Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I played a game with ScarletRage on MafiaScum a while back where we had a Serial Killer and three scum (heavily unbalanced in a small game, as it was, but never mind.) We found the Serial Killer d1. I wanted to lynch him. SR wanted to leash him. For whatever reason, we leashed him. The next day, Titus died, who was seen as nearly conftown, and scum went on to win.

The point of this story is to illustrate that SR thinks leashing works and it doesn't. Following this plan is tantamount to shooting ourselves in the face.

Vote Gath.
Titus = SR.

Also, leashing is directing scum kills in exchange for not lynching them. Usually referenced as an SK term, it's also appropriate for multiball.
Kind of interesting how the "scummy" people are the ones getting the most twitchy and defensive about this, innit? :D
Kind of interesting how the "scummy" people are the ones getting the most twitchy and defensive about this, innit? :D

Townies have every right to doubt your motives, scum.

Your offer is tantamount to instant mislynch when you target an innocent suspect, which denies town the opportunity of information gathering.

Time is on town's side, not scum's. Rushing at this point is stupid.
Kind of interesting how the "scummy" people are the ones getting the most twitchy and defensive about this, innit? :D

Townies have every right to doubt your motives, scum.

Your offer is tantamount to instant mislynch when you target an innocent suspect, which denies town the opportunity of information gathering.

Time is on town's side, not scum's. Rushing at this point is stupid.

And? So what?

If even we do mislynch by accident, it narrows down the pool of available suspects. The net-benefit of the act still goes towards town.

The only people who have anything whatsoever to fear from my proposal are Ice Scum who are afraid of being uncovered.
The only way I'd be interested in Gath's proposal is if he targeted Aye. There's been some discussion in my hood about TSO but I remember how badly Avi and Sameech and even Aye wanted to lynch TN D1 and how upset they were with me when they could not. I especially got crap for it in the neighborhood. Avi and Sameech were very disappointed. I can't imagine ice pushing to lynch their buddy so quickly.

I'd be willing to entertain the idea of mathblade as an alternative to Aye but she has not been defending Sameech's ideas the way Aye has.

TSO makes a very good point about the risks involved with going along with this however. Another point, House brought up in the hood is he could no kill and tell us he targeted any person he feels like and call them scum. So we would have to trust him.

Anyway, when is Mertex back for sure? I want her around to protect Cafe if we do lynch Gath. SR will be around the whole game regardless then but we need Cafe also. Two nearly confirmed town in end game will help us catch the last scum.
Everyone-Who is your suspect for the second ice scum?

I would like to hear Mathblade's, suspects.

Gath, confirmed Fire Sameech Confirmed Ice ( Gath's confession to me in my neighborhood was far to candid for me to believe it is not Sam) not to mention I already believed it was Sam prior to his confession before Gath and House got into last night.

So last... ?????? = Last Ice
Oh and I must mention, this all went down before it happened on the board. We were conversing, the way he explained what went down rang terribly true.

I have to disagree with SR on this one. We would be taking 2 risks. 1, my theory Scum can now kill scum is just that a theory. If they can't, we end up with a possible town kill- misfire by Gath If he is truthful- remember we are trusting scum here, (even if he was nice enough to expose himself before his impending lynch). Which could put us in real jeopardy. We could possibly lose our doc and another townie leaving Gath alive. On the flip side we get a report he did not kill Ice and we still have 2 scum from opposing teams alive, even if we lynch Sameech and two kills, even if one was a accident. So that is another 3 dead townies if we do happen to mislynch after Sam, while leaving Gath alive. I get he says he is trying to play to his wincon, BUT the rest of his wincon is to KILL us.

I can't figure how it leaves us off as any better.

If someone wants to tell me, feel free.

BTW Sam has been all over lynching SR or calling her scum in Central as well, prior to last nights events. I don't think he would have been pushing for her bus AND on top of that I don't think she picked her PR out of the air, which matches mine but opposite.
Kind of interesting how the "scummy" people are the ones getting the most twitchy and defensive about this, innit? :D

Townies have every right to doubt your motives, scum.

Your offer is tantamount to instant mislynch when you target an innocent suspect, which denies town the opportunity of information gathering.

Time is on town's side, not scum's. Rushing at this point is stupid.

And? So what?

If even we do mislynch by accident, it narrows down the pool of available suspects. The net-benefit of the act still goes towards town.

The town stands to gain nothing by trusting scum that we can't attain on or own, and we stand to lose more innocents every day you are alive.

There are 7 of us left in this game. Even in a worst case scenario, that still gives us 6 game days to find ONE scum if we lynch you now to cut the NKs down to 1. Maybe even more.

TL;DR> You got nothin'
We could just lynch our two scum suspects over the next 2 days and I think the 3rd will have a tough time hiding after that. There are 3 nearly confirmed towns alive still. Even if we don't come to a decision on the 3rd scum right this minute, it will become more obvious endgame who it is.
Kind of interesting how the "scummy" people are the ones getting the most twitchy and defensive about this, innit? :D

Townies have every right to doubt your motives, scum.

Your offer is tantamount to instant mislynch when you target an innocent suspect, which denies town the opportunity of information gathering.

Time is on town's side, not scum's. Rushing at this point is stupid.

And? So what?

If even we do mislynch by accident, it narrows down the pool of available suspects. The net-benefit of the act still goes towards town.

The town stands to gain nothing by trusting scum that we can't attain on or own, and we stand to lose more innocents every day you are alive.

There are 7 of us left in this game. Even in a worst case scenario, that still gives us 6 game days to find ONE scum if we lynch you now to cut the NKs down to 1. Maybe even more.

TL;DR> You got nothin'

Yup, Sam is scum. He is next, I suggest everyone read their hoods, look for tells if you have scum in your hood. Look for those you know is scum who they were going hard after being scum, and or those they left off their reads list. Avatar, when I said Gath was scum several times before his departure, kinda swiped it away, as if I had never said it in some instances. AND last night I was rereading where Grandma mentions Gath's absence on the thread here. Avatar agrees his absence is noticeable and Voilà Gath appears in the thread here.

Look around you all.
I'll recheck my hood since there/were 2 in there and see what they had to say. Tight now, Sameech is just calling me scum but I'll check what he said earlier too. Good idea.
I'll recheck my hood since there/were 2 in there and see what they had to say. Tight now, Sameech is just calling me scum but I'll check what he said earlier too. Good idea.

He has been calling you scum in Central, but kinda being wishy washy on it, I can't imagine he was trying to bus you too by voting you. BUT I am keeping all options on the table- I have to, this is mafia scum afterall and you pushing to out my role gave me the scum heebie jeebies. Just my honest two cents on the matter.
Sgt Gath Fire SCUM
SR Ice Proof
Sameech ICE SCUM
AyeCant see you
Cafeaulait Fire Proof
Mertex DOC

House, Math, Wolf, TSO, Aye

Everyone needs to pick their strongest suspect(s) and give a reason why if you can please. Look for interactions between Sam and others, except recall Avatar and Gath are scum when looking at his convos or votes.


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