Opinions on american civic nationalism?

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?
Nope. Please see post 71.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?
Nope. Please see post 71.

I especially liked the part where you called yourself brave for taking a stand against those awful white people.
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

"Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance."

Mac for president!
White nationalists are pandering to poc. If that doesn't tell you their future then I don't know what does.
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

"Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance."

Mac for president!

You're easily impressed aintcha?
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?
Nope. Please see post 71.

I especially liked the part where you called yourself brave for taking a stand against those awful white people.
I didn't, but I appreciate the dishonesty.
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

"Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance."

Mac for president!

You're easily impressed aintcha?

says the trump voter!

appreciate rational and logical thinking (which we don't get from conservatives)
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

They don't teach Civics or Citizenship in our Public Schools. I dated a teacher and she told me they teach Globalism K-12.

We have lost our children and every generation will hate America and want to destroy it more than the previous generation.

That's The Left's Plan.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?

Listen, you need to FIRST, separate two different issues.

ONE, immigration, and TWO, the diversity issue.

I attended two different public universities. A BIG TEN School and a MAC TEN school.

I think it is important to clarify my own personal distinction here. I personally believe that "diversity" is fine. . . but the crap I could not tolerate, which I began to finally think was bad for college students to be taught, was this shit about "multi-culturalism."

I have studied political science at two universities. I saw what balkanization did to Yugoslavia and what it has done in Cambodia and other African nations. Many people do not realize, but IMO the CIA actively promoted nationalism in Latino and black communities in order to create terrorists and divide the working classes.

If the working classes are divided, there is less of a chance that unions and the left will pose a threat to conservative DNC and GOP control.

Multiculturalism is a BANE. . . We should have ONE CULTURE, you are absolutely right. Masses of folks, from any nations, no matter what color they are, is a threat to this nation.

SECOND, I never, ever implied we should have unrestricted immigration. I am surprised you have not paid attention to my posts else where on this site.

Diversity of background, if you do your research, you will find, is what has made America the strongest, most dynamic nation on the face of the planet. We have the best literature, the best art, the best movies, the best food, the best technology, the most patents, the best of everything, the most beautiful people, (and they are not purely white btw,) all b/c it, ALL OF IT, has been influenced from all around the world.


. . . and everyone, from everywhere, wants to come here and be a part of it, why? Because it is AMAZING, and it is the best. IT is God's will that it should be that way. It has nothing to do with any one specific ethnicity, religion, or political philosophy, it has to do with them all. THAT is what makes us so damn great. Embrace freedom, tolerance, diversity, and embrace everything. . . or go somewhere else for your homogeneity.

This is probably more than I should have spent on you. . . isn't it? :71:
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

"Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance."

Mac for president!

You're easily impressed aintcha?

says the trump voter!

appreciate rational and logical thinking (which we don't get from conservatives)

Accusing everyone who isn't 100% on board with the multicult agenda of being a racist white supremacist motivated by "fear, bigotry and intolerance" is the most cliched, unoriginal shit ever.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore
I could cross reference that with white and poverty and get the same damn thing. This proves only that you don't know anything but to blame poor folks.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore
I could cross reference that with white and poverty and get the same damn thing. This proves only that you don't know anything but to blame poor folks.

Well the talking part is done...go ahead and enlighten us...shows us per capita stats. I’m standing by.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore
I could cross reference that with white and poverty and get the same damn thing. This proves only that you don't know anything but to blame poor folks.

Well the talking part is done...go ahead and enlighten us...shows us per capita stats. I’m standing by.


I googled it

and found that blacks are slightly more likely to be incarcerated than whites.

12% of blacks are in prison
while only 10% of whites are in prison.

so that PROVES that ALL BLACKS are criminals and ALL WHITES are NOT criminals.........

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore
I could cross reference that with white and poverty and get the same damn thing. This proves only that you don't know anything but to blame poor folks.

Well the talking part is done...go ahead and enlighten us...shows us per capita stats. I’m standing by.


I googled it

and found that blacks are slightly more likely to be incarcerated than whites.

12% of blacks are in prison
while only 10% of whites are in prison.

so that PROVES that ALL BLACKS are criminals and ALL WHITES are NOT criminals.........


Link us to that stat to show that you weren’t smart enough to use per capita factoring please...Thanks in advance.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"


Come on man. Third graders can figure this shit out...the PROOF is all over this little website....www.google.com
Use race and ethnicity as keywords combined with the following...
Criminality, rape, murder
Welfare dependency
Average income
Single parent birth
School dropout
Average iQ

Report back to us with your findings...thanks in advance Michael Moore
I could cross reference that with white and poverty and get the same damn thing. This proves only that you don't know anything but to blame poor folks.

Well the talking part is done...go ahead and enlighten us...shows us per capita stats. I’m standing by.
Listen buddy, I took four years of High School debate, and was two years on a Big Ten debate team.


You don't tell me how this works, I tell you how this works. That statement you made is cause, that is part of a CASE, presented by the affirmative, (that would be you here,) IOW, it is YOUR JOB to present the initial evidence, not mine.

I maintained from the start that you were full of shit. You made this statement, now back it up, or go away, this is true for ALL poor folks, but you somehow think ethnic folks are different, they AREN'T. If you think they are, PROVE IT. Sure, I agree, this nation WOULD be better with fewer poor people, but you think it would just be better with out "brown people. . ."

Now put up or shut up.

".BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT."

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?

Listen, you need to FIRST, separate two different issues.

ONE, immigration, and TWO, the diversity issue.

I attended two different public universities. A BIG TEN School and a MAC TEN school.

I think it is important to clarify my own personal distinction here. I personally believe that "diversity" is fine. . . but the crap I could not tolerate, which I began to finally think was bad for college students to be taught, was this shit about "multi-culturalism."

I have studied political science at two universities. I saw what balkanization did to Yugoslavia and what it has done in Cambodia and other African nations. Many people do not realize, but IMO the CIA actively promoted nationalism in Latino and black communities in order to create terrorists and divide the working classes.

If the working classes are divided, there is less of a chance that unions and the left will pose a threat to conservative DNC and GOP control.

Multiculturalism is a BANE. . . We should have ONE CULTURE, you are absolutely right. Masses of folks, from any nations, no matter what color they are, is a threat to this nation.

SECOND, I never, ever implied we should have unrestricted immigration. I am surprised you have not paid attention to my posts else where on this site.

Diversity of background, if you do your research, you will find, is what has made America the strongest, most dynamic nation on the face of the planet. We have the best literature, the best art, the best movies, the best food, the best technology, the most patents, the best of everything, the most beautiful people, (and they are not purely white btw,) all b/c it, ALL OF IT, has been influenced from all around the world.


. . . and everyone, from everywhere, wants to come here and be a part of it, why? Because it is AMAZING, and it is the best. IT is God's will that it should be that way. It has nothing to do with any one specific ethnicity, religion, or political philosophy, it has to do with them all. THAT is what makes us so damn great. Embrace freedom, tolerance, diversity, and embrace everything. . . or go somewhere else for your homogeneity.

This is probably more than I should have spent on you. . . isn't it? :71:

If you're really as smart as you think you would drop the corny slogans about diversity and I wouldn't have to explain to you that the immigrants who made American culture great to begin with were all white people from Europe. Speaking of which, the US is not the only country brown people are flooding to. Many European countries are also set to have their ethnic majorities displaced. At what point are white folks allowed to be concerned about this insidious trend?
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?

Listen, you need to FIRST, separate two different issues.

ONE, immigration, and TWO, the diversity issue.

I attended two different public universities. A BIG TEN School and a MAC TEN school.

I think it is important to clarify my own personal distinction here. I personally believe that "diversity" is fine. . . but the crap I could not tolerate, which I began to finally think was bad for college students to be taught, was this shit about "multi-culturalism."

I have studied political science at two universities. I saw what balkanization did to Yugoslavia and what it has done in Cambodia and other African nations. Many people do not realize, but IMO the CIA actively promoted nationalism in Latino and black communities in order to create terrorists and divide the working classes.

If the working classes are divided, there is less of a chance that unions and the left will pose a threat to conservative DNC and GOP control.

Multiculturalism is a BANE. . . We should have ONE CULTURE, you are absolutely right. Masses of folks, from any nations, no matter what color they are, is a threat to this nation.

SECOND, I never, ever implied we should have unrestricted immigration. I am surprised you have not paid attention to my posts else where on this site.

Diversity of background, if you do your research, you will find, is what has made America the strongest, most dynamic nation on the face of the planet. We have the best literature, the best art, the best movies, the best food, the best technology, the most patents, the best of everything, the most beautiful people, (and they are not purely white btw,) all b/c it, ALL OF IT, has been influenced from all around the world.


. . . and everyone, from everywhere, wants to come here and be a part of it, why? Because it is AMAZING, and it is the best. IT is God's will that it should be that way. It has nothing to do with any one specific ethnicity, religion, or political philosophy, it has to do with them all. THAT is what makes us so damn great. Embrace freedom, tolerance, diversity, and embrace everything. . . or go somewhere else for your homogeneity.

This is probably more than I should have spent on you. . . isn't it? :71:

If you're really as smart as you think you would drop the corny slogans about diversity and I wouldn't have to explain to you that the immigrants who made American culture great to begin with were all white people from Europe. Speaking of which, the US is not the only country brown people are flooding to. Many European countries are also set to have their ethnic majorities displaced. At what point are white folks allowed to be concerned about this insidious trend?

every word you stammer is racist

INSIDIOUS trend of brown folk?
You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

Aren't you and Mac in here dismissing the concerns of these "civic nationalists" as being figments of their imagination?

Listen, you need to FIRST, separate two different issues.

ONE, immigration, and TWO, the diversity issue.

I attended two different public universities. A BIG TEN School and a MAC TEN school.

I think it is important to clarify my own personal distinction here. I personally believe that "diversity" is fine. . . but the crap I could not tolerate, which I began to finally think was bad for college students to be taught, was this shit about "multi-culturalism."

I have studied political science at two universities. I saw what balkanization did to Yugoslavia and what it has done in Cambodia and other African nations. Many people do not realize, but IMO the CIA actively promoted nationalism in Latino and black communities in order to create terrorists and divide the working classes.

If the working classes are divided, there is less of a chance that unions and the left will pose a threat to conservative DNC and GOP control.

Multiculturalism is a BANE. . . We should have ONE CULTURE, you are absolutely right. Masses of folks, from any nations, no matter what color they are, is a threat to this nation.

SECOND, I never, ever implied we should have unrestricted immigration. I am surprised you have not paid attention to my posts else where on this site.

Diversity of background, if you do your research, you will find, is what has made America the strongest, most dynamic nation on the face of the planet. We have the best literature, the best art, the best movies, the best food, the best technology, the most patents, the best of everything, the most beautiful people, (and they are not purely white btw,) all b/c it, ALL OF IT, has been influenced from all around the world.


. . . and everyone, from everywhere, wants to come here and be a part of it, why? Because it is AMAZING, and it is the best. IT is God's will that it should be that way. It has nothing to do with any one specific ethnicity, religion, or political philosophy, it has to do with them all. THAT is what makes us so damn great. Embrace freedom, tolerance, diversity, and embrace everything. . . or go somewhere else for your homogeneity.

This is probably more than I should have spent on you. . . isn't it? :71:

If you're really as smart as you think you would drop the corny slogans about diversity and I wouldn't have to explain to you that the immigrants who made American culture great to begin with were all white people from Europe. Speaking of which, the US is not the only country brown people are flooding to. Many European countries are also set to have their ethnic majorities displaced. At what point are white folks allowed to be concerned about this insidious trend?

every word you stammer is racist

INSIDIOUS trend of brown folk?

Our liberal society discourages white people from having kids with climate change hysteria or telling us we'd be happier without them or to wait until we're financially secure meanwhile they want precious brown people to take up the slack of the white people who aren't being born. That seems pretty insidious to me.

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