Obama to Republicans....You did build this

It is a known fact that the republican house made it clear that their job was to make sure Obama leaves the white house looking like a big black mistake...
It backfired

He is a big black and white mistake. An epic fail of unmitigated disaster of epic proportions. The republicans gave him everything and the end result is one fucked up mess. Now you idiots what more of the same with some dried up corrupt old hag? Seriously?
are you really this stupid ... the republicans filibuster evey time he tried to get something done... what planet do you live on ... it surely isn't this one... this this is the stupidest thing you have ever said ... I sure you will top this one ...

Coming from you that means little, you can't even use proper grammar and you're calling someone stupid?

Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured. That's just facts
oh you saying it makes it a fact... right I though facts were something ased on research on the subject matter ... so far your subject matter is Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured....
1) Jobs created 2009 losing 800,000 a month now 14, million jobs in 6 years
2) unemployment rate 2009 peaked at 10% now less the 5%
3)deficit 2009 9.8% gdp now2.5% gdp
4) 2009 uninsured rate 15.4% now 8.8%
5) 2009 Troops in Irac and Afghanistan 180,000 + now less then 14,000
6) 2009 wind and solar power 26,000 Mw now 96,000 MW
7) 2009 States with Marriage Equality 4 states ... now all 50 states

seems you have a Skew Idea of what he has done

Let's talk economics and Obungles shall we? I'll wax you to a high sheen, little man. Obama is an economic disaster. Start with the GDP....it's all downhill from there

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should

It is a known fact that the republican house made it clear that their job was to make sure Obama leaves the white house looking like a big black mistake...
It backfired

He is a big black and white mistake. An epic fail of unmitigated disaster of epic proportions. The republicans gave him everything and the end result is one fucked up mess. Now you idiots what more of the same with some dried up corrupt old hag? Seriously?
are you really this stupid ... the republicans filibuster evey time he tried to get something done... what planet do you live on ... it surely isn't this one... this this is the stupidest thing you have ever said ... I sure you will top this one ...

Coming from you that means little, you can't even use proper grammar and you're calling someone stupid?

Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured. That's just facts

It's so weird that his approval rating is so high then isn't it? He's polling with Reagan numbers. So strange...

Reagan had a 30% rating with women
a 3% rating with Blacks
a 25% rating with Hispanics

gee, who knew? strange indeed
You're a class A exhibit why there should be a screening process to vote.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should
The truth is always detrimental to the state....as such, Ds are truth adverse.
It is a known fact that the republican house made it clear that their job was to make sure Obama leaves the white house looking like a big black mistake...
It backfired

He is a big black and white mistake. An epic fail of unmitigated disaster of epic proportions. The republicans gave him everything and the end result is one fucked up mess. Now you idiots what more of the same with some dried up corrupt old hag? Seriously?
are you really this stupid ... the republicans filibuster evey time he tried to get something done... what planet do you live on ... it surely isn't this one... this this is the stupidest thing you have ever said ... I sure you will top this one ...

Coming from you that means little, you can't even use proper grammar and you're calling someone stupid?

Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured. That's just facts
oh you saying it makes it a fact... right I though facts were something ased on research on the subject matter ... so far your subject matter is Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured....
1) Jobs created 2009 losing 800,000 a month now 14, million jobs in 6 years
2) unemployment rate 2009 peaked at 10% now less the 5%
3)deficit 2009 9.8% gdp now2.5% gdp
4) 2009 uninsured rate 15.4% now 8.8%
5) 2009 Troops in Irac and Afghanistan 180,000 + now less then 14,000
6) 2009 wind and solar power 26,000 Mw now 96,000 MW
7) 2009 States with Marriage Equality 4 states ... now all 50 states

seems you have a Skew Idea of what he has done

Let's talk economics and Obungles shall we? I'll wax you to a high sheen, little man. Obama is an economic disaster. Start with the GDP....it's all downhill from there
with your answer here its all down hill from there ... riiiiiiiith !!!!!! we get it ...you're a rocket scientist when it comes to the economic ... never mind the fact republicans filibuster every plan he tried to get passed
... now it Obungles fault ... it couldn't be the republicans fault now could it ... after all they have you in mind right ??? especially when they filibuster every job bill he tried to get passed ... they surely Kept you in mind .... yeah your going to throw figures that mean absolutely nothing at all ... throw figures at us, when these job bills get passed ... then we could take you serious while I wax you to a high sheen, little woman .... until then keep your yap shut ...
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As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.
And they hate the vets/soldiers, the elderly and disabled.
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


This coming from a President that tells his supporters:

"Bring a gun to a knife fight"
"Reward our friends, PUNISH our enemies"
"They (Republicans) can get to the back of the bus"

As far as "conspiracies" that he was not born in America, which Republican(s) started that and what was their basis? Outside of Republicans, does there not exist non-Republican sources that suggest the same thing? Are there not Obama relatives, friends and citizens of Kenya that state he was born there? Is there not a biographical write up on Obama as a grad student at Columbia stating he was born in Kenya? Point is not to argue whether he was born here or not but to point out that the premise or notion is not limited to Republican conspiracies.
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


This coming from a President that tells his supporters:

"Bring a gun to a knife fight"
"Reward our friends, PUNISH our enemies"
"They (Republicans) can get to the back of the bus"

As far as "conspiracies" that he was not born in America, which Republican(s) started that and what was their basis? Outside of Republicans, does there not exist non-Republican sources that suggest the same thing? Are there not Obama relatives, friends and citizens of Kenya that state he was born there? Is there not a biographical write up on Obama as a grad student at Columbia stating he was born in Kenya? Point is not to argue whether he was born here or not but to point out that the premise or notion is not limited to Republican conspiracies.

Is that REALY the worst quotes you could come up with for Obama?

You guys are running Trump you know

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It is a known fact that the republican house made it clear that their job was to make sure Obama leaves the white house looking like a big black mistake...
It backfired

He is a big black and white mistake. An epic fail of unmitigated disaster of epic proportions. The republicans gave him everything and the end result is one fucked up mess. Now you idiots what more of the same with some dried up corrupt old hag? Seriously?
are you really this stupid ... the republicans filibuster evey time he tried to get something done... what planet do you live on ... it surely isn't this one... this this is the stupidest thing you have ever said ... I sure you will top this one ...

Coming from you that means little, you can't even use proper grammar and you're calling someone stupid?

Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured. That's just facts
oh you saying it makes it a fact... right I though facts were something ased on research on the subject matter ... so far your subject matter is Obungles terms were a disaster, unlike anything this nation has ever endured....
1) Jobs created 2009 losing 800,000 a month now 14, million jobs in 6 years
2) unemployment rate 2009 peaked at 10% now less the 5%
3)deficit 2009 9.8% gdp now2.5% gdp
4) 2009 uninsured rate 15.4% now 8.8%
5) 2009 Troops in Irac and Afghanistan 180,000 + now less then 14,000
6) 2009 wind and solar power 26,000 Mw now 96,000 MW
7) 2009 States with Marriage Equality 4 states ... now all 50 states

seems you have a Skew Idea of what he has done

Let's talk economics and Obungles shall we? I'll wax you to a high sheen, little man. Obama is an economic disaster. Start with the GDP....it's all downhill from there

No, the GDP is all you ODS sufferers have. Our economy has come back pretty amazingly since the Bush Recession.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should
The truth is always detrimental to the state....as such, Ds are truth adverse.
truth really ??? you of all the posters want to tell us what is true??? ok trump will lose the election because he is a sexual predator bill clintons indiscretions won't affect one bit with hillary winning the election ... theirs some truth you can swallow ...
Republicans are like picnic GOERS, while liberals are like ANTS - uninvited pests who seek to impose their will onto others and want free shit.

The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.

The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob...
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


I do honestly believe ~ What goes around comes around..

Obama is leaving the WH looking like a gracious man to most people.

Hopefully he will get the same respectful send off the Libs gave GWB. He deserves no less after all.
As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.
So......Drumpf is Obama's fault? :rofl:
We wouldn't need to make America great again, if it wasn't for him.

Seems our greatness was being flushed down the toilet at the end of President Bushes second term when President Obama took over. So in reality President Obama turned that around and America stayed great with very little help from the announce obstructionist goal of the GOP.
The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.
Don't cry. Maybe you can join BLM during their next riot and burn down somthing.

the crying starts after Clinton hands Donnie his ass at the polls in Nov.

get your hankie ready.
Libs have never stopped crying ...even after their messiah was elected.

Probably because they know he sucked ass.
Obama is just stating the obvious to Republicans

They realize they have created a monster and have taken the unprecedented step to refuse to endorse their own candidate for President. The Deplorables will blame Republican leadership for Trumps loss but the leaders need to protect what is left of their crumbling image

For the first time in history, the media is not just recommending one candidate over the other

They are outright saying that Trump is unsuitable to be President
The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.
Don't cry. Maybe you can join BLM during their next riot and burn down somthing.

the crying starts after Clinton hands Donnie his ass at the polls in Nov.

get your hankie ready.
Libs have never stopped crying ...even after their messiah was elected.

Probably because they know he sucked ass.

I wouldn't know, I'm not a lib... what I do know is Republtards never stop whining and dreaming up conspiracy bullshit ... EVER
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy

The Republican party has carefully cultivated a constituency of mindless rubes that they can whip into a frenzy (against their own best interests no less) over falsehoods and innuendo. Trump has been in the cards for years.
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy

The Republican party has carefully cultivated a constituency of mindless rubes that they can whip into a frenzy (against their own best interests no less) over falsehoods and innuendo. Trump has been in the cards for years.

Same people who rushed to join the Tea Party

The biggest hurdle I see for the future of the Republican Party is not what they can do with the low information voters who flocked to Trump......but what can they do with the rightwing media that gives them their orders?
As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.
So......Drumpf is Obama's fault? :rofl:
We wouldn't need to make America great again, if it wasn't for him.

Seems our greatness was being flushed down the toilet at the end of President Bushes second term when President Obama took over. So in reality President Obama turned that around and America stayed great with very little help from the announce obstructionist goal of the GOP.
No, just a recession. Obama came along ruined our healthcare system. Made us the laughing stock of the world. You do know we are closer to war with Russia since Regan ended the cold war?

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