda and militant groups at war with US forces in Afghanistan, saying he felt "confident" about security levels.

"But that doesn't mean that there isn't improvement to make," Obama said.

A manual on securing stocks of separated plutonium and weapons grade uranium, as well as advice on how to dispose of the dangerous materials, was issued at the end of the summit.

However, all the steps are voluntary and the timetable for accomplishing the four-year plan remains sketchy.

The next nuclear security summit meeting will be held in South Korea in 2012, where press on Wednesday said the occasion should be used to persuade North Korea to disarm.


The whole summit was GARBAGE.
Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower" .....and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them one way or another

makes a big difference when you post the whole quote

yeah...nevermind the intent especially in view of his audience...right?

Ohhh ?

And now you can tell us what the "intent" was???

From my pov his intent was very clear and to me he said:

"Applaud me for my rhetoric and Peace Prize but don't criticize when I walk lock step in Bush's shoes."

He's a fuxxing sell out in every sense of the word.
yeah...nevermind the intent especially in view of his audience...right?

Ohhh ?

And now you can tell us what the "intent" was???

Read it and weep...

World safer after nuclear summit, Obama says
Experts said afterwards that Obama's goals, while lofty, were by no means assured.
"I think it's ambitious, it's underfunded and it's going to take a lot effort by the United States and other countries to make it work," Ken Luango, president for Partnership for Global Security, told AFP.

Meanwhile, Obama appealed for 10 billion dollars in an initiative with Canada to improve nuclear security worldwide.

[And what about that Canadian Nuclear "Stockpile" ?] ~T


The US leader also addressed fears about the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan, a major stronghold for Al-Qaeda and militant groups at war with US forces in Afghanistan, saying he felt "confident" about security levels.

"But that doesn't mean that there isn't improvement to make," Obama said.

A manual on securing stocks of separated plutonium and weapons grade uranium, as well as advice on how to dispose of the dangerous materials, was issued at the end of the summit.

However, all the steps are voluntary and the timetable for accomplishing the four-year plan remains sketchy.

The next nuclear security summit meeting will be held in South Korea in 2012, where press on Wednesday said the occasion should be used to persuade North Korea to disarm.


The whole summit was GARBAGE.

Right wing nonsense..

The summit was a major first step towards eliminating and securing nuclear material

The former method of a patchwork of security methods left us open to potential misplacement of weapons grade nuclear material.
Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"

now for the rest of the quote...

and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them

So the whether we like it or not refers to our being pulled into global conflicts because of our superpower status

I like having sex with small children and farm animals and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them...

yeah, I don't see any problem once you add the modifier...outstanding work as usual Ricki Retardo


The fact that you enjoy sex with children and farm animals has nothing to do with nuclear proliferation

Precisely...that's why Obama is having a space summit instead of putting pressure on Syria, a terrorist supporting nation seeking nuclear weapons, for selling SCUD-B missiles to a terrorist organization. Obama doesn't have a fucking clue.
Ohhh ?

And now you can tell us what the "intent" was???

Read it and weep...

World safer after nuclear summit, Obama says
Experts said afterwards that Obama's goals, while lofty, were by no means assured.
"I think it's ambitious, it's underfunded and it's going to take a lot effort by the United States and other countries to make it work," Ken Luango, president for Partnership for Global Security, told AFP.

Meanwhile, Obama appealed for 10 billion dollars in an initiative with Canada to improve nuclear security worldwide.

[And what about that Canadian Nuclear "Stockpile" ?] ~T


The US leader also addressed fears about the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan, a major stronghold for Al-Qaeda and militant groups at war with US forces in Afghanistan, saying he felt "confident" about security levels.

"But that doesn't mean that there isn't improvement to make," Obama said.

A manual on securing stocks of separated plutonium and weapons grade uranium, as well as advice on how to dispose of the dangerous materials, was issued at the end of the summit.

However, all the steps are voluntary and the timetable for accomplishing the four-year plan remains sketchy.

The next nuclear security summit meeting will be held in South Korea in 2012, where press on Wednesday said the occasion should be used to persuade North Korea to disarm.


The whole summit was GARBAGE.

Right wing nonsense..

The summit was a major first step towards eliminating and securing nuclear material

The former method of a patchwork of security methods left us open to potential misplacement of weapons grade nuclear material.

Yep...God knows we can't trust those Canadians to secure their own enriched uranium.
I like having sex with small children and farm animals and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them...

yeah, I don't see any problem once you add the modifier...outstanding work as usual Ricki Retardo


The fact that you enjoy sex with children and farm animals has nothing to do with nuclear proliferation

Precisely...that's why Obama is having a space summit instead of putting pressure on Syria, a terrorist supporting nation seeking nuclear weapons, for selling SCUD-B missiles to a terrorist organization. Obama doesn't have a fucking clue.

What? Israel just bombed Syria's most current nuclear reactor three years ago, and that wasn't even projected to be working for years before they did that.

Wow. Some professor did a heck of a brainwash on you. Where to start. So you say our success is because of our military, not vice versa?

Well, lets see, Britain had a far more powerful military than us. We won. Our military has not always been the most powerful. Hell, probably not until after WW2 was it so. Our nation's industrial capability is what built the war machine that stopped the Nazis. Our car companies building military vehicles rather than cars. Our people's sacrifice. France wasn't willing to make such a sacrifice. We were. So, in short, our people, our resources and our success bred that military. We weren't granted military power that seized our success, unlike what your professor told you.

Britian had a more powerful navy and military correct. However, geopolitical, economic and sociopolitical factors all contributed to their defeat as well. Economic and military overstretch also played a large roll in that.

Never did I say our military has always been the most powerful. Never did I deny our sacrifice. Never did I say that all of our success came from our military. Explicit in the quote you quoted me in it says, "HELPED" establish some of our success. American hegemony didn't occur until after WW2 either, so you must agree with me then as well when I say the military helped contribute to our success as world leader since you yourself acknowledge the growth in military expenditures following WWII.

Next, and most important, is you saying there is no evil in the world. If you truly believe this, then you are a lost cause. Simple domestic police actions will show there is a truly and inherently evil streak in man. It's a flaw of humanity. It's why serial killers, child rapists, etc, exist. It's why a few of those humans are also born with the intelligence to take that evil streak into a powerful position and do things like exterminate a race in order to make room for the perfect race, like Hitler did.

We inherently disagree here. You believe that people are born with preconceived notions of right and wrong, I don't. We won't ever be able to reconcile our viewpoints here so we'll have to agree to disagree.

There is a quest for power throughout all humanity. That you are right on. However, there is a line most won't cross to gain it. Others will. That is where the evil comes in. If you deny the existence of that evil, you are just ignorant to reality. Beheading those who don't believe in your religion, btw, I would consider evil. Killing those who practice such acts before they get a chance to, imo, would be good. Agree?

Once again, our viewpoints are just simply different here. I believe that in times of scarcity, anyone will do anything to maintain power, and thus security of their own resources. All other acts, good or bad, are results of social conditioning, not some inherent evil that brews within people. Hence why I said nothing is inherently evil.

Good rebuttal though, it's rare up here someone can present a cohesive viewpoint. My bad for being douchey and discrediting you before you responded B.
I like having sex with small children and farm animals and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into them...

yeah, I don't see any problem once you add the modifier...outstanding work as usual Ricki Retardo


The fact that you enjoy sex with children and farm animals has nothing to do with nuclear proliferation

Precisely...that's why Obama is having a space summit instead of putting pressure on Syria, a terrorist supporting nation seeking nuclear weapons, for selling SCUD-B missiles to a terrorist organization. Obama doesn't have a fucking clue.

He's following in bush's footsteps. You know, not doing anything about Syria when there was word about iraq wmd being smuggled there.....and Syria's been on the State Department's terrorist sponsor list since that list was created. He, like bush, isn't too concerned with getting bin laden nor ending torture, kidnapping, and secret prisons.

How can you bush supporters not love Obushama?
What? Israel just bombed Syria's most current nuclear reactor three years ago, and that wasn't even projected to be working for years before they did that.

Yeah...so that means they aren't seeking nuclear weapons right? Or selling SCUD missiles to Hezbollah.....OK...thanks for playing.
Obama is the most powerful monkey on the planet whether he likes it or not.

The fact that you enjoy sex with children and farm animals has nothing to do with nuclear proliferation

Precisely...that's why Obama is having a space summit instead of putting pressure on Syria, a terrorist supporting nation seeking nuclear weapons, for selling SCUD-B missiles to a terrorist organization. Obama doesn't have a fucking clue.

What? Israel just bombed Syria's most current nuclear reactor three years ago, and that wasn't even projected to be working for years before they did that.

Britian had a more powerful navy and military correct. However, geopolitical, economic and sociopolitical factors all contributed to their defeat as well. Economic and military overstretch also played a large roll in that.

Never did I say our military has always been the most powerful. Never did I deny our sacrifice. Never did I say that all of our success came from our military. Explicit in the quote you quoted me in it says, "HELPED" establish some of our success. American hegemony didn't occur until after WW2 either, so you must agree with me then as well when I say the military helped contribute to our success as world leader since you yourself acknowledge the growth in military expenditures following WWII.

Next, and most important, is you saying there is no evil in the world. If you truly believe this, then you are a lost cause. Simple domestic police actions will show there is a truly and inherently evil streak in man. It's a flaw of humanity. It's why serial killers, child rapists, etc, exist. It's why a few of those humans are also born with the intelligence to take that evil streak into a powerful position and do things like exterminate a race in order to make room for the perfect race, like Hitler did.

We inherently disagree here. You believe that people are born with preconceived notions of right and wrong, I don't. We won't ever be able to reconcile our viewpoints here so we'll have to agree to disagree.

There is a quest for power throughout all humanity. That you are right on. However, there is a line most won't cross to gain it. Others will. That is where the evil comes in. If you deny the existence of that evil, you are just ignorant to reality. Beheading those who don't believe in your religion, btw, I would consider evil. Killing those who practice such acts before they get a chance to, imo, would be good. Agree?

Once again, our viewpoints are just simply different here. I believe that in times of scarcity, anyone will do anything to maintain power, and thus security of their own resources. All other acts, good or bad, are results of social conditioning, not some inherent evil that brews within people. Hence why I said nothing is inherently evil.

Good rebuttal though, it's rare up here someone can present a cohesive viewpoint. My bad for being douchey and discrediting you before you responded B.

True, good debate is hard to find. So I think we've evolved this debate into a nature vs nurture conversation. I partly agree that anyone will do anything to maintain power or protect their resources. And I partly agree that many acts are the result of social conditioning. That said, we'll just have to disagree on whether a small % of humans, like some other mammals, are born with an ability to commit acts of pure evil without reasonable cause. I just can't imagine Jeffrey Dahmer had anything in his social conditioning or nurturing that caused him to eat people. He wasn't starving. It's not part of the social norms in Milwaukee. So my point being, although I understand your disagreement, is that in a small percentage of people I believe there is a natural mechanism to lends them to desire committing evil acts. And in the rare instances when one of those people also possessed high intelligence and social conditioning, it can lead to someone like Hitler.

But, of course, the nature vs nurture debate has been raging for decades and will not be solved in our lifetimes, and imo it's the root of the debate of whether there is true evil in the world or if it is only social norms and the interpretation of the beholder that determines what is evil or good.
True, good debate is hard to find. So I think we've evolved this debate into a nature vs nurture conversation. I partly agree that anyone will do anything to maintain power or protect their resources. And I partly agree that many acts are the result of social conditioning. That said, we'll just have to disagree on whether a small % of humans, like some other mammals, are born with an ability to commit acts of pure evil without reasonable cause. I just can't imagine Jeffrey Dahmer had anything in his social conditioning or nurturing that caused him to eat people. He wasn't starving. It's not part of the social norms in Milwaukee. So my point being, although I understand your disagreement, is that in a small percentage of people I believe there is a natural mechanism to lends them to desire committing evil acts. And in the rare instances when one of those people also possessed high intelligence and social conditioning, it can lead to someone like Hitler.

But, of course, the nature vs nurture debate has been raging for decades and will not be solved in our lifetimes, and imo it's the root of the debate of whether there is true evil in the world or if it is only social norms and the interpretation of the beholder that determines what is evil or good.

I've gotta concede that those exceptions, rare as they are, do poke a rather significant hole in my theory. I've always wondered that, just as you correctly assert, there are some rare animals out there that do hunt for seemingly no reason (a very rare thing in the animal world).

I really don't have an answer for them, could be a mental defect, and I could be wrong and there are some just born evil people. To me though, evil is too ethereal of a concept, I feel that if you are right, it's probably a defect in a small percentage of the populations mind, rather than them being born with this "evil" nature. I guess that's more akin to what I was trying to say before.

Yeah...so that means they aren't seeking nuclear weapons right? Or selling SCUD missiles to Hezbollah.....OK...thanks for playing.

Well, for one, Syria is a signatory of the NPT. Despite this, you're right, they have tried to pursue nuclear weapons (according to Israeli sources which, despite their bias, I generally am inclined to trust because their intelligence is some of the best in the world), and Israel halted that. Syria pursuing nukes would be significant, but we know for a fact that Syria will not be attaining nukes anytime soon. Hence, our interests lie elsewhere right now.

As for the scud missles...ok? Syria and Iran have been selling Hezbollah arms for years, they're stepping it up now that they've gotten better technology and arms (have been purchasing from all over the place IIRC, most notably from the Russians). I don't know what you expected, and certainly don't see how this reflect on Obama at all. Last I checked under Bush's watch Israel was attacked by Hamas, Hezbollah, and local factions without us as much as lifting a finger.

Obama's administration has signed some of the largest arms deals in history with Israel. Thanks for playing.
September 7, 2008

Barack Obama 'wanted to join US military'

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and "we weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point".

The statement is thought to be the first time during the 19-month-long presidential campaign that the Democratic nominee for the White House has indicated he once wanted to serve in uniform. The aspiration was not mentioned in either of his two volumes of memoirs.

Mr Obama was asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week" programme whether he'd ever thought about military service and replied: "You know, I actually did. I had to sign up for Selective Service [a means of conscription in case of war] when I graduated from high school.


Read more at the Link above...
[Emphasis added] Then Obama is a liar. He graduated HS in 1979. No one had to sign up for selective service then.
September 7, 2008

Barack Obama 'wanted to join US military'

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and "we weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point".

The statement is thought to be the first time during the 19-month-long presidential campaign that the Democratic nominee for the White House has indicated he once wanted to serve in uniform. The aspiration was not mentioned in either of his two volumes of memoirs.

Mr Obama was asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week" programme whether he'd ever thought about military service and replied: "You know, I actually did. I had to sign up for Selective Service [a means of conscription in case of war] when I graduated from high school.


Read more at the Link above...
[Emphasis added] Then Obama is a liar. He graduated HS in 1979. No one had to sign up for selective service then.

I'm sure he signed up the very next year when Carter brought it back.

He was off by a year, what an awful lie.
September 7, 2008

Barack Obama 'wanted to join US military'

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and "we weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point".

The statement is thought to be the first time during the 19-month-long presidential campaign that the Democratic nominee for the White House has indicated he once wanted to serve in uniform. The aspiration was not mentioned in either of his two volumes of memoirs.

Mr Obama was asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week" programme whether he'd ever thought about military service and replied: "You know, I actually did. I had to sign up for Selective Service [a means of conscription in case of war] when I graduated from high school.


Read more at the Link above...
[Emphasis added] Then Obama is a liar. He graduated HS in 1979. No one had to sign up for selective service then.

I'm sure he signed up the very next year when Carter brought it back.

He was off by a year, what an awful lie.

I don't recall saying it was an 'awful' lie. I do know that folks remember the year they graduated from HS AND when they signed up for Selective Service. I also know that some folks just lie about anything as an instinct.
[Emphasis added] Then Obama is a liar. He graduated HS in 1979. No one had to sign up for selective service then.

I'm sure he signed up the very next year when Carter brought it back.

He was off by a year, what an awful lie.

I don't recall saying it was an 'awful' lie. I do know that folks remember the year they graduated from HS AND when they signed up for Selective Service. I also know that some folks just lie about anything as an instinct.

Well he did technically sign up after graduating high school ... and it's been 30 years ... the months and years tend to blend. It's easy to get dates from that long ago straight. So he said he signed up upon graduation when he did like a year later. Personally, I wouldn't even call it a lie.
I'm sure he signed up the very next year when Carter brought it back.

He was off by a year, what an awful lie.

I don't recall saying it was an 'awful' lie. I do know that folks remember the year they graduated from HS AND when they signed up for Selective Service. I also know that some folks just lie about anything as an instinct.

Well he did technically sign up after graduating high school ... and it's been 30 years ... the months and years tend to blend. It's easy to get dates from that long ago straight. So he said he signed up upon graduation when he did like a year later. Personally, I wouldn't even call it a lie.
[Emphasis added] Yes, he did. But he said "when" he graduated.

Some folks just lie about the smallest things because that is their nature. I'm sure we all have met a few of those in our personal lives.

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