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Only I can judge God. I is you if you choose to be.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Only I can judge God. I is you if you choose to be.

Using the term --- I am here means you. This applies to all of us. You are ( I ) to you as I am I to me. Only you then can judge the God construct that you see as you evaluate what you know of God.

Jesus said that at the end of days he would return. He meant in spirit only. Not a physical manifestation. He also said that the time of the end was at hand and that the temple of God was within each of us. The tern spirit represents, the spirit of the law, what is written in the hearts, ---- God in other words, ---- is defined as laws and rules and such as they are the only thing you can follow at all times, ---- and these are set by you and you are in effect ruling yourself in terms of following the God construct you have developed.

Jesus is telling you that you and your heart are the only things of importance in terms of leadership as it is the rules you have accepted as worthy of following. Jesus warned that at end times there would be a number of Jesus’ to choose from and morality is what you will have to choose from.

That is why I think it important to evaluate what Jesus said and determine if it is worthy and moral or not.

Jesus Christ. Madman or something worse.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4QXOgVfY9k&feature=player_embedded]Jesus Christ: Madman or Something Worse? - YouTube[/ame]

Below, Bishop Spong speaks of basically redefining Christianity. Going from a church or religious thinking, to a more spiritual or heart felt thinking. I also urge Christianity to change because it is now too immoral to ignore with today’s mentality. It’s overall policies are immoral in my view. The God of war must die and Jesus declared the full and only God that is required and that the noble lie of politics should be revoked to let all know that the God you likely know was always a myth. This may be a good time for you to contemplate such a move as many Christians haves rejected the O.T. God and only focus on Jesus and loving policies.

Bishop Spong speaks well to this issue.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AfFcAmx-Ro&feature=relmfu]Controversial retired bishop John Spong on religion. full sh - YouTube[/ame]

Apotheosis means just recognizing that you are on a journey of being your own God. Some few will have help from God on this through a real apotheosis but only the very few it seems. You cannot get away from that fact so you may as well forget about fantasy, miracles and magic. They were never real and you are the strongest force you will ever know. After all, who but you can make you want to do anything voluntarily? There is no other force that can do this and therefore you are God in the real sense of being master of yourself. If that does not compute with you then remember that A & E became as Gods, God’s own words, and yours is the same birth rite. Throw it away if you wish. You cannot reject the knowledge of good and evil so I cannot fathom why you would throw away the fact that you as well can become as Gods.

The moral of Jesus and his sacrifice is that we should accept being God, and ruling ourselves even against a government if needs be. Become archetypal Moses and face government and declare that it faces one as great as itself. That is what being a free man is all about.

The time of the end is when Jesus becomes your God on earth, ---- again this is you, --- who takes the place of the mythical heavenly God of war. Jesus/you, as the way, the man’s way of judging first, not some absentee God’s unknown standard. Your covenant with yourself is to be the new covenant. Man answering to man and himself. Not to some unknown God.

This clip from J. Haidt shows that we instinctively share God’s morals. In this we are truly Gods and children of God.

TED Blog | The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on TED.com

I am God because I am the only one who is capable of judging the God I know.
You are a God in your own rite as you are the only one who is capable of judging the God you know.

The Noble Lie is firmly in place and manipulating your thinking. Discard it. In this day and age we do not need it the way we may have in the past.

The Noble Lie.
In politics a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly told by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda.

As a Gnostic Christian, this theology/philosophy is quite natural to me and can be for all people.

Try thinking as the God that you are. Stop being a sheep and rise to your true inheritance as a shepherd. That is the message Jesus wants you to recognize.


Listen to Jesus and hear for the first time in your life.
Ps 82:6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
Hosea 1:10 Ye are the sons of the living God.
Do you think that sons of God are destined to be sheep or shepherds?
Jesus was written to empower us. Not enslave us. Do not waste what he gave.
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.

Who gave Satan the power to deceive us and why?


rather questionable isn't it, since the God of the big three claim that he is all powerfull and all knowing.Surely he would have destroyed all evil at the first.
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.

That's what Jeffrey Dahmer relied on in murdering and eating his victims.

Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer who gained notoriety for eating his victims, understood the connection between God and morality all too well. Dahmer’s father recounted his son’s moral reasoning in a documentary produced in 1996: “If it all happens naturalistically, what’s the need for a God? Can’t I set my own rules? Who owns me? I own myself.”
Exactly. If there is no God, you have no accountability to anyone else at all. You own yourself and you can do with yourself whatever you please.
In an interview in 1994, Dahmer himself explained his thinking. He wondered that if there were no God and we all came “from the slime,” then “what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges?”
The fact that we all instinctively cry out at Dahmer’s behavior does nothing to take away from the fact that his reasoning is right on target. He embodied the atheist worldview taken to its logical extremes. You may not like what Dahmer did, but unless you believe in an objective, transcendent moral standard, he didn’t do anything but act unfashionably.

How Did Jeffrey Dahmer Define Morality? – Post #4 of 2011 | Tough Questions Answered
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.

Who gave Satan the power to deceive us and why?


rather questionable isn't it, since the God of the big three claim that he is all powerfull and all knowing.Surely he would have destroyed all evil at the first.

Yes. At least to those Christians who do not recognize the good in that evil and why it must stay here and why we must do some evil to survive.
Let me explain.

Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.

That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy."

But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.

If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin.

Having said the above for the God that I do not believe in, I am a Gnostic Christian naturalist, let me tell you that evil is all human generated. Evil is our responsibility.

Much has been written to explain what I see as a natural part of evolution.

First, let us eliminate what some see as evil. Natural disasters. These are unthinking occurrences and are neither good nor evil. There is no intent to do evil even as victims are created.

Evil then is only human to human.
As evolving creatures, all we ever do, and ever can do, is compete or cooperate.
Cooperation we would see as good as there are no victims created. Competition would be seen as evil as it creates a victim. We all are either cooperating, doing good, or competing, doing evil at all times.

Without us doing some of both, we would likely go extinct.

This, to me, explains why there is evil in the world quite well.

Be you a believer in nature, evolution or God, we should all see that what Christians see as something to blame, evil, we should see that what we have, competition, deserves a huge thanks for being available to us.

There is no conflict between nature and God on this issue. This is how things are and should be. We all must do what some will think is evil as we compete and create losers to this competition.



Strangely, I even get help from some Christian sects on this.
Theistic evolution.
Profmth Mitch - YouTube
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.

That's what Jeffrey Dahmer relied on in murdering and eating his victims.

Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer who gained notoriety for eating his victims, understood the connection between God and morality all too well. Dahmer’s father recounted his son’s moral reasoning in a documentary produced in 1996: “If it all happens naturalistically, what’s the need for a God? Can’t I set my own rules? Who owns me? I own myself.”
Exactly. If there is no God, you have no accountability to anyone else at all. You own yourself and you can do with yourself whatever you please.
In an interview in 1994, Dahmer himself explained his thinking. He wondered that if there were no God and we all came “from the slime,” then “what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges?”
The fact that we all instinctively cry out at Dahmer’s behavior does nothing to take away from the fact that his reasoning is right on target. He embodied the atheist worldview taken to its logical extremes. You may not like what Dahmer did, but unless you believe in an objective, transcendent moral standard, he didn’t do anything but act unfashionably.

How Did Jeffrey Dahmer Define Morality? – Post #4 of 2011 | Tough Questions Answered

I wonder if he got the notion of eating flesh from the Catholics, Christians and Jesus?

He that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, dwells in me, and I in him.

One doesn't have to watch the entire video to spot the typical atheist rant.

The notion that to resist evil is "preposterous" is only so when framed in the superficial manner used in the video. To turn the othe cheek was clearly--to everyone except atheists, apparently--a moral rule for everyday life, not intended in the extremist examples presented in the clip.

Regards the idea that Christ forgiving sin leads to an exoneration of the guilty shows the atheist ability to 'pick and choose' Bible passages with at least the same dexterity as strict fundamentalist Christians, with whom the atheist actually has a great deal in common, btw. Vengence is Mine, says the Lord. The video maker is apparently familiar with the Bible--it's hard to see how he completely missed the huge number of passages in both Testaments whereby God warns that He will repay sin. Christ did not die so that humans go scott free. He died so that when humans kill themselves with their own sin--the wages of sin is death--He resurrects, restores, purifies [with Godly fire] and makes new. Hence the Christian paradigm of the 'new birth'. God will not be mocked, what a man sows, he shall reap.

This ties in with the other notions presented in the video, that forgiveness can only be granted by the one wronged and that Jesus 'degrades' love by commanding that we love all indiscriminately.

Your automatic rejection of Christ as God is a major stumbling block to you. That is, the presupposition--by 'freethinkers' who mock Christians for their presuppositions--that Jesus was only a man, which is the only context in which your charges make any sense at all. Jesus as God, on the other hand, upholds the principle that all intentional sin--that of the atheist, Christian, Hindu, etc.--will be recompensed. In this proper context, it is perfectly logical that God's nature is first to forgive all (all are thus destined to be saved), because He loves all. What you (and most Christians, for that matter) seem wholly unaware of is that salvation lies in the very destruction of that which causes sin within the individual. Hence, evil is destroyed and good brought forth, healing, for example, even those whose hatred for God runs so deep that they invent illogical charges against Christ, who rip and tear and crucify Him over and over. (This was done before, btw, some 2000 years ago, and how did Jesus respond to His detractors? "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Someday we will all greatly appreciate this.) Becasue you reject Who Jesus was, you have little understanding of what He did, what He taught or what it means, and spend your time and efforts ripping and tearing the very One who will wash both of us clean in the end.

Worship yourself as god if you must. I'll stick with the real God, whose ways are actually logical and ring true.
You can judge God if you want, I wouldn't recommend it. Rather I would encourage you learn from the Holy One of Israel and seek His mercy. Because judgment will come and it will be much better for you if you realize the need to be humble rather than trying to exalt yourself above God.
One doesn't have to watch the entire video to spot the typical atheist rant.

The notion that to resist evil is "preposterous" is only so when framed in the superficial manner used in the video. To turn the othe cheek was clearly--to everyone except atheists, apparently--a moral rule for everyday life, not intended in the extremist examples presented in the clip.

Regards the idea that Christ forgiving sin leads to an exoneration of the guilty shows the atheist ability to 'pick and choose' Bible passages with at least the same dexterity as strict fundamentalist Christians, with whom the atheist actually has a great deal in common, btw. Vengence is Mine, says the Lord. The video maker is apparently familiar with the Bible--it's hard to see how he completely missed the huge number of passages in both Testaments whereby God warns that He will repay sin. Christ did not die so that humans go scott free. He died so that when humans kill themselves with their own sin--the wages of sin is death--He resurrects, restores, purifies [with Godly fire] and makes new. Hence the Christian paradigm of the 'new birth'. God will not be mocked, what a man sows, he shall reap.

This ties in with the other notions presented in the video, that forgiveness can only be granted by the one wronged and that Jesus 'degrades' love by commanding that we love all indiscriminately.

Your automatic rejection of Christ as God is a major stumbling block to you. That is, the presupposition--by 'freethinkers' who mock Christians for their presuppositions--that Jesus was only a man, which is the only context in which your charges make any sense at all. Jesus as God, on the other hand, upholds the principle that all intentional sin--that of the atheist, Christian, Hindu, etc.--will be recompensed. In this proper context, it is perfectly logical that God's nature is first to forgive all (all are thus destined to be saved), because He loves all. What you (and most Christians, for that matter) seem wholly unaware of is that salvation lies in the very destruction of that which causes sin within the individual. Hence, evil is destroyed and good brought forth, healing, for example, even those whose hatred for God runs so deep that they invent illogical charges against Christ, who rip and tear and crucify Him over and over. (This was done before, btw, some 2000 years ago, and how did Jesus respond to His detractors? "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Someday we will all greatly appreciate this.) Becasue you reject Who Jesus was, you have little understanding of what He did, what He taught or what it means, and spend your time and efforts ripping and tearing the very One who will wash both of us clean in the end.

Worship yourself as god if you must. I'll stick with the real God, whose ways are actually logical and ring true.

You say God will destroy evil.
Why did he create it in the first place?

Scriptures do say that he created it for his pleasure so why would he destroy something that gives him pleasure?

You are a Universalist and so am I in the sense that I too believe that God loves us all and that means that he would never condemn us in the first place and that means we do not need saving.

As to forgiveness.
If your child does a sin of some kind against you, who should he seek forgiveness from first?

You or God?

Does the victim, you in this case, get closure first, or does a God who cannot possibly be hurt by those he created, ---- and are doing exactly as programmed by their, --- to you, --- God given natures?

You can judge God if you want, I wouldn't recommend it. Rather I would encourage you learn from the Holy One of Israel and seek His mercy. Because judgment will come and it will be much better for you if you realize the need to be humble rather than trying to exalt yourself above God.

Why would you recommend not judging God when you have done so yourself to ascertain that he is worthy of you following him?

You say --- do as I say and not as I do.

That is certainly not a good policy.

Why do you take the liberty of judging and try to deny it to others?

Worship yourself as god if you must. I'll stick with the real God, whose ways are actually logical and ring true.

Who is this real God you speak of and where can I find him?

Just for you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alRNbesfXXw&feature=player_embedded]Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli - YouTube[/ame]

One doesn't have to watch the entire video to spot the typical atheist rant.

The notion that to resist evil is "preposterous" is only so when framed in the superficial manner used in the video. To turn the othe cheek was clearly--to everyone except atheists, apparently--a moral rule for everyday life, not intended in the extremist examples presented in the clip.

Regards the idea that Christ forgiving sin leads to an exoneration of the guilty shows the atheist ability to 'pick and choose' Bible passages with at least the same dexterity as strict fundamentalist Christians, with whom the atheist actually has a great deal in common, btw. Vengence is Mine, says the Lord. The video maker is apparently familiar with the Bible--it's hard to see how he completely missed the huge number of passages in both Testaments whereby God warns that He will repay sin. Christ did not die so that humans go scott free. He died so that when humans kill themselves with their own sin--the wages of sin is death--He resurrects, restores, purifies [with Godly fire] and makes new. Hence the Christian paradigm of the 'new birth'. God will not be mocked, what a man sows, he shall reap.

This ties in with the other notions presented in the video, that forgiveness can only be granted by the one wronged and that Jesus 'degrades' love by commanding that we love all indiscriminately.

Your automatic rejection of Christ as God is a major stumbling block to you. That is, the presupposition--by 'freethinkers' who mock Christians for their presuppositions--that Jesus was only a man, which is the only context in which your charges make any sense at all. Jesus as God, on the other hand, upholds the principle that all intentional sin--that of the atheist, Christian, Hindu, etc.--will be recompensed. In this proper context, it is perfectly logical that God's nature is first to forgive all (all are thus destined to be saved), because He loves all. What you (and most Christians, for that matter) seem wholly unaware of is that salvation lies in the very destruction of that which causes sin within the individual. Hence, evil is destroyed and good brought forth, healing, for example, even those whose hatred for God runs so deep that they invent illogical charges against Christ, who rip and tear and crucify Him over and over. (This was done before, btw, some 2000 years ago, and how did Jesus respond to His detractors? "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Someday we will all greatly appreciate this.) Becasue you reject Who Jesus was, you have little understanding of what He did, what He taught or what it means, and spend your time and efforts ripping and tearing the very One who will wash both of us clean in the end.

Worship yourself as god if you must. I'll stick with the real God, whose ways are actually logical and ring true.

You say God will destroy evil.
Why did he create it in the first place?

Scriptures do say that he created it for his pleasure so why would he destroy something that gives him pleasure?

You are a Universalist and so am I in the sense that I too believe that God loves us all and that means that he would never condemn us in the first place and that means we do not need saving.

As to forgiveness.
If your child does a sin of some kind against you, who should he seek forgiveness from first?

You or God?

Does the victim, you in this case, get closure first, or does a God who cannot possibly be hurt by those he created, ---- and are doing exactly as programmed by their, --- to you, --- God given natures?


Evil is not a creation, but an action.
You say God will destroy evil.
Why did he create it in the first place?

Scriptures do say that he created it for his pleasure so why would he destroy something that gives him pleasure?

You are a Universalist and so am I in the sense that I too believe that God loves us all and that means that he would never condemn us in the first place and that means we do not need saving.

As to forgiveness.
If your child does a sin of some kind against you, who should he seek forgiveness from first?

You or God?

Does the victim, you in this case, get closure first, or does a God who cannot possibly be hurt by those he created, ---- and are doing exactly as programmed by their, --- to you, --- God given natures?


Evil is not a creation, but an action.

Thanks for the lack of apologetics with the above issues. :clap2:

Keep up the good work. Satan will love you for not defending your God.

In this clip there are some kinds of actions as you are referring to. Do you conclude the same verdict for God?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx7irFN2gdI]God on Trial: The Verdict - YouTube[/ame]

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?? said:
?? said:
?? said:
. Evil is our responsibility.

- YouTube[/url]

I think Christians would agree. The only difference is that there is no supreme power to see that justice is done in every circumstance in your world view.
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?? said:
?? said:
?? said:
rather questionable isn't it, since the God of the big three claim that he is all powerfull and all knowing.Surely he would have destroyed all evil at the first.

Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.

- YouTube[/url]

Free will is the key. I think we both agree that we have it, only, you deny that it was given to you by a higher power. Of course, if free will does not exist, then why do we get so bent out of shape when we percieve it has been curbed?

Biblically God is said to be love. So what is love? I think that if you study the propoerties of love, you will better understand God. So is it possible to have a loving relationship with someone even though you do not have the power to reject the other party? No, you don't. In fact, if God is all powerful, perhaps he chooses to relinquish part of that power ONLY over our free will. If so, it would help explain his interest in humanity. Think of it, if you had absolute power and knowledge manipulating the universe would be like playing tic tac toe with yourself. What interest would you have in that?

I will think that you will also note that with love comes pain. This means making yourself vulnerable to rejection, and even if you are not rejected you are faced with seperation for whatever reason. This is the dark side of love, and it is often confused with God not caring about us.

The real question is how God can be all powerful and all knowing and create us knowing we will sin, but at the same time giving us free will. To us, the equation may seem impossible, but then, if he is all powerful there must be a way. I don't proport to know all the mysteries, I just observe them.
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rather questionable isn't it, since the God of the big three claim that he is all powerfull and all knowing.Surely he would have destroyed all evil at the first.

That defeats the purpose of our free will and intellectual freedom and conscience.
If God would fix all things for us, we would do nothing to prevent making bad decisions.
We would just let God handle it all and be reckless with our freedom.

But because choices have consequences, and we learn by experience, by trial and error and studying the past so we can work toward a better future, then we change our behavior.

By conscience, which God gives us to use for this purpose, we seek what brings spiritual satisfaction and peace and we avoid what causes conflict and suffering. We strive for truth, justice and happiness in relationship with others, and we reject falseness, injustice, and pain.

By God's laws, where bad decisions cause imbalances in our health and society, then things go wrong, even disastrous so that we are forced to learn why we can't keep doing that.
And where respect for truth, justice and harmony in relations brings progress and solutions, then the same laws of God reward us when we reconcile our free will with good will for all.

God's laws by definition are universally true for all people, so there is one God for all tribes or else that is not the true God. But by our free will, this nature or system of God does not impose itself against our will; we must choose to recognize and follow what works best.

God will help us to amend wrongs and restore justice, but we must ask in order to receive.
That's another one of Satans' scams: Convincing you that YOU are a God!

Yes, Humans are capable of amazing things, but we are not and will never be Gods.

Who gave Satan the power to deceive us and why?


I'll give you a hint, it was not Satan.

God gave us free will that allows us to go either way. When we act out of "fear and unforgiveness" instead of love and faith, then WE are the ones allowing the selfish interests and bias of "Satan" deceive us and turn our judgment against one another in conflict.

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