On Jan 6, did Congress/ Mike Pence have the authority to overrule the States Electoral Votes?

Does a Congress or the Vice President have the authority to overturn States EVs?

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Do you believe Congress or the Vice President has the authority to overturn the states Electoral Votes?

The states had already certified their vote.
Does Congress/VP have the authority to overrule the states?

No, absolutely not! They had to win in the courts 1st to have any shot.

If you want to watch how political parties attempt such nonsense, watch how the Democrats tried to do it against Trump in 16, or how they tried against Bush when he beat Gore. And, maybe if you want a state view, watch them try to pull it off in Georgia when ole Stacy lost.

The Left............which has been doing this forever...........couldn't pull it off, no way could the GOP, lol!
What's the point of having government officials like Pence there if they can't object to the fraudulent votes?

So in 2024, Kamala Harris will have the power to overturn votes she considers fraudulent?

Due to rampant voter suppression in Texas and Florida, I am disallowing their Electoral Votes
Stop the Steal

That was the objective of the mob storming the Capitol.
Do you believe Congress or the Vice President has the authority to overturn the states Electoral Votes?
Guess you haven't heard yet. Biden won the election in 2020, Trump left office in January 2021, and Biden has been there ever since. News must travel very slowly for you guys who just can't let go of the past.
Guess you haven't heard yet. Biden won the election in 2020, Trump left office in January 2021, and Biden has been there ever since. News must travel very slowly for you guys who just can't let go of the past.
That news obviously did not reach the TRUMPmob on Jan 6 who believed the lie that Congress or Pence could overturn the results
I think congress has that right when my party is in control of congress but not when the other party is in control. Did I do that right?
Perhaps I'm wrong but there are two things in play: the 12th amendment and the law passed after the 1870 election. The 12th amend doesn't seem to grant any leeway. IF the EV's are certified at the state level, then they have to be counted. The statute, 3 U.S.C. § 15., (link embedded below) seems to come into play when congresspeople and senators object to individual state certified votes, in which case both chambers have to vote to sustain an objection to throw out a vote. I think, but I could be wrong, that the question is whether the statute is even constitutional because that process of objecting is NOT in the 12 amend.
What difference does it make? Biden won, Trump left office, and Biden is president. Why are you so obsessed over this?

The difference is that Trump could not admit Biden beat him and created a lie that the election was stolen from him

An angry mob believed the lie and attacked Congress because of it.
Five people died
So in 2024, Kamala Harris will have the power to overturn votes she considers fraudulent?

Due to rampant voter suppression in Texas and Florida, I am disallowing their Electoral Votes

^^^Look how scared the Nazis are that their cult leader is going to go down.

The difference is that Trump could not admit Biden beat him and created a lie that the election was stolen from him

An angry mob believed the lie and attacked Congress because of it.
Five people died
And congress, but not the senate, is now totally dysfunctional. Even bipartisan decisions are now subjected to draw out votes. No one is willing to give another the benefit of being honorable, because gop congress critters tried to subvert EV that had been certified at the state level.

It's one of the reasons Pelosi can't control her own party, and the House has always (I mean always) functioned to the will of the Speaker. In short, it's chaos. Although sanity prevailed on the infrastructure bill.

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