Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville


It's obvious why the scum want to take over Cityville. Cityville is a very scenic place and a photographer's dream.


Wolfsister77-Nutz (L-4)
Wake-Wolfsister77, RosieS, AyeCantSeeYou (L-2)
AyeCan'tSeeYou-FA_Q2, House (L-3)
FA_Q2-Avatar4321 (L-4)

Not Voting: Wake,
With 8 Alive It's 5 to Lynch
Deadline is: Thursday, February 19th @8pm

MOD NOTE: Potluck leftovers for dinner.

Does your screenname have anything to do with the scattered thoughts you have in this game?
My thoughts have been consistent. Just because you aren't privy to my thought process or because you can't appreciate an unmolested player in the doesn't mean my thoughts are scattered.

I wonder how many previous battles you are still fighting in a new game?
Just one question...would you prefer Aye or FA-Q2 as a scum partner?

That's not a question to determine my alignment. That's you sticking to a faulty reasoning that shows me you don't really care what I have to say to any of your accusations which is the feeling I've been getting for awhile. Townies, even if they think they have scum, don't ignore what their scumreads say because they can't be sure the person is scum. That's a first class error on your part. Townies are always willing to adjust their reads based on new information and rarely vote park early game especially. Scum do.

But as town, I'm more than happy to ignore your accusations until you have something to back them up and I'm definitely starting to scumread you for your behavior.
Who said I am not paying attention to what you say?
Just one question...would you prefer Aye or FA-Q2 as a scum partner?

That's not a question to determine my alignment. That's you sticking to a faulty reasoning that shows me you don't really care what I have to say to any of your accusations which is the feeling I've been getting for awhile. Townies, even if they think they have scum, don't ignore what their scumreads say because they can't be sure the person is scum. That's a first class error on your part. Townies are always willing to adjust their reads based on new information and rarely vote park early game especially. Scum do.

But as town, I'm more than happy to ignore your accusations until you have something to back them up and I'm definitely starting to scumread you for your behavior.
Who said I am not paying attention to what you say?

Because generally, when I'm town scumreading someone, I don't ignore them. You haven't responded to one word I've said since you decided I was scum. That's not town looking at things with an open mind, knowing that they might be wrong. That's a far more scum motivated mindset of laying a scumread on a townie and sticking with it regardless of what they say. There is no way that my arguments/discussions against what you are saying are scummy, nor have I done anything scummy or unusual for me as town. Yet you still insist I'm scum whiled showing very little interest in changing that view. That is not townie behavior and therefore we need to consider the possibility that you may be one of the scum we are looking for and we are erroneously giving you a pass because you are new.
BTW Nutz if you are scum, trying to mislynch me, you'll find you will have a very difficult time getting away with that with me and you probably should of chosen a better target.

If I have 2 votes and listed as being at L-3, how can Wake have 3 votes and be at L-3 also?

~mod note: whenever you see something like that, just realize that a wizard did it.

Does your screenname have anything to do with the scattered thoughts you have in this game?
My thoughts have been consistent. Just because you aren't privy to my thought process or because you can't appreciate an unmolested player in the doesn't mean my thoughts are scattered.

I wonder how many previous battles you are still fighting in a new game?

No, your thoughts are scattered in what you are posting.
I wonder how many previous battles you are still fighting in a new game?

Previous battles? Only a fool would bring something like that into a different game. Question is, why are you trying so hard to convince yourself that a handful of people in this game are town? Why are you so insistent that I am scum, Wolf is scum, and Rosie as well at the beginning of the game? Is it because all 3 of us have voted for Wake, who could be your scum buddy?
I'm waiting to see who will call Avi scum for telling us to wait on Wake to respond before someone hammers him.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

Yes, he's new, but he can't be dismissed because of that. If he really believes half of us are scum, and if that was the case, the game wouldn't get anywhere. For someone to be lynched in that scenario, scum would have to vote to lynch one of their own. When the Night Phase begins, with them taking out one of us, it'd be back to the same thing the following Game Day - 3 vs 3 instead of 4 vs 4. Again, scum would have to agree to vote out one of their own. Nutz needs to see the logic in that and realize his list is way off.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.

This isn't a previous game, House. New game, new everything. Not everyone is going to play as they have in previous games. Now, what does my response you quoted have to do with Nutz's whacked out list where he's calling half of us scum?
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.

This isn't a previous game, House. New game, new everything. Not everyone is going to play as they have in previous games. Now, what does my response you quoted have to do with Nutz's whacked out list where he's calling half of us scum?

People don't flip their entire town playstyle like that, especially to a worse one.

Town Aye would have asked Nutz questions regarding their excessive scumread count, not jump on it as an easy excuse to paint them scummy.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.

This isn't a previous game, House. New game, new everything. Not everyone is going to play as they have in previous games. Now, what does my response you quoted have to do with Nutz's whacked out list where he's calling half of us scum?

People don't flip their entire town playstyle like that, especially to a worse one.

Town Aye would have asked Nutz questions regarding their excessive scumread count, not jump on it as an easy excuse to paint them scummy.

You don't get to put words in my posts like that. You don't know what I'd say or think, so don't assume anything. Maybe YOU would have asked him about that, but that doesn't mean I would. By the way, why are you taking up for Nutz? Is it because he didn't call you out in that post and say you're scum? Why can't you let him respond to posts like that himself? Are you coaching him on how to reply to posts?
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

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