Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

@JoshB, are you arguing that Rosie crumbed she was the king? Not really getting your point. A king would not crumb they are the king most likely because the guards know who the king is. I could see Rosie as guard but king crumbing is unlikely.
I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in all it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. i.e. attempting to locate her scum buddies/soft claiming so she can be found. House also get's the FoS.

VOTE: RosieS

For what? Screwing around? That's lolworthy.

Have at it, bro.
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Scroll up.
As soon as my computer/network is working better I'll elaborate. However, I'm pretty sure the 3 that are on me are scum. I am scumbait to them because I attracted a lot of voted for crummy reasons so they can try to ride that to getting me lynched. That's really the only way they can kill and not knowing who each other are, they have to focus on an obvtown player who has already had a crappy case on them and try to use that instead. It's solid scum strategy and I'm tempted to let you guys lynch me so you can go after the ones doing this. Mathblade, RosieS, and FA-Q2.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf...

Look at Mertex all trying to cast me in a less than saintly light.

Repent! Repent! Ask, and you shall be forgiven.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf...

Look at Mertex all trying to cast me in a less than saintly light.

Repent! Repent! Ask, and you shall be forgiven.

I'm not trying to cast anything on you. I'm just stating facts.

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

I already stated my reason. We were at RVS and nobody had voted for him, I wasn't suspecting him of being scum. I wouldn't cast a vote unless I had reason to think someone was scum, and right now, Wolf is way too anxious to have him hammered....that's why I unvoted for him.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

You'll notice Aye and Avi defended Rosie. I don't think either one of those two are anything but rebels. I think House is a rebel too and Josh_B. Oh look, I'm defending 4 people. They must be scum.
I see the situation more as ika pushing his own opinions and agenda. ika is off doing his own thing and trying to solve the game through the way he personally sees best. That's not scum.

Advocating for a policy lynch on him is worse than anything he's said, and the manner in which it's being done is horrible. This is why I'm still voting House.
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

I strongly agree with the part that I've bolded.
@who ever said winning vs playing comment: i am a player who breaks the game by its own mechanics. this game is broken by its mechanics so i do that.

play me in a regular game of mafia and you will see i am not so much like this but will still try to break a game

This is town.

The ika lynch is fruitless and gets us nowhere.

I believe the ika lynch is being used by some players as an excuse to avoid and postpone actual scumhunting for the day.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

I already stated my reason. We were at RVS and nobody had voted for him, I wasn't suspecting him of being scum. I wouldn't cast a vote unless I had reason to think someone was scum, and right now, Wolf is way too anxious to have him hammered....that's why I unvoted for him.

Yeah, OK Mertex. You've been looking for a reason to vote me all game. You jumped off here to avoid any suspicion.

LOL scum.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

You'll notice Aye and Avi defended Rosie. I don't think either one of those two are anything but rebels. I think House is a rebel too and Josh_B. Oh look, I'm defending 4 people. They must be scum.

Avi did not defend me and Aye merely pointed out that I am playing my town meta. Which you know, too, but are deliberately ignoring.

But my vote stays because lashing out wildly at a large number of players is distractive from being noticed as scum.

Wolfie is likely a mere guard rather than Queen.

That would piss off Wolfie, too! LOL

Regards from Rosie
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

You'll notice Aye and Avi defended Rosie. I don't think either one of those two are anything but rebels. I think House is a rebel too and Josh_B. Oh look, I'm defending 4 people. They must be scum.

And that is why I was correcting Avi, because he said Ika was the first to be defended. And, just because we think someone is a rebel doesn't make them a rebel. You were wrong on your assumption of me.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

I already stated my reason. We were at RVS and nobody had voted for him, I wasn't suspecting him of being scum. I wouldn't cast a vote unless I had reason to think someone was scum, and right now, Wolf is way too anxious to have him hammered....that's why I unvoted for him.

Yeah, OK Mertex. You've been looking for a reason to vote me all game. You jumped off here to avoid any suspicion.

LOL scum.

You keep giving me reasons. Why are you so anxious to have ika hammered?
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

You'll notice Aye and Avi defended Rosie. I don't think either one of those two are anything but rebels. I think House is a rebel too and Josh_B. Oh look, I'm defending 4 people. They must be scum.

Avi did not defend me and Aye merely pointed out that I am playing my town meta. Which you know, too, but are deliberately ignoring.

But my vote stays because lashing out wildly at a large number of players is distractive from being noticed as scum.

Wolfie is likely a mere guard rather than Queen.

That would piss off Wolfie, too! LOL

Regards from Rosie

Because that's the most important thing. Pissing off Wolfie. What have you done in this game so far to scumhunt again? Accusing people is how you play. You should know this.
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf.....

I only voted for Ika because no one else had voted for him and we were at RVS.

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

I already stated my reason. We were at RVS and nobody had voted for him, I wasn't suspecting him of being scum. I wouldn't cast a vote unless I had reason to think someone was scum, and right now, Wolf is way too anxious to have him hammered....that's why I unvoted for him.

Yeah, OK Mertex. You've been looking for a reason to vote me all game. You jumped off here to avoid any suspicion.

LOL scum.

You keep giving me reasons. Why are you so anxious to have ika hammered?

And what reasons am I giving you? Name why you want to vote me. Real reasons that make me scum.

Because ika is worthless and has said he's going to be worthless. You do know I'm not the only one voting him right?

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