OK Gov's daughter living in a trailer behind the Governor's Mansion - and this is no joke...

You can take the Tea bagger out of the trailer park but you can't take their trailers away.

And their Wisconsin CHEEZ!!!

Right, Stephanie??


OH, and Stephanie, let me please do the honors for you:

"OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN trailersnort FICKKEN CHIKKEN these peephole dam thay got to be raw one everywon they.just got there assis kicked to the crub in 2104 THayv gawt two gow GAWD, agian!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Does this remind anyone else of Boy George?


Only much prettier, and female!!!
What's the problem? Various politicians have had family members live with them in their official residences. Obama and his family come readily to mind.

And...............since it's behind a wall and not much of an eyesore, why would anyone mind?

Cuz it's against OK law. That's explained at the link.

That's why.

And when it was found out, it was corrected.

Should never have happened to begin with. It's called "being informed", "making wise decisions", etc.

Just like Charles Rangle should have known the tax code.

Tu quoque, eh?
I don't know about anyone else but I am digging her style. She is quite pretty.
You can take the Tea bagger out of the trailer park but you can't take their trailers away.
There are some hard core Tea Baggers there, and I went to school with them...

I believe that and the anger over a hypocritical Governor who demands one thing and can't follow their own rules is probably making them hot about this.
You can take the Tea bagger out of the trailer park but you can't take their trailers away.
There are some hard core Tea Baggers there, and I went to school with them...

I believe that and the anger over a hypocritical Governor who demands one thing and can't follow their own rules is probably making them hot about this.

And yet not a peep from you loons over a President who bypasses Congress to make new laws via executive fiat in order to promote his Global Warming Agenda and then takes Air Force One on vacation.

Go figure.
An illegally parked 5th wheel. What a travesty! (and this is the liberal talking point of the day, folks!).......:uhoh3:

I bet she has a couple of unpaid parking tickets too! Better send in the SWAT team!
You can take the Tea bagger out of the trailer park but you can't take their trailers away.
There are some hard core Tea Baggers there, and I went to school with them...

I believe that and the anger over a hypocritical Governor who demands one thing and can't follow their own rules is probably making them hot about this.

And yet not a peep from you loons over a President who bypasses Congress to make new laws via executive fiat in order to promote his Global Warming Agenda and then takes Air Force One on vacation.

Go figure.

The president doesn't take a vacation. He is on duty 24/7/365. Mary Fallon on the other hand, has three adult children living at home, I wonder if Mary is collecting Section 8 for that?

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