Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

I actually agree with the logic on wake thus far. Wake is hard to read though. I could lynch either Aye or Wake at this point.

You want to lynch me? Go ahead. If you are scum, I'm sure you'll give it your best shot since they don't want townies in the game. If you succeed in getting me strung up, expect my townies to come looking for you next.

By the way, what are your reasons for wanting to lynch me?

This is so tryhard. It's obvious that townies will suspect anyone who pushes a mislynch wagon, and Aye is trying to manipulate that common knowledge to derail her wagon.

I call bullshit on your post. I am town, regardless of whether you believe it or not.
I actually agree with the logic on wake thus far. Wake is hard to read though. I could lynch either Aye or Wake at this point.

You want to lynch me? Go ahead. If you are scum, I'm sure you'll give it your best shot since they don't want townies in the game. If you succeed in getting me strung up, expect my townies to come looking for you next.

By the way, what are your reasons for wanting to lynch me?

This is so tryhard. It's obvious that townies will suspect anyone who pushes a mislynch wagon, and Aye is trying to manipulate that common knowledge to derail her wagon.

I call bullshit on your post. I am town, regardless of whether you believe it or not.

If my post is so bullshit, why aren't you pushing me for it instead of sticking your tongue out at me, yelling NUH UH! and running away?
I actually agree with the logic on wake thus far. Wake is hard to read though. I could lynch either Aye or Wake at this point.

You want to lynch me? Go ahead. If you are scum, I'm sure you'll give it your best shot since they don't want townies in the game. If you succeed in getting me strung up, expect my townies to come looking for you next.

By the way, what are your reasons for wanting to lynch me?

This is so tryhard. It's obvious that townies will suspect anyone who pushes a mislynch wagon, and Aye is trying to manipulate that common knowledge to derail her wagon.

I call bullshit on your post. I am town, regardless of whether you believe it or not.

If my post is so bullshit, why aren't you pushing me for it instead of sticking your tongue out at me, yelling NUH UH! and running away?


Why are you for my lynch? You think I'm scum this game, so tell me why you believe that. Better yet, show proof as well.

Do you intend to participate in this game or not? You have not put anything gameworthy out here for us yet, other than the one post I referred to yesterday morning (I think) where you appear to be playing your typical scum game. I intend to change my vote to you by the end of the day if you haven't made any other effort in this game.

You claim you are busy - so what! You aren't the only one. The rest of us can find time to post, and so can you. I do not mean fluff posts either.

Not really. No. Probably shouldn't have /inned.

If you get me to L1 and claim intent I'll claim. Otherwise I can't put the energy into the game when it's spent (can't think clearly after 12-hr shift).

Why are you for my lynch? You think I'm scum this game, so tell me why you believe that. Better yet, show proof as well.

You're fake and hyperdefensive.

The proof is in your ISO.

Fake - Nope, not one bit. Not my fault you aren't very good at determining when someone is telling the truth. If you can get the votes, then lynch me. It will hurt town, which is what you'd want.

Do you intend to participate in this game or not? You have not put anything gameworthy out here for us yet, other than the one post I referred to yesterday morning (I think) where you appear to be playing your typical scum game. I intend to change my vote to you by the end of the day if you haven't made any other effort in this game.

You claim you are busy - so what! You aren't the only one. The rest of us can find time to post, and so can you. I do not mean fluff posts either.

Not really. No. Probably shouldn't have /inned.

If you get me to L1 and claim intent I'll claim. Otherwise I can't put the energy into the game when it's spent (can't think clearly after 12-hr shift).

What do you intend to claim? Who your partner is?

I'll make a deal with you........

If you can't get me lynched today (which would be detrimental to town), then you or your buddy(buddies) can get me during the night phase, ok?
Aye is trying pretty hard to be significant. I don't think Wake is scum. House is one of those people who seems to like to be in control and passive aggressively stirs shit up - perhaps for information - more than likely for entertainment since he isn't scum.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.
Nutz, you are wrong about me. Count on it.
FFS Nutz, every single time you've accused me of something I've addressed it and you just insist on calling me scum for stupid reasons. It's like you aren't really interested in my responses or even getting a read on me but instead just want to call me scum. You aren't respond to my answer to your concerns or asking me any questions. Just calling me scum for incredibly weak reasons. It's stupid, anti-town, or scum. Not sure which yet but you can call me scum until you are blue in the face but if you have nothing to back it up and aren't willing to take in any additional info. it's a worthless vote. You really have no justifiable reason to be scumreading me at all.

But whatever, if you insist on it, without interacting with me further, I'm simply going to ignore you from here on out. If you want my lynch, you are going to have to work for it because I've never been an easy lynch as town.

So good luck with that.

Still waiting on you to come up with valid reasons I'm scum this game. Where's it at?
Just one question...would you prefer Aye or FA-Q2 as a scum partner?

Does your screenname have anything to do with the scattered thoughts you have in this game?
Just one question...would you prefer Aye or FA-Q2 as a scum partner?

That's not a question to determine my alignment. That's you sticking to a faulty reasoning that shows me you don't really care what I have to say to any of your accusations which is the feeling I've been getting for awhile. Townies, even if they think they have scum, don't ignore what their scumreads say because they can't be sure the person is scum. That's a first class error on your part. Townies are always willing to adjust their reads based on new information and rarely vote park early game especially. Scum do.

But as town, I'm more than happy to ignore your accusations until you have something to back them up and I'm definitely starting to scumread you for your behavior.
I have no clue what to make of Aye's behavior and Wake's post didn't really tell me anything either except he's busy and can't take 10 minutes to play the game.


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