Once again pointing out the elephant in the room

Yeah see I don't know how you get there from what I posted, but ok.

If I misconstrued anything, it was because your post was not fully clear.

It would be best if you just clarified what you meant.
Thomas Jefferson on the evils of wealth inequality, and how it can be mitigated through progressive taxation:

I asked myself what could be the reason that so many should be permitted to beg who are willing to work, in a country where there is a very considerable proportion of uncultivated lands? These lands are kept idle mostly for the sake of game. It should seem then that it must be because of the enormous wealth of the proprietors which places them above attention to the increase of their revenues by permitting these lands to be laboured. I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right.

Equality: Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
If you did your argument would be different. Oh well. :dunno:

No arguments. Just worthless and unsubstantiated criticism.

Back up what you are asserting.

All you've said is we don't need it, you haven't backed up anything. You haven't even made your proposal clear. Are you a full anarchist? Do you just think funding should be voluntary or do you think all government should be voluntary, as in court decisions are non enforceable? You're completely vague. I'm a small government libertarian, I should be a short putt for you, but I have no idea what you're specifically arguing
Unsubstantiated? In your mind yeah but then again I'm not the one with the conspiracy mindset.......... :thup:

Conspiracies? What conspiracies?

The hard truth is always a conspiracy when the world is filled with tools.
All you've said is we don't need it, you haven't backed up anything. You haven't even made your proposal clear. Are you a full anarchist? Do you just think funding should be voluntary or do you think all government should be voluntary, as in court decisions are non enforceable? You're completely vague. I'm a small government libertarian, I should be a short putt for you, but I have no idea what you're specifically arguing

That forced taxation is an immoral means to an end.

It should of been clear to anyone with basic reading comprehension skills, but it is pretty obvious that most people nowadays are certified morons.

Are you a full anarchist?

There is no such thing as a half anarchist.
We are clearly dealing with a retard who thinks "consent of the governed" means every vote has to be unanimous.
We are clearly dealing with a retard who thinks "consent of the governed" means every vote has to be unanimous.

No mate, you are the retard promoting the bullshit idea that silence equals consent.

How do you consent to be governed without personally agreeing to be governed? Show me the social contract.
There is no difference between a state and a street gang. T

Sure there is. Street gangs don't provide goods and services.

I like drinking clean water and driving on safe roads and knowing that the infrastructure is there that allows me to live in a civilized society. And I don't mind paying reasonable taxes to get that.
Sure there is. Street gangs don't provide goods and services.


Street gangs protect the businesses in their racket and often put money back into their turf.

I like drinking clean water and driving on safe roads and knowing that the infrastructure is there that allows me to live in a civilized society.

Me too.

Little services the government steals your money to pay for, to distract you from the fucked up evil reality of what is going on behind the scenes.

And I don't mind paying reasonable taxes to get that.

Why not do so voluntarily?

The problem is that individuals are punished for not paying taxes. That is the root of the problem.
We are clearly dealing with a retard who thinks "consent of the governed" means every vote has to be unanimous.

No mate, you are the retard promoting the bullshit idea that silence equals consent.

If you are silent when it comes time to vote, that is YOUR fault. You bet your ass silence equals consent.
If you are silent when it comes time to vote, that is YOUR fault. You bet your ass silence equals consent.

Lol, what a dumbass. Were you listening? You have to consent to the validity of the system to consent to the mandates that it passes.

You are like the rape apologists that say the victim was asking for it if they do not resist.
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Street gangs protect the businesses in their racket and often put money back into their turf.

No, they don't. Making you pay them not to mess up your business is not a service.

Me too.

Little things the government steals your money to pay for, to distract from the fucked up evil reality of what is going on behind the scenes.

The only thing going on behind the scenes is you not taking your medications like the nice doctor told you to... but he's probably in on the conspiracy.

Why not do so voluntarily?

The problem is that individuals are punished for not paying taxes. That is the root of the problem.

Because, shit, if I could get all those things for free, I'd totally do that, too. So would a lot of people.

Taxes make it fair. Everyone should pay their fair share. The rich should pay more, the poor should pay less.

Now, I'd be for simplifying taxes. I do think that we should get rid of stealth taxes and taxes on activities like driving or drinking. I think we should just have straight up income tax, one single deduction, from your paycheck, every week. Then we could have more honest discussions on how much we are paying and what we are actually paying for.

But the right wing hippies known as Libertarians are not going to be part of that discussion.
If you are silent when it comes time to vote, that is YOUR fault. You bet your ass silence equals consent.

Lol, what a dumbass. Were you listening? You have to consent to the validity of the system to consent to thea mandates that it passes.

You are like the rape apologists that say the victim was asking for it if they do not resist.
If you don't like the system our Founders created, you are in the wrong country.

Comparing yourself to a rape victim now, are you? Wow! What a fucking creep!

Unlike a rape victim, you are free to leave any time you wish, retard. See ya!
No, they don't. Making you pay them not to mess up your business is not a service.

Exactly my point. We pay the government to not fuck with our lives more than they already are.

The only thing going on behind the scenes is you not taking your medications like the nice doctor told you to... but he's probably in on the conspiracy.

Insults are worthless.

Debate the issues and stop insulting my intelligence. Do not like the debate? Then go cry about it.

Because, shit, if I could get all those things for free, I'd totally do that, too. So would a lot of people.

Taxes make it fair. Everyone should pay their fair share. The rich should pay more, the poor should pay less.

It isn't free when others are paying the price. You call it fair, but it is not fair when one side does not want the "free stuff" they are being forced to pay for.

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