Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

And no red flags about Aye has been thrown up to you?
Does anyone think that Aye is Wolf's echo chamber?

LOL-If you only knew the history between us (game 2,3,5 in particular) you wouldn't be saying Aye sheeps me on anything.

No one is ringing any town bells for me this game. I think Aye is acting really weird if she's scum and I don't see the point to it for scum to behave that way. That's about all I can say on her right now.
And no red flags about Aye has been thrown up to you?
Does anyone think that Aye is Wolf's echo chamber?

LOL-If you only knew the history between us (game 2,3,5 in particular) you wouldn't be saying Aye sheeps me on anything.

Just for you, Nutz.

Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.

This isn't a previous game, House. New game, new everything. Not everyone is going to play as they have in previous games. Now, what does my response you quoted have to do with Nutz's whacked out list where he's calling half of us scum?

People don't flip their entire town playstyle like that, especially to a worse one.

Town Aye would have asked Nutz questions regarding their excessive scumread count, not jump on it as an easy excuse to paint them scummy.

You don't get to put words in my posts like that. You don't know what I'd say or think, so don't assume anything. Maybe YOU would have asked him about that, but that doesn't mean I would. By the way, why are you taking up for Nutz? Is it because he didn't call you out in that post and say you're scum? Why can't you let him respond to posts like that himself? Are you coaching him on how to reply to posts?

Damn you nailed me. I'm totally scum with Nutz.

The great Aye has scumhunted me. :udaman:
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

Where do you get Aye and Wolfie being partners?

I think your case on Wolfsister is full-on moonlogic. Wolfie is town. Aye is scum as scum can be, however.

I don't know about her partner, could be wake.
Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

You're not playing like Fire & Ice at all this game.

In that game, you were analyzing and asking questions to try to figure the game out. In this game, you are just trying to paint actions as scummy without inquiring as to the reasoning behind them and hardcore defending yourself.

This is D1 and you're not even the leading wagon, I see no reason why you should be so reactionary.

This isn't a previous game, House. New game, new everything. Not everyone is going to play as they have in previous games. Now, what does my response you quoted have to do with Nutz's whacked out list where he's calling half of us scum?

People don't flip their entire town playstyle like that, especially to a worse one.

Town Aye would have asked Nutz questions regarding their excessive scumread count, not jump on it as an easy excuse to paint them scummy.

You don't get to put words in my posts like that. You don't know what I'd say or think, so don't assume anything. Maybe YOU would have asked him about that, but that doesn't mean I would. By the way, why are you taking up for Nutz? Is it because he didn't call you out in that post and say you're scum? Why can't you let him respond to posts like that himself? Are you coaching him on how to reply to posts?

Damn you nailed me. I'm totally scum with Nutz.

The great Aye has scumhunted me. :udaman:
I wish it were true. I have a feeling it would be very entertaining.
Avatar...not leaning one way or another.
Rosie - I lean more towards scum, but not far enough focus on.
FAQ2 - Scummy - seems to be hiding
Aye - Scummier.
Wolfsister - Scum.

Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

Where do you get Aye and Wolfie being partners?

I think your case on Wolfsister is full-on moonlogic. Wolfie is town. Aye is scum as scum can be, however.

I don't know about her partner, could be wake.
Moon logic is nothing more than a beginning.
Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

Where do you get Aye and Wolfie being partners?

I think your case on Wolfsister is full-on moonlogic. Wolfie is town. Aye is scum as scum can be, however.

I don't know about her partner, could be wake.
Moon logic is nothing more than a beginning.
the two of you need to have a showdown to determine which one of you can have an avatar of that creepy guy.
Anyone else notice the irony in this post? How many of us can be scum? According to Nutz, half of us are. The only ones not called scum in his 'list': Nutz, House, Wake, Avi.

he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

Where do you get Aye and Wolfie being partners?

I think your case on Wolfsister is full-on moonlogic. Wolfie is town. Aye is scum as scum can be, however.

I don't know about her partner, could be wake.
Moon logic is nothing more than a beginning.

That's based on the premise that your read evolves to something that resembles rationality.

So far, it hasn't.
he is right about me not being scum but he is a newb may as well give him some time to get his game legs

What if he is scum and we leave him alone because he's new?
If I were scum...I would try to paint that picture too!

House, besides Wake, who do you lean scummy. Aye and her partner, Wolf? What about Avi?

Where do you get Aye and Wolfie being partners?

I think your case on Wolfsister is full-on moonlogic. Wolfie is town. Aye is scum as scum can be, however.

I don't know about her partner, could be wake.
Moon logic is nothing more than a beginning.

That's based on the premise that your read evolves to something that resembles rationality.

So far, it hasn't.
How successful have you been at this game? People seem to tremble at your presence....but you don't scare me. No one is giving tells...they are jockeying for position. You gotta look deeper. Wolf contradicted herself...she said she was being nice because of me - the noob - then she changed that and said she is being nice because past game s flamed up. He has been very helpful...but also arrogantly dismissive...only to return to helpful. She is trying to deflect pretty aggressively via attacking (her view) of my strategy...yet she is helpful at other times.

But, it could be Aye. She is buddying Wolf. Perhaps a distraction by Aye...or a convenient mirror for Wolf. Wolf said she would never buddy with a scum....but would a scum try to buddy a town to make that person look like scum?

I'll vote for Aye if it means moving forward...but wolf still has my vote. I think Aye may be a better player and is trying to make Wolf make a mistake...but I could be wrong.
How successful have you been at this game? People seem to tremble at your presence....but you don't scare me. No one is giving tells...they are jockeying for position. You gotta look deeper. Wolf contradicted herself...she said she was being nice because of me - the noob - then she changed that and said she is being nice because past game s flamed up. He has been very helpful...but also arrogantly dismissive...only to return to helpful. She is trying to deflect pretty aggressively via attacking (her view) of my strategy...yet she is helpful at other times.

But, it could be Aye. She is buddying Wolf. Perhaps a distraction by Aye...or a convenient mirror for Wolf. Wolf said she would never buddy with a scum....but would a scum try to buddy a town to make that person look like scum?

I'll vote for Aye if it means moving forward...but wolf still has my vote. I think Aye may be a better player and is trying to make Wolf make a mistake...but I could be wrong.

This is the best post I've seen from you thus far.

But, it could be Aye. She is buddying Wolf. Perhaps a distraction by Aye...or a convenient mirror for Wolf. Wolf said she would never buddy with a scum....but would a scum try to buddy a town to make that person look like scum?

It's possible.

I'll vote for Aye if it means moving forward...but wolf still has my vote. I think Aye may be a better player and is trying to make Wolf make a mistake...but I could be wrong.

There's far more to vote Aye for than Wolfie.

To be fair, if I wasn't keenly aware of Wolfie's recent games, I'd be swayed by your post, but I believe she is trying to adjust her playstyle to adapt to her new role as an IC over on MafiaScum.
How successful have you been at this game? People seem to tremble at your presence....but you don't scare me. No one is giving tells...they are jockeying for position. You gotta look deeper. Wolf contradicted herself...she said she was being nice because of me - the noob - then she changed that and said she is being nice because past game s flamed up. He has been very helpful...but also arrogantly dismissive...only to return to helpful. She is trying to deflect pretty aggressively via attacking (her view) of my strategy...yet she is helpful at other times.

But, it could be Aye. She is buddying Wolf. Perhaps a distraction by Aye...or a convenient mirror for Wolf. Wolf said she would never buddy with a scum....but would a scum try to buddy a town to make that person look like scum?

I'll vote for Aye if it means moving forward...but wolf still has my vote. I think Aye may be a better player and is trying to make Wolf make a mistake...but I could be wrong.

LOL-I don't tremble at House's presence and he doesn't scare me. For at least the third time I'm going to tell you this because you are new at the game and apparently have serious reading comprehension issues. I said I was being nicer due to you being new AND because I had a strategy this game to try to make it less toxic for everyone which I would of done regardless of alignment and this is not alignment indicative. Me flipping out when I was being scumread for it while at the same time Wake was scumreading me for being angry is fucking frustrated town. Yes, scum buddy townies all the time. It's a viable scum strategy. They also defend townies for towncred if the townie ever flips town. Me being helpful is because you are new. I'm also losing patience with you quickly and I don't have much of a desire to be helpful any more. Of course I'm going to respond to you. That's how the game is played. Arrogantly dismissive-yep, I have zero tolerance for foolishness and I know you won't get me lynched and I have every reason to be confident of that.
Butchered quote is butchered. My reply to Nutz' post is embedded.

How often did Rosie post in previous games? Has she ever been scum?
I think Wolf needs to make a case against Aye.

I already said I don't have a good read on her but that she's defensive and antagonistic and I'm not sure why and scum player would draw attention to themselves like that. It's also completely different from her normal scumgame.

So I don't really know if she's scum or not. That's the best you are going to get out of me on her.
How often did Rosie post in previous games? Has she ever been scum?

In game 2 she was and was incredibly nasty and aggressive. Especially towards me but only when I started suspecting her, voting for her, and going after her. She also threatened me-a scum threat, not a real one. Her posting level varies. She's posting less here than there but I can't say her activity level is alignment indicative right now.
House is right about how I treat newbies in games since I started to IC. I'm usually pretty helpful with game questions. That said, you should not judge my alignment on my willingness to teach because that is null and not alignment indicative for me.
So why are you buddying up to wolf, Aye?

How am I buddying up to anyone in this game? Truth is, I haven't and won't. You tell me how I'm doing what you claim.

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