Oopsies: If MAGA Republicans Are So Bad, Why Are Dems Funding Them?

How do you attack MAGA extremists?

Put the spotlight on them

Do you give money to the DNC? If so, your money is supporting fascist extremist MAGA Republicans. This is okay with you because:

(Your answer here)
If making America great is such a horrible thing, what do Democrat want to make America?

Make America small?

Make America minor?

Make America insignificant?

Make American ordinary?

Make America paltry?

Make America substandard?

Make America inconsequential?

Make America lesser, half-assed, middling, inadequate, mediocre, or dissatisfactory?


^^^ that ^^^
A fine strategy.

Until you have your Party Leader go in front of the nation, in an official speech, and call them Nazi fascists extremists who threaten democracy.

Then you have sensible people asking, "They why are you supporting them with your party's money?"

Because if you have a conscience and care about the nation, you would not support fascist extremist nazis who threaten democracy just to advance your power.

Because that's disgusting. And everyone can see it.
Nonsense. In the few cases the local Dems thought beating MAGArats would be easier than more mainstream Republicans.

It had nothing to do with accepting their fascist ideology.

What part of that are you missing?
I do not give a flying fuck what you think of me, you have totally lost all reason and legitimacy. The search of Trump's house has sent you over the edge and now you are just a rabid attack dog posting stupid shit like this.
How do you know this question really hurt them?

Posts like this.

Prior to Aug 8th she was a fairly sane and reasonable member of this forum.

That day has changed her for the worse
And you've never for a second thought to understand why that might be? Never mind how silly you sound calling another poster "a rabid dog posting stupid shit," because you think that she - not you - has lost all reason.

I mentioned in another post this morning that the DNC and their allies in government agencies are at a unique disadvantage in attacking Trump because he doesn't care. He knows that he can afford way better lawyers than the Justice Department can, and that the FBI is so desperate to find dirt on him that he would actually be embarrassed about that they hired a British Spy to make up a story about a "pee tape." He doesn't care, they amuse him.

The message of the August 8th raid: We will MAKE you care.

It reminds me of a passage in "Atlas Shrugged." I'll paraphrase from memory, rather than go through that voluminous novel to find it. Railroad genius Dagny Taggart explains to a socialist why millionaire industrialist Hank Reardon doesn't care what socialists think of him.

"He doesn't care because he knows that you need him, but he doesn't need you. If you get in his way, he'll go around you, and not look back. "

"He'd care if . . . "

"If what? If you bashed him on the head with a club? He still would not care about YOU. He would blame himself for not avoiding the club, and continue with his plans."

Since Trump doesn't care, the DNC and their allies in the media and the entrenched security bureaucracy go after his supporters also. That is different from how other Republican presidents have been treated. The media/DNC/government Junta has always gone after GOP presidents, but this time its the voters also. That pathetic Nuremberg Lite speech was only noteworthy because of the Nazi motif, not because Biden attacked Trump voters, which is nothing new.

So when the DOJ/FBI/DNC get frustrated that Trump voters also do not care about them, what will their attempt to make us care be? Some on here have suggested that the goal is to get a reaction from Trump supporters that will justify a crackdown on us. Maybe. But I find it more likely that they don't really understand that they are juggling tiki torches in a gunpowder warehouse.
Nonsense. In the few cases the local Dems thought beating MAGArats would be easier than more mainstream Republicans.

It had nothing to do with accepting their fascist ideology.

What part of that are you missing?

So your answer is: the DNC will fund fascist extremist Nazis as long as it will advance their power. So, the DNC has no conscience.

Okay. There it is then.
So your answer is: the DNC will fund fascist extremist Nazis as long as it will advance their power. So, the DNC has no conscience.

Okay. There it is then.
You’re trying so hard… bless your black heart
I do. for the past 30 years both parties have been doing all in their power to divide the nation to ensure they stay in power. This is just one more step in that process. Moderates are a danger to the parties and thus both sides are doing all they can to purge their own as well as to make sure the other side does not elect them.
Looks like Democrats believe they are purging moderate republicans. So it’s not “ both” parties are doing it. But I get it,you are pretending to be middle of the road again.
Democrats are hoping Republicans choke on MAGA

Republicans are unwilling to deal with their extremists
Let the voters
Speaking of a party that refuses to deal with their extremists. Democrats have zero room to talk on that score.
Looks like Democrats believe they are purging moderate republicans. So it’s not “ both” parties are doing it. But I get it,you are pretending to be middle of the road again.

As a political strategy it is not a bad one. But again, once your Party Leader puts forth a speech with the sole intention of painting these enemies as fascist Nazi extremists who threaten democracy, you can't use the strategy without the backfire. It exposes that you either do not really believe it, or you do not care.

Both are bad, which is why I'm being called names and being personally insulted here, but few will address the issue.
Then we are a slightly more screwed than we would be if they didn't...

The danger is not even if the extremists win, you understand.

It's that your Party Leader put forth a speech with the sole intention of calling these people fascist extremists who threaten democracy, and your party is STILL supporting them. Win or lose, that looks horrible. You have already lost.
Looks like Democrats believe they are purging moderate republicans. So it’s not “ both” parties are doing it. But I get it,you are pretending to be middle of the road again.
The reality is that there are no (or at least very few) moderate Republicans.

Even those that are considered so vote in lockstep with the crazies. They might just as well be Magarats
The reality is that there are no (or at least very few) moderate Republicans.

Even those that are considered so vote in lockstep with the crazies. They might just as well be Magarats

Your president made a clear line between Republicans and MAGA Republicans on Thursday night. The DNC is supporting the fascist extremists with their money.
As a political strategy it is not a bad one. But again, once your Party Leader puts forth a speech with the sole intention of painting these enemies as fascist Nazi extremists who threaten democracy, you can't use the strategy without the backfire. It exposes that you either do not really believe it, or you do not care.

Both are bad, which is why I'm being called names and being personally insulted here, but few will address the issue.
Ohhh nooooo! You’re being called names?

Good thing you aren’t being called a communist or a socialist or a Marxist or a pedophile huh?
And you've never for a second thought to understand why that might be? Never mind how silly you sound calling another poster "a rabid dog posting stupid shit," because you think that she - not you - has lost all reason.

She is the one that has changed since that faithful day, not I. But if you wish to believe i have lost all reason, have at it. It really does not matter to me in the slightest what you all think of me.

I mentioned in another post this morning that the DNC and their allies in government agencies are at a unique disadvantage in attacking Trump because he doesn't care. He knows that he can afford way better lawyers than the Justice Department can,

I agree that Trump does not care, but the whole "best lawyer" thing is proven false time and time and time again....Lin Wood, Rudy, Sidney Powell

The message of the August 8th raid: We will MAKE you care.

That is the message you assigned to it. The message the FBI assigned to it is "nobody, not even Seymour's god, is above the law"
Looks like Democrats believe they are purging moderate republicans. So it’s not “ both” parties are doing it. But I get it,you are pretending to be middle of the road again.

This is not new to this election, that you feel the need to pretend it is happening for the first time ever is damn embarrassing for you.

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