Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Still having computer issues. Can someone please put ika to L-1 so he can hammer? He's stated he has no intention of playing. I see no point in keeping him around.

Welcome back mathblade!!


Can you prod tso?
I'd like to hear from TSO as well. He usually has good posts and catches things I usually miss.
I don't get why ika is being voted. Is this a policy lynch? Those are dumb.
If you consider votes against him for refusing to play the game and contribute to town's win con, them I suppose you can call it a policy lynch.
well, I'm not voting Ika right now. It seems like he doesn't mind being lynched, which also means that his lynch probably won't hurt the game. HOwever, if he's town he needs to get on board with some real lynching. Speaking of real lynching, the counter wagon to Wolfsister took place really fast. I can definitely see some motivation from wolfsister to be on it. But I'm not sure about others. I'll have to re read the game to see who's being suspcious, however with the scum not knowing each other, I may have to look at who is not being suspicious.

With the way people threw around so many soft claims, I'm wondering about RosieS. (it still bothers me that wolfsister is not voting her already) I can see two motivations for Rosie's "I can never be Royal" claim.
1. She really is the Ruler. "Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen Bee And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)"
2. She is attempting to gambit by claiming to be the ruler, which will protect the true ruler.

I'm still suspicious of her and FA. Looking at the last vote count, I'm not liking the company I'm in after the flash jump to Ika.

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. The comments about
I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in all it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. i.e. attempting to locate her scum buddies/soft claiming so she can be found. House also get's the FoS.

VOTE: RosieS
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her
well, I'm not voting Ika right now. It seems like he doesn't mind being lynched, which also means that his lynch probably won't hurt the game. HOwever, if he's town he needs to get on board with some real lynching. Speaking of real lynching, the counter wagon to Wolfsister took place really fast. I can definitely see some motivation from wolfsister to be on it. But I'm not sure about others. I'll have to re read the game to see who's being suspcious, however with the scum not knowing each other, I may have to look at who is not being suspicious.

With the way people threw around so many soft claims, I'm wondering about RosieS. (it still bothers me that wolfsister is not voting her already) I can see two motivations for Rosie's "I can never be Royal" claim.
1. She really is the Ruler. "Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen Bee And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)"
2. She is attempting to gambit by claiming to be the ruler, which will protect the true ruler.

I'm still suspicious of her and FA. Looking at the last vote count, I'm not liking the company I'm in after the flash jump to Ika.

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. The comments about
I assume you are speaking of:
You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.

Liberal use of deodorant will prevent that.

FoS: House

Regards from Rosie

I don't see the logical connection here? Why is that statement scummy?
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.
well, I'm not voting Ika right now. It seems like he doesn't mind being lynched, which also means that his lynch probably won't hurt the game. HOwever, if he's town he needs to get on board with some real lynching. Speaking of real lynching, the counter wagon to Wolfsister took place really fast. I can definitely see some motivation from wolfsister to be on it. But I'm not sure about others. I'll have to re read the game to see who's being suspcious, however with the scum not knowing each other, I may have to look at who is not being suspicious.

With the way people threw around so many soft claims, I'm wondering about RosieS. (it still bothers me that wolfsister is not voting her already) I can see two motivations for Rosie's "I can never be Royal" claim.
1. She really is the Ruler. "Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen Bee And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)"
2. She is attempting to gambit by claiming to be the ruler, which will protect the true ruler.

I'm still suspicious of her and FA. Looking at the last vote count, I'm not liking the company I'm in after the flash jump to Ika.

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. The comments about
I assume you are speaking of:
You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.

Liberal use of deodorant will prevent that.

FoS: House

Regards from Rosie

I don't see the logical connection here? Why is that statement scummy?

I was wondering that myself. It comes off as typical Rosie to me. Josh is new here, so he probably doesn't see it that way.
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

My reason still stands from yesterday:

titus it has mathematically been proven that town has a highest win rate by doing nothing and random lynching.

when i say that an ez mode to win by randomly lynching i am using proven facts. i dont have to do the largetest shit wagon there is.

someone else said something about it not being for the game or something: yes its kinda takes away from the game but if we can win just by doing nothing (almost) i rather do that then waste my time talking

That bolded above was me. Why play the game if you think it's a waste of time? Seems to me you could be the ruler or usurper with that attitude.

VOTE: ika
I agree with lynching Ika, but don't want to cut the day short when we can ignore him and do more scum hunting. We have a few days yet so let's talk about the other indications/clues we see so far.

My reason for being willing to lynch Ika is because I feel random lynching is not playing the game. I want to win by uncovering the king and guards, not by pure luck. Statistically it may ensure a win 60% of the time, but that also means that 40% of the time, scum win.
I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in all it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. i.e. attempting to locate her scum buddies/soft claiming so she can be found. House also get's the FoS.

VOTE: RosieS

Sheen, do you wanna lynch me for being nicey-nicey to Mathblade, too?

This ain't the main Mafia board. Here at USMB we recognize there are actual people typing to each other.

And people will tell you that my bitching at you is also a normal part of my meta.

Let me know when you get over being confuzzled - I might treat you as I do House, then.

Regards from Rosie
I think there are three people whose alignment is pretty obvious

Scarlet Rage -- Towniest town town that ever towned.

Wolf -- That math is atrocious and the grammar in it is just *ugh* -- very likely scum if Ika is town.

Ika -- If Ika is town then very likely Wolf scum. If ika scum then Wolf very likely town. The wagons got way too close to each other and Ika's play doesn't have as much picture/usual trolling as other games. However with how fast this formed after Wolf's I am considering Wolf as a potential ruler.

Normally if a player didn't self hammer I would vote ika here and see who hammers. In this case though that would end discussion. If we get close to EOD without a lynch I can move it to Ika.

Vote WolfSister77

Vote Count 1.3

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (1):
ika (6): Mertex, Avatar4321, ScarletRage, Wolfsister77, AyeCantSeeYou, House
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
RosieS (1):
ScarletRage (2): TheOldSchool, ika
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (3):
FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade

Not Voting (2): tso!, Shaitra

~ With 15 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/3/14, @11AM Central.

1.1 | 1.2
I think it's just universal that mathblade is going to scumread me in every game. Voting for me for bad math and grammar (which coincidentally is the same reason Josh and SR voted me) and because I voted ika and gave my reasons which were similar to everyone else's, tells me she smells blood in the water and is looking for an easy target. It's a scummy thing to do. Going for the easy kill. Especially since she was so seriously wrong about me in the last game we just finished. Just note this for future reference folks.

Anyway, sticking with ika, town or scum, he should go.

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