OK it's time for logic

I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



thanks for the imbecilic memes.

let me know when Martha doesn't tell the orange sociopath to go screw himself.

Martha Stewart appears to give Donald Trump the middle finger in photo

you should probably actually know what you're talking about before you open your trump loon mouth

do you guys get bonuses to be dicks daily?
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?
He's not standing in their way. He just doesn't want to be accused of anything. How is he "not helping?"
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Tell me something, if there were any collusion between Trump and Russia, don't you think there would have been concrete evidence found of it by now?

I mean, how long has this crap been going on? Seven months? Where's the evidence?

trump loons are funny.

why would we have "concrete evidence" yet? there haven't been hearings.

or do we only do those things for democrats that repugs want to screw over?

run along.
what is it you think needs to be done. hearings for what? what is it you feel needs to be done in a hearing? hearings hearings hearings, wtf does that mean? what the fk has the house and senate been fking doing? wasn't comey in a hearing? didn't clapper, come on dude, what is it you feel is needed that hasn't been done already. I'm fking all ears.
why would we have "concrete evidence" yet? there haven't been hearings.

You don't need "hearings" to get the evidence. For fuck's sake, jillian. Look at what the media is trying to do to Trump right now, if they had any skills in investigative journalism, they would have found the evidence already. Seven months of this bullshit and nothing. Period.
From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



Uhh.... where do you buy your mushrooms?

My ex was into mushrooms ,maybe bought them from him. :biggrin:
Well I get mines from the Whole foods markets. I only like them on my pizza and with certain pasta dishes, and on my salads. The health benefits that a person gets from them is that is helps boosts the blood flow through out the body. It awaken dead cells. But I can see that you haven't had any in your whole life. But if you change your mind about eating mushrooms, please do not rubbed them on your face or body like other that they be doing. Thinking that they will still can gets the health benefits from them by doing that. But I can see that people when drinking alcohols, that they swallows it to feel the affects from it, instead of by rubbing it on their faces and backs to see if they can feel the affects of it.

. Mushrooms To Prevent Dementia, Alzheimer's? - Andrew Weil, M.D.

Anti-aging Health Benefits of Mushrooms, Mushroom Recipes
I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



thanks for the imbecilic memes.

let me know when Martha doesn't tell the orange sociopath to go screw himself.

Martha Stewart appears to give Donald Trump the middle finger in photo

you should probably actually know what you're talking about before you open your trump loon mouth

If she did. She probably had done it in fear for her life. Looking at snuggle the dog, probably reminded her of Big Bertha, her ex cell mate.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Tell me something, if there were any collusion between Trump and Russia, don't you think there would have been concrete evidence found of it by now?

I mean, how long has this crap been going on? Seven months? Where's the evidence?
OH WOW!!! SEVEN MONTHS? They're not even getting warmed up, fellas.
From Politifact, bashing Hillary's whine that Benghazi was the longest running investigation ever:

Most outlets reporting this factoid have measured the length of the Benghazi investigation by how long the select committee has been in existence -- 72 weeks, or roughly 17 months. They note in particular that this is now longer than the Watergate investigation in the 1970s -- that committee existed for about 16 months -- and also longer than probes into Pearl Harbor and Hurricane Katrina. When we contacted the Clinton campaign, they pointed to some of those news reports as evidence.

However, we found numerous examples of congressional committee investigations that have lasted much longer than the Benghazi panel's 17 months. Here are some examples, covering the period from when the investigation was launched to when a final report was issued:

House Select Committee on Assassinations, 30 months: In September 1976, the House established this committee to investigate the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the government's response. The committee issued its report January 1979.

Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor-Management Relations, 38 months: This committee looked into racketeering in the labor industry from January 1957 to March 1960.

Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 40 months: This committee had a broad charge to investigate the conduct of the Civil War, starting December 1861 and producing a final report May 1865.

Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, 90 months: This committee examined questions about the awarding of defense contracts during World War II, running from 1941 to 1948. This panel brought national attention to a previously obscure Democratic senator, Harry Truman.
Clinton campaign: Benghazi probe is Congress' longest investigation ever

These four investigations were -- like the one on Benghazi -- conducted by a special committee dedicated solely to that investigation.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?
Isn't that the FBI and Congress' job?

Trump can have the agencies under his authority to begin building in preventative measures to stop the hacking that occurred.
well you'd be the first to say he was interfering in the investigation. you all are fking whack jobs. there is a no win scenario for trump with the idiots who are the libs. None. I laugh at you fks daily in here cause you speak out both sides of your mouth and you never hold your own accountable. what you post is useless bullshit.

No I would not. You dumb ass conservatives who sunk the nation with your economic folly really need to shut the fuck up thinking you can tell us what we think. We are far more capable of telling you guys what you think because it's so simple. Trump having the agencies under his control begin to put together preventative measures to stop the hacking would not interfere with the investigations.

You think? Obviously not.

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.


None of those things happened.
Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



Uhh.... where do you buy your mushrooms?

My ex was into mushrooms ,maybe bought them from him. :biggrin:
Well I get mines from the Whole foods markets. I only like them on my pizza and with certain pasta dishes, and on my salads. The health benefits that a person gets from them is that is helps boosts the blood flow through out the body. It awaken dead cells. But I can see that you haven't had any in your whole life. But if you change your mind about eating mushrooms, please do not rubbed them on your face or body like other that they be doing. Thinking that they will still can gets the health benefits from them by doing that. But I can see that people when drinking alcohols, that they swallows it to feel the affects from it, instead of by rubbing it on their faces and backs to see if they can feel the affects of it.

. Mushrooms To Prevent Dementia, Alzheimer's? - Andrew Weil, M.D.

Anti-aging Health Benefits of Mushrooms, Mushroom Recipes

Yes I like those types myself, but we were talking about psychedelic mushrooms. :)
Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.


None of those things happened.

Keep posting child, with each one you prove how uninformed you really are. LMAO

They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

Don't call me princess; that's Your Highness, to you.

Obama made one statement expressing his opinion about Brexit while he was in England on a state visit. Probably the Israeli election thing was similar, although I'm not familiar with it. If you want to say that's apples to apples with hacking into Russia's political parties' offices, flooding their social media with fake news and bots and trolls pushing to sink Hillary, that's on you. I say they're not the same.
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

that's just normal
Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

Don't call me princess; that's Your Highness, to you.

Obama made one statement expressing his opinion about Brexit while he was in England on a state visit. Probably the Israeli election thing was similar, although I'm not familiar with it. If you want to say that's apples to apples with hacking into Russia's political parties' offices, flooding their social media with fake news and bots and trolls pushing to sink Hillary, that's on you. I say they're not the same.

Your dear leader sent people and taxpayer money to Israel in opposition to the prime minister. Feel free to read any of the articles in this search.

obama operatives go to israel - Bing

Like I said, those were only the overt actions, imagine what he tried to do behind the scenes.

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

Don't call me princess; that's Your Highness, to you.

Obama made one statement expressing his opinion about Brexit while he was in England on a state visit. Probably the Israeli election thing was similar, although I'm not familiar with it. If you want to say that's apples to apples with hacking into Russia's political parties' offices, flooding their social media with fake news and bots and trolls pushing to sink Hillary, that's on you. I say they're not the same.
why are you so lazy?

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
"The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report."

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