OK it's time for logic

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

that's just normal

Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

Did they have a real preference for a winner or would they have done it regardless of who the bitch ran against? I think they would have.

Your dear leader did it, he interfered in the Brexit vote and the Israeli election, and those were just the overt efforts, how many covert efforts were made, should we prosecute him? You're being a bit hypocritical here princess.

that's just normal

Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

shhhhhhh don't let the libturds know how the world works.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.
What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.
Agreed for the most part. Many Republicans are skittish about the frickin' Russians. OTOH, they also don't want their election win to be tainted by the Russian efforts. I strongly doubt any Congressional reps are traitors, Russian lackeys or Putin's "cock holsters".

look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
OTOH JC seems more than willing to serve Putin however he can.
Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.
Agreed for the most part. Many Republicans are skittish about the frickin' Russians. OTOH, they also don't want their election win to be tainted by the Russian efforts. I strongly doubt any Congressional reps are traitors, Russian lackeys or Putin's "cock holsters".
again, there is absolutely nothing out there to validate any russia anything. If you think there is, post it.
What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.

Do you seriously think the US doesn't do the same, we constantly try to influence the internal affairs of other countries, only a serious hypocrite would cry about them doing the same to us.

Every thing we need to know has already been learned. Cyber security is more important than ever and no one should take media reports at face value, most every report has an agenda. The fact is that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with it, that fantasy conspiracy theory was hatched by the commiecrats to, wait for it........................................influence the American people and try to delegitimize Trumps presidency.

They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.

Do you seriously think the US doesn't do the same, we constantly try to influence the internal affairs of other countries, only a serious hypocrite would cry about them doing the same to us.

Every thing we need to know has already been learned. Cyber security is more important than ever and no one should take media reports at face value, most every report has an agenda. The fact is that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with it, that fantasy conspiracy theory was hatched by the commiecrats to, wait for it........................................influence the American people and try to delegitimize Trumps presidency.

amazing, a political party doing exactly what they charge a country with doing. hmmmmm and we know they do based on Debbie Wasserman.
Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.

They still are, this collusion conspiracy is doing more than Putin could have possibly hoped for in making Americans suspicious of our political process.

Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.
Agreed for the most part. Many Republicans are skittish about the frickin' Russians. OTOH, they also don't want their election win to be tainted by the Russian efforts. I strongly doubt any Congressional reps are traitors, Russian lackeys or Putin's "cock holsters".

look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
OTOH JC seems more than willing to serve Putin however he can.
ahhh now there it is, when I know I've won. I'm still kicking your behind bubba. you got nothing as I predicted. Not a fking thing to say the russians did anything. thanks for playing.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?

They hacked 21 state election databases, and tried to hack 41 state election systems.
Do you seriously think the US doesn't do the same, we constantly try to influence the internal affairs of other countries, only a serious hypocrite would cry about them doing the same to us....
Translation: Because I suspect the US of doing the same to Russia, I fully support the Russians trying to influence US elections.

Shocking. It's sad to see so many Democrats and Republicans putting party before country these days.
Do you seriously think the US doesn't do the same, we constantly try to influence the internal affairs of other countries, only a serious hypocrite would cry about them doing the same to us.

Stutxnet vs Russia-gate
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?

They hacked 21 state election databases, and tried to hack 41 state election systems.
they did? what did they get and who has the evidence? that again is a nothing burger. there ain't anything there.
ahhh now there it is, when I know I've won. I'm still kicking your behind bubba. you got nothing as I predicted. Not a fking thing to say the russians did anything. thanks for playing.
You are free to support the Russians and I'm free to call you a traitor when you do.
ahhh now there it is, when I know I've won. I'm still kicking your behind bubba. you got nothing as I predicted. Not a fking thing to say the russians did anything. thanks for playing.
You are free to support the Russians and I'm free to call you a traitor when you do.
you're just a liar that has no information and pissed because you can't prove your claim. it's ok. you call me a traitor, it shows you weak cause you can't prove it.
They still are, this collusion conspiracy is doing more than Putin could have possibly hoped for in making Americans suspicious of our political process.

Is it a coincidence that so many people from the Trump campaign talked to the Russians, and then denied and lied that they talked to the Russians?
And btw, I challenge any of you fking libturds to post one piece of evidence that russia did anything. One. queue the jeopardy music. in fact, i know I'll get this,

Yep, every country tries to influence others, interference would be screwing with the votes, not trying to change the minds of the voters.

In the past, we knew when Russia was feeding us propaganda, that was just a load of manure. This time they fed us propaganda disguised as our own internet news sources. What used to be Americans sharing information on facebook, or in chat rooms, became Russians pretending to be Americans, spreading propaganda. So those news sources republicans kept linking to, turned out to be news planted by Russian agents to disrupt the election. And republicans were all too willing to do russias bidding.

They still are, this collusion conspiracy is doing more than Putin could have possibly hoped for in making Americans suspicious of our political process.

That's the plan. I doubt any Americans colluded, but the entire purpose of the Russian plan is to sow dissent and mistrust. This thread, and others, are full of people not only putting party before country, but supporting Russian efforts.

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