Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

"we" doesn't include her.

That's not being very nice.

How would YOU like being excluded in such a fashion?

Ya big meanie!
Townies and Scum don't mix, and she's Scum....ewwww!

That's very segregationist of you.

That sounded very scummy.....hmmmmm!:eusa_whistle:

So vote me off the island.

No, I think we should vote for Grandma first.

If you're going to build me a wagon, you better give it your best shot. You know that I can prove you're Scum, now. You're out Day 2. So you'd better do all you can to get rid of me Day 1.
"we" doesn't include her.

That's not being very nice.

How would YOU like being excluded in such a fashion?

Ya big meanie!
Townies and Scum don't mix, and she's Scum....ewwww!

That's very segregationist of you.

That sounded very scummy.....hmmmmm!:eusa_whistle:

So vote me off the island.

No, I think we should vote for Grandma first.

Naaah grandma town
Hmmm... Interesting twist we have going so far.

Cafe, Wolf, and Shaitra seem pretty Town to me.

I'm still suspicious of Moonglow and TN, but nothing much has changed one way or the other.

Rosie could go either way, but she does seem to have gotten kind of defensive in response to Shat's questioning.

I'm not sure about Avatar and Mebelle because they hasn't posted a whole lot so far.

Sam, FA, and Grandma are starting to make me suspicious. None of them post a whole lot, but they do seem to come to the defense of other posters in a calculated manner.

I haven't noticed a deliberate pattern to it so far, however.

Aye is basically null.
You forgot meeeeeeeee

What's your take on sgt_gath and Shaitra?

Gath is new; I'm reserving judgement but he seems townish to me.

Shaitra has brought up some good points recently. Particularly about Rosie. I'm willing to believe she is town for now.

My bad, didn't realize it was "Lynch All Uncool Liars".

Rookie mistake, and all.

If you've got charisma then did you really lie at all or was it all just a misunderstanding?

Being wrong in game four does not make me scummy for cripes sake,,,,get off of game four, play this game.

We are playing this game. As far as I can tell, you aren't. Even if you have a legit reason.
I'm still upset too, we were this close to the first ever town win on USMB.

8 more and it will be 1800. Time isn't the only thing that flies .hope you had a good vacation. Now back to the real world of fantasy murder and mayhem (and cafe is off for surgery leave so need to leave that particular one alone this week as a matter of good manners)

I hope IRL things go well for Cafe. In-game, not so much :3

Things were much more interesting back when Wolf was posting.

Thing she's staying quiet to avoid saying something that might raise suspicions?!?! :eek:

Wolf gets too involved in the action and takes attacks against her play much too personally.

I will have a VC up tomorrow.

You don't want to know what happened during work today.

Are you quite sure about that?

Lol. My bad. I forgot.

Try not to forget again; it's serious business, and that isn't a pun.

What does that even mean? How brave I am? You and your Scum partner are going to kill me Night 1, and then you will be exposed for the liar that you are.

Since you're probably going to die anyway, protect a high value target.

How many players has she called scum so far?

Everybody, just like she did in game 4, where she was town

If she's scum, and she has a partner... wouldn't she know who it is already?

She isn't likely to share that intel with us.

That's very segregationist of you.

I guess you could say that. Even if this feels more like fluffposting to me than anything actually informative.


I am tired. She looks the scummiest.

NO, Titus, we are NOT lynching Mertex today.
My bad, didn't realize it was "Lynch All Uncool Liars".

Rookie mistake, and all.

If you've got charisma then did you really lie at all or was it all just a misunderstanding?

Uh... what?

Things were much more interesting back when Wolf was posting.

Thing she's staying quiet to avoid saying something that might raise suspicions?!?! :eek:

Wolf gets too involved in the action and takes attacks against her play much too personally.
Funny. I pretty much said the same thing word for word.

Great minds, and all that.

If she's scum, and she has a partner... wouldn't she know who it is already?

She isn't likely to share that intel with us.

I was feeling facetious last night.

That's very segregationist of you.

I guess you could say that. Even if this feels more like fluffposting to me than anything actually informative.

As above.

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