Opinions on american civic nationalism?

And yet, Trump got us out of Syria for example and the left screamed.

Can you stop projecting? You only talk about what you do and then complain the others do it.

Leaving Syria lead to worse human rights abuses. But Trump didn’t care because they weren’t Americans being massacred.

Oh, and the end result, we didn’t actually leave Syria.
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.
But yet I'll bet you never enlisted in the military, if you're so PASSIONATE about this, why didn't you?

Or is this just another makes you feel morally superior leftist talking point?
And yet, Trump got us out of Syria for example and the left screamed.

Can you stop projecting? You only talk about what you do and then complain the others do it.

Leaving Syria lead to worse human rights abuses. But Trump didn’t care because they weren’t Americans being massacred.

Oh, and the end result, we didn’t actually leave Syria.
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.

You are for preservation of your virtue points, which can not be cashed in here.

You are a moron, criticizing others for what you want to do every step of the way, attempting to gather virtue points from anti-American mob. Too bad you have not noticed, this is an AMERICAN message board so shitting over our faces is not going to net you many virtue points.
Leaving Syria lead to worse human rights abuses. But Trump didn’t care because they weren’t Americans being massacred.

Oh, and the end result, we didn’t actually leave Syria.
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.
But yet I'll bet you never enlisted in the military, if you're so PASSIONATE about this, why didn't you?

Or is this just another makes you feel morally superior leftist talking point?
Because I didn’t. Does that mean I can’t have an opinion on it? Christ, what’s wrong with you?
Leaving Syria lead to worse human rights abuses. But Trump didn’t care because they weren’t Americans being massacred.

Oh, and the end result, we didn’t actually leave Syria.
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.

You are for preservation of your virtue points, which can not be cashed in here.

You are a moron, criticizing others for what you want to do every step of the way, attempting to gather virtue points from anti-American mob. Too bad you have not noticed, this is an AMERICAN message board so shitting over our faces is not going to net you many virtue points.
If you had anything relevant to say, I’m sure you would have done it instead of just being an asshole.
Sorry you can’t handle the complexities of the real world.

but that’s another trait of nationalism. It simplifies things so that makes people easier to manipulate.
Because I didn’t. Does that mean I can’t have an opinion on it? Christ, what’s wrong with you?
"Because I didn't" is a total NON answer, more than likely because I just exposed your faux compassion.

I never said you weren't entitled to an opinion. WTF is wrong with YOU?
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.

You are for preservation of your virtue points, which can not be cashed in here.

You are a moron, criticizing others for what you want to do every step of the way, attempting to gather virtue points from anti-American mob. Too bad you have not noticed, this is an AMERICAN message board so shitting over our faces is not going to net you many virtue points.
If you had anything relevant to say, I’m sure you would have done it instead of just being an asshole.
Sorry you can’t handle the complexities of the real world.

but that’s another trait of nationalism. It simplifies things so that makes people easier to manipulate.

Yeah simplifying things down to two genders, I can see why you have problem with that.

Simplifying things to illuminate the fact that your foreign policy position is absurd and no amount of referrals to your regards for "human rights" will change that.
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.

You are for preservation of your virtue points, which can not be cashed in here.

You are a moron, criticizing others for what you want to do every step of the way, attempting to gather virtue points from anti-American mob. Too bad you have not noticed, this is an AMERICAN message board so shitting over our faces is not going to net you many virtue points.
If you had anything relevant to say, I’m sure you would have done it instead of just being an asshole.
Sorry you can’t handle the complexities of the real world.

but that’s another trait of nationalism. It simplifies things so that makes people easier to manipulate.

Yeah simplifying things down to two genders, I can see why you have problem with that.

Simplifying things to illuminate the fact that your foreign policy position is absurd and no amount of referrals to your regards for "human rights" will change that.
Why do most leftists appear to be brain washed, low IQ sheeple unable to have an original thought?
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

This thread is outrageously sparse on facts.

The main reason that the US needs immigration, is that we, like the Japanese, are a dying nation.

. . . and it doesn't only have to do with immigration, but it has to do with the fact that ethnic minorities have a higher birth rate. Folks that don't study this have no clue what they are writing about. A basic anthropology or economics class would do them a world of good.

My kid is involved in Varsity Basketball. He also participates in AAU league, which is what more advanced players do in the off season. This is where a lot of colleges now scout from. Anyway, when you go around the states, you find, that nearly a third of all families now are of mixed race. A lot of the old men on this forum are clearly out of touch. Nothing has changed in America, it has always been a melting pot. What I see in these basketball tourneys when I get out of my small village, is that there are just as many mixed race families as there are strictly white families, or strictly black families.

The reason Obama won, is folks really thought, he was going to be, POST-RACIAL. His mom was white, his dad was black, just like nearly a third of this nation. Then he started with his divide and conquer bullshit. Which was re-enforced by the corporate media.

And now? The media is telling us Trump is a "racist." Bullshit. Folks, for the most part, IMO, don't think are buying it. They honestly don't want to hate one another. Nearly everyone knows someone who is bi-racial these days, or know someone who knows someone that is. Though, TBH, there are bigots, a lot of them, like the posters in this thread, egged on by the bigoted divide and conquer media, that they all get sucked into it. It takes a lot less effort to hate and fear than to try and understand and learn.

But frankly, the people in this nation that have the lowest birth rate, other than Asians, are the White folks, their days are numbered. This is no longer, strictly a "white" nation. THESE ARE THE FACTS, you can't argues with them. You can only learn them.


This is the future of the nation. This is who we are now.

The Changing Face of America
We’ve become a country where race is no longer so black or white.
The Changing Face of America

Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.
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I'm WHITE, and I'm a NATIONALIST, and if you have a problem with that, I couldn't fucking care less.
A little nationalism is great. Too much nationalism spoils the broth.

Explain what TOO MUCH is, and how that's bad.
Nationalism makes you blind to your countries faults. Let’s you think that you can do anything you want to anyone you want anywhere you want.
Well, that's about the biggest line of BULL SHIT I've read so far today, although it is still early.

America has plenty of faults, and no, I don't think we can do anything to anyone, anywhere we want. That's just ASININE hyperbole.

Being a nationalist means you love your nation in SPITE of it's faults, and do what you can make it a better place, for EVERYONE, that deserves to be here.

I never said you believe any of those things. But that is where nationalism leads to.

Consider our actions in the Middle East. We are responsible for many civilian deaths but that’s okay because we are doing it to protect us. We are more important. We will detain non-citizens indefinitely without trial but that’s okay because rights are for Americans and not other people.

Nationalism feeds on conflict and ultimately leads to authoritarianism and deterioration of civil rights for the “others”.


Explain what TOO MUCH is, and how that's bad.
Nationalism makes you blind to your countries faults. Let’s you think that you can do anything you want to anyone you want anywhere you want.
Well, that's about the biggest line of BULL SHIT I've read so far today, although it is still early.

America has plenty of faults, and no, I don't think we can do anything to anyone, anywhere we want. That's just ASININE hyperbole.

Being a nationalist means you love your nation in SPITE of it's faults, and do what you can make it a better place, for EVERYONE, that deserves to be here.

I never said you believe any of those things. But that is where nationalism leads to.

Consider our actions in the Middle East. We are responsible for many civilian deaths but that’s okay because we are doing it to protect us. We are more important. We will detain non-citizens indefinitely without trial but that’s okay because rights are for Americans and not other people.

Nationalism feeds on conflict and ultimately leads to authoritarianism and deterioration of civil rights for the “others”.
Why hasn't nationalism lead ME to these thoughts?

Personally, I wish we'd get out of the M.E. lock, stock 'n barrel, completely. Now explain how a self avowed nationalist can think that. Kinda blows your theory right out of the water.

But as far as detaining people, enemy combatants that aren't American citizens have no rights under our constitution, and to infer that somehow they do is dishonest.
How the hell am I supposed to know? I don’t know you.

But you prove my point with the last sentence. You think non-Americans have no rights. That’s the danger of nationalism. If non-citizens have no rights, you would have no problems violating them.

And yet, Trump got us out of Syria for example and the left screamed.

Can you stop projecting? You only talk about what you do and then complain the others do it.

Leaving Syria lead to worse human rights abuses. But Trump didn’t care because they weren’t Americans being massacred.

Oh, and the end result, we didn’t actually leave Syria.
Who appointed America the world's police?

And when did you leftists become the lovers of OCCUPATIONS and WARS?
I’m a lover of preventing massacres of civilians. The Kurds were requesting our protection after we had fought side by side to defeat ISIS.

Then we bailed because we don’t actually care about anyone other than us.

Just a minute ago you were railing against our involvement, and now it turns out, you are for the involvement. Oh but this is the good kind of involvement you see.

What a moron this guy is. Could not have programmed their NPC better.
Well, it’s complicated isn’t it. I’m for the preservation of human rights. Sometimes our involvement furthers they goal. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it does and doesn’t at the same time. It’s complicated.

Some of you people are the craziest fucks I know...you struggle to make the simplest of distinctions.
You see, you have “rights” gifted to you by the U.S. Constitution....the U.S. Constitution is not an international document which extends to citizens of other nations...TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, and there are very few brave voices out there trying to stop it.

Mortimer please take note and watch how those like Mac can’t / won’t answer the simplest questions...They won’t because if they do they’ll be forced to discard their emotions and rely on good ole fashion rational logic and that doesn’t bode well for their foolishness founded on fragile FEELZ.
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?

Some facts are just not acceptable to Mac, and he always make sure to claim that he is not PC. Either you accept facts when they are presented or you are PC and believe in so called "hate facts", no either or.
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than to legitimately respond to an argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into addressing the argument. Maybe that is because he is correct?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than answer a legitimate argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into address the argument. Maybe it's because he is correct?
Whatever you'd like.

I'm responding to Mortimer's question.
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great? If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown... FULL DISCLOSURE: I am DEFINITELY a WHITE NATIONALIST.
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than answer a legitimate argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into address the argument. Maybe it's because he is correct?
Whatever you'd like.

I'm responding to Mortimer's question.

His question you have already responded... four times now?

Why are you obsessed with his question? Do you believe he is too dumb to read the thread and make his own conclusions?
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than answer a legitimate argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into address the argument. Maybe it's because he is correct?
Whatever you'd like.

I'm responding to Mortimer's question.

His question you have already responded... four times now?

Why are you obsessed with his question? Do you believe he is too dumb to read the thread and make his own conclusions?
It's a very important topic to me.

Why are you obsessed with my posts?

Maybe get all your bitching out all at once. Let me have it. Nail me good. Just do it all at once, because this is tedious.

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