Obama to Republicans....You did build this

As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.
So......Drumpf is Obama's fault? :rofl:
We wouldn't need to make America great again, if it wasn't for him.

Seems our greatness was being flushed down the toilet at the end of President Bushes second term when President Obama took over. So in reality President Obama turned that around and America stayed great with very little help from the announce obstructionist goal of the GOP.
No, just a recession. Obama came along ruined our healthcare system. Made us the laughing stock of the world. You do know we are closer to war with Russia since Regan ended the cold war?

The Soviet Union fell from within. Its own leaders initiated reforms —inadvertently brought an end to the Evil Empire — out of self-preservation. This is not to say that Reagan did not play a role in ending the Cold War stalemate. However, his part is far less important than we like to believe. And even more importantly, it was not Reagan's stubborn-'murica-cowboy attitude that helped bring about peace — it was his ability to sit down and talk to his supposed enemy that capped the amount of nuclear warheads in the world and paved the way for more meetings. Mind you, he only did this because of the actions taken by Gorbachev.

Who Really Ended the Cold War? (Hint: It Wasn't Reagan)
As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.
So......Drumpf is Obama's fault? :rofl:
We wouldn't need to make America great again, if it wasn't for him.

Seems our greatness was being flushed down the toilet at the end of President Bushes second term when President Obama took over. So in reality President Obama turned that around and America stayed great with very little help from the announce obstructionist goal of the GOP.
No, just a recession. Obama came along ruined our healthcare system. Made us the laughing stock of the world. You do know we are closer to war with Russia since Regan ended the cold war?

The Soviet Union fell from within. Its own leaders initiated reforms —inadvertently brought an end to the Evil Empire — out of self-preservation. This is not to say that Reagan did not play a role in ending the Cold War stalemate. However, his part is far less important than we like to believe. And even more importantly, it was not Reagan's stubborn-'murica-cowboy attitude that helped bring about peace — it was his ability to sit down and talk to his supposed enemy that capped the amount of nuclear warheads in the world and paved the way for more meetings. Mind you, he only did this because of the actions taken by Gorbachev.

Who Really Ended the Cold War? (Hint: It Wasn't Reagan)

What enrages me about the current version of the Republican Party is how they side with Russia over our own country. Encourage Russian generated Wikileaks. Claims Russia is more powerful than our Military. Hold up Dictator Putin as an example of strong leadership
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President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


This coming from a President that tells his supporters:

"Bring a gun to a knife fight"
"Reward our friends, PUNISH our enemies"
"They (Republicans) can get to the back of the bus"

As far as "conspiracies" that he was not born in America, which Republican(s) started that and what was their basis? Outside of Republicans, does there not exist non-Republican sources that suggest the same thing? Are there not Obama relatives, friends and citizens of Kenya that state he was born there? Is there not a biographical write up on Obama as a grad student at Columbia stating he was born in Kenya? Point is not to argue whether he was born here or not but to point out that the premise or notion is not limited to Republican conspiracies.

Is that REALY the worst quotes you could come up with for Obama?

You guys are running Trump you know


Remind Obama. He inserted himself.
Conservative talk radio built this. And the final brick was the coining of the term "RINO".
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image

Obama is retarded , can't even he see the democrats lowered the bar by voting for him because the republicans elected bush jr?
Republicans are like picnic GOERS, while liberals are like ANTS - uninvited pests who seek to impose their will onto others and want free shit.


I think the liberals are more like the aliens from independence day, they devour their homes and move on to destroy a New state
What enrages me about the current version of the Republican Party is how they side with Russia over our own country.

Your hatred for Republicans is widely known.....and your hatred enrages you so much that you continually have to create false narratives against them to have something to complain about.
Conservative talk radio built this. And the final brick was the coining of the term "RINO".

I agree

When an ultra conservative, Tea Party member like Paul Ryan is now a RINO it is hard to imagine who is left in that tiny tent
What enrages me about the current version of the Republican Party is how they side with Russia over our own country.

Your hatred for Republicans is widely known.....and your hatred enrages you so much that you continually have to create false narratives against them to have something to complain about.

Thank you comrade easy
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image

Obama is retarded , can't even he see the democrats lowered the bar by voting for him because the republicans elected bush jr?

Actually, Obama is the first of many to follow

Your nominating Trump will ensure you will not be able to elect a president for a generation
Obama is retarded , can't even he see the democrats lowered the bar by voting for him because the republicans elected bush jr?
Actually, Obama is the first of many to follow
Your nominating Trump will ensure you will not be able to elect a president for a generation
Are you admitting Hillary is the next retard to follow or that Trump is going to win the WH?
yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should
"contributed to the downfall of this nation".....so this nation has fallen? On what alternative universe do YOU live on? Why do you Drumpfsters hate this country?

She lives in the universe that believes Trump will "Make America Great Again"
That makes no sense, America is currently great.
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."

Liberals hate it when you use their own logic against them.
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image

It took their party years to admit that the Bush/ Cheney war was bogus except for the ones who made money on the backs of our dead soldiers.

Obama went in and got Bin Laden and they try to quiet it down, just as they try to shut down any of his admirable accomplishments..

I doubt that we will ever hear them admit that their party is crumbling..

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should
"contributed to the downfall of this nation".....so this nation has fallen? On what alternative universe do YOU live on? Why do you Drumpfsters hate this country?

She lives in the universe that believes Trump will "Make America Great Again"
That makes no sense, America is currently great.

Trump doesn't think so
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image

It took their party years to admit that the Bush/ Cheney war was bogus except for the ones who made money on the backs of our dead soldiers.

Obama went in and got Bin Laden and they try to quiet it down, just as they try to shut down any of his admirable accomplishments..

I doubt that we will ever hear them admit that their party is crumbling..


They will slap a coat of paint on it and declare it brand new
Meanwhile it is rotting from its base

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