Opinions on american civic nationalism?

I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.

I have a degree in statistics, but you do not need one to observe the fact that America is predominantly white nation and was even more so before. We should keep it that way to not end up a completely different nation - one like Brazil.

Of course it is. . . I am talking about the NEXT generation, I am talking about who is having children, and where we are going?

How old are you, where do you go, what do you know? What do you see? Apparently not very much.

Go spend some time on a college campus. Observe who is attending the nations elementary, junior high, and high schools.

It is a different place than from whence you came sir.

White folks, and white families are not having that many children anymore, they are interbreeding with other ethnic groups. Just as the English did with the Native Americans and the Germans, Irish, French, Scottish, Italians, Eastern European, etc.

I am willing to bet, your yourself, are not of pure stock, in fact, if you are really American, you are of mixed decent. You may call yourself, "white," but your heritage is mixed. And so, it goes, with all Americans. They do not "see" race, they just see people. That 4.7% grows each year. In fact, it is much larger, most folks just self-identify as one or the other b/c it is more convenient.

Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than to legitimately respond to an argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into addressing the argument. Maybe that is because he is correct?

The raw data about what is going on is in post #70.

The root of all problems is the banking cartel, and that started in 1913. The elites are using a tactic on your small brain as old as the Roman Empire. Wake the fuck up already.


I am no fan of modern banking, but it is a different topic. Make a new thread if you wish to discuss it more.

Don't you see though? That IS the point, to distract the ignorant with divide and conquer so they will not focus on the real issue.

The Romans have been pitting tribes, nations and groups against one another since the beginning so that they did not pay attention to the devaluation and dissolution of empire.

Your problems are the same as your neighbors, no matter what his ethnicity is, it is those who make the rules that decide all of men's fates.

These folks control the media, they will decide for you who you will hate, and what you believe is the root cause of society ills.
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Hey, what do you know? My head hasn't exploded!

How about that!
I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.

Let’s go with that if it makes your filthy brown ass feel better.
Do you need me to post ‘brown statistics’?

Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.

But you can't. It is a bullshit canard.

I would rather be ethnic than a bigot.

This forum is a loathsome place.

You disagree with IM2, he calls you a racist. You disagree with Broke Loser, he calls you "filthy brown ass." When will you haters grow the hell up?

Are you so insecure with your world view, that all you have is ad hominem?


I noticed a type of american nationalism which is different then white nationalism. It says "colourblind only red white and blue". And they also include immigrants and POC folks into the "all things american"

But they are still mostly white though. Maybe it is just a farce that they are colourblind.

You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.

Let’s go with that if it makes your filthy brown ass feel better.
Do you need me to post ‘brown statistics’?

Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.

But you can't. It is a bullshit canard.

I would rather be ethnic than a bigot.

This forum is a loathsome place.

You disagree with IM2, he calls you a racist. You disagree with Broke Loser, he calls you "filthy brown ass." When will you haters grow the hell up?

Are you so insecure with your world view, that all you have is ad hominem?


"Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.
But you can't. It is a bullshit canard."

Just to be clear; is this your "poverty made them do it" assertion?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Mortimer, here's another good example for you. A strong Trump supporter and White Nationalist. That's not exactly rare. You've seen these folks on this thread, and I suspect this is what you're talking about.

In this country we have a lot of people in the media whose job it is to take an issue and stoke resentment and fear and anger out of it. This happens on many issues, by the way. The key is that these media people are smart enough to take a legitimate issue and then distort it and make it ugly. Those who fall for it are then like puppets.

The Hard Right in America isn't the only guilty party here, by the way. The Hard Left has spent the last couple of generations enabling the worst behaviors of minorities by spinning for them, attacking for them, and lowering standards for them through Political Correctness and Identity Politics.

So each end has what it thinks are excuses for their behavior. But all that is happening is that the Hard Right is feeding the Hard Left, and the Hard Left is feeding the Hard Right. Neither crazed end sees that part, though.

It's bad, it's ugly, it appears to be spreading, and there are very few brave national voices out there trying to stop it.

Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than to legitimately respond to an argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into addressing the argument. Maybe that is because he is correct?

The raw data about what is going on is in post #70.

The root of all problems is the banking cartel, and that started in 1913. The elites are using a tactic on your small brain as old as the Roman Empire. Wake the fuck up already.


So the “banking cartel” begged 20-50 million illegal wetbacks to invade America which caused the collapse of the middle class which caused Caucasian folks to stop having so many children?
That makes perfect sense.


That 20-50 million illegals was caused by the globalists, which, are of course in bed with the banking cartel and the global capitalists. A lot of the refugee problem is caused by both the neo-cons and neo-liberal policies of this nation which support murderous thugs and dictators of S. American nations, which in turn sell off the resources of the various S. American nations to the Global corporate entities.

A good recent example is this latest CIA coup. How many Bolivian refugees will that net us? You can thank Heir Trumpeinstein for that one. That shit was not different than the bullshit pulled in Libya or Syria.

It's all resource wars for America and British or other Western corporations . . . it is all about the bottom line. People and the sovereignty of nations, nor the little brown people in them DON'T MATTER ONE FUCK to these global elites.

Now, when the banking cartel devalues the worth of the American dollar so the financial wizards can make bank on Wall-street, and so it's political clientele can have an easier time borrowing shit tons of money to buy all those weapons, and throw money at pork projects in Senators' and representatives' home districts, it makes it easier to make those interest payments on the ballooning national debt. Deficit after deficit after deficit.

Hello?! wtf?!

This of course continually makes economic growth more and more and more difficult, year after year, no matter who is in office. It affects main-street and small business, and makes it that much harder to have economic growth, year after year with these type of policies.

But these elites, both on the left, AND the right, they DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. HELL, they WANT illegal labor, with the devalued dollar, they will just hire those folks under that table, and the other party will cater to those illegals. Remember, more pork barrel projects, more votes?

Don't you get it? It is a racket.

Meanwhile, they will continue bombing the shit out of those S. American nations for more resources, continuing with the coups and regime changes, forcing more refugees, and more illegal labor up here. . . because you know, it is only a matter of time before the bonds will be inverted once again, it has ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING to do with who is in the oval office, RECESSION WILL COME, and they will helicopter more money in, and destroy the value of the dollar AGAIN. . .










like I said, distract you with bullshit, divide et impera

. . . . . except the folks doing this.
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Is it just me or did you again fail to answer the question?
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than to legitimately respond to an argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into addressing the argument. Maybe that is because he is correct?

The raw data about what is going on is in post #70.

The root of all problems is the banking cartel, and that started in 1913. The elites are using a tactic on your small brain as old as the Roman Empire. Wake the fuck up already.


So the “banking cartel” begged 20-50 million illegal wetbacks to invade America which caused the collapse of the middle class which caused Caucasian folks to stop having so many children?
That makes perfect sense.


That 20-50 million illegals was caused by the globalists, which, are of course in bed with the banking cartel and the global capitalists. A lot of the refugee problem is caused by both the neo-cons and neo-liberal policies of this nation which support murderous thugs and dictators of S. American nations, which in turn sell off the resources of the various S. American nations to the Global corporate entities.

A good recent example is this latest CIA coup. How many Bolivian refugees will that net us? You can thank Heir Trumpeinstein for that one. That shit was not different than the bullshit pulled in Libya or Syria.

It's all resource wars for America and British or other Western corporations . . . it is all about the bottom line. People and the sovereignty of nations, nor the little brown people in them DON'T MATTER ONE FUCK to these global elites.

Now, when the banking cartel devalues the worth of the American dollar so the financial wizards can make bank on Wall-street, and so it's political clientele can have an easier time borrowing shit tons of money to buy all those weapons, and throw money at pork projects in Senators' and representatives' home districts, it makes it easier to make those interest payments on the ballooning national debt. Deficit after deficit after deficit.

Hello?! wtf?!

This of course continually makes economic growth more and more and more difficult, year after year, no matter who is in office. It affects main-street and small business, and makes it that much harder to have economic growth, year after year with these type of policies.

But these elites, both on the left, AND the right, they DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. HELL, they WANT illegal labor, with the devalued dollar, they will just hire those folks under that table, and the other party will cater to those illegals. Remember, more pork barrel projects, more votes?

Don't you get it? It is a racket.

Meanwhile, they will continue bombing the shit out of those S. American nations for more resources, continuing with the coups and regime changes, forcing more refugees, and more illegal labor up here. . . because you know, it is only a matter of time before the bonds will be inverted once again, it has ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING to do with who is in the oval office, RECESSION WILL COME, and they will helicopter more money in, and destroy the value of the dollar AGAIN. . .










like I said, distract you with bullshit, divide et impera

. . . . . except the folks doing this.

That's deep bud...that's a lot of Michael Moore type shit right there. I'll just go ahead call bullshit right now and put a stop to your excuse making....Our corrupt government isn't forcing those southern brown cockroaches to keep making babies they can't feed. You do know, there are lots of people staying in Mexico and doing just fine despite our effort to destroy them...you know that..right?
You're very observant.

America is changing, fairly quickly, and becoming more brown. So many of the people who call themselves "nationalists" feel that as this continues, America will lose many of qualities that have made it great. They're just assuming that, based on skin color.

So yes, many of the people you see pushing "nationalism" are also "white nationalists" who want to slow down or stop this from happening. And it would be very difficult for you to find one of these people who didn't also vote for Trump. Is that a coincidence?

Is there anything wrong with being proud of your country, of wanting to protect what you love about your country? Of course not. Absolutely not. The problem is that much of this "nationalism" is based only on skin color, fear, bigotry, tribalism and ignorance.

That's just the basic story. It's definitely complicated.

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.

Let’s go with that if it makes your filthy brown ass feel better.
Do you need me to post ‘brown statistics’?

Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.

But you can't. It is a bullshit canard.

I would rather be ethnic than a bigot.

This forum is a loathsome place.

You disagree with IM2, he calls you a racist. You disagree with Broke Loser, he calls you "filthy brown ass." When will you haters grow the hell up?

Are you so insecure with your world view, that all you have is ad hominem?


"Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.
But you can't. It is a bullshit canard."

Just to be clear; is this your "poverty made them do it" assertion?
What came first the chicken or the egg?

I'm saying, as every intelligent person on this forum knows, you are a bigot.

Your "brown statistics" are just that, bullshit.

They are poverty statistics only, not based on anything other than what they appear to be.

What ever stats you find, will equally apply to whites in the same socioeconomic background. Browns are no different than whites when they come from the same socioeconomic circumstances.

It is all about how you are raised, and what you do with it.

“Self esteem comes from achievements. Not from lax standards and false praise.” Condi Rice
Nope. I'm done feeding the trolls.

If the trolls don't like that, tough shit.

Yeah, it sure is much easier to deflect than to legitimately respond to an argument.

You know, in a debate this counts as a loss and there is no sugar coating it. You wrote paragraph after paragraph how "bad" the guy is, but not even a single sentence went into addressing the argument. Maybe that is because he is correct?

The raw data about what is going on is in post #70.

The root of all problems is the banking cartel, and that started in 1913. The elites are using a tactic on your small brain as old as the Roman Empire. Wake the fuck up already.


So the “banking cartel” begged 20-50 million illegal wetbacks to invade America which caused the collapse of the middle class which caused Caucasian folks to stop having so many children?
That makes perfect sense.


That 20-50 million illegals was caused by the globalists, which, are of course in bed with the banking cartel and the global capitalists. A lot of the refugee problem is caused by both the neo-cons and neo-liberal policies of this nation which support murderous thugs and dictators of S. American nations, which in turn sell off the resources of the various S. American nations to the Global corporate entities.

A good recent example is this latest CIA coup. How many Bolivian refugees will that net us? You can thank Heir Trumpeinstein for that one. That shit was not different than the bullshit pulled in Libya or Syria.

It's all resource wars for America and British or other Western corporations . . . it is all about the bottom line. People and the sovereignty of nations, nor the little brown people in them DON'T MATTER ONE FUCK to these global elites.

Now, when the banking cartel devalues the worth of the American dollar so the financial wizards can make bank on Wall-street, and so it's political clientele can have an easier time borrowing shit tons of money to buy all those weapons, and throw money at pork projects in Senators' and representatives' home districts, it makes it easier to make those interest payments on the ballooning national debt. Deficit after deficit after deficit.

Hello?! wtf?!

This of course continually makes economic growth more and more and more difficult, year after year, no matter who is in office. It affects main-street and small business, and makes it that much harder to have economic growth, year after year with these type of policies.

But these elites, both on the left, AND the right, they DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. HELL, they WANT illegal labor, with the devalued dollar, they will just hire those folks under that table, and the other party will cater to those illegals. Remember, more pork barrel projects, more votes?

Don't you get it? It is a racket.

Meanwhile, they will continue bombing the shit out of those S. American nations for more resources, continuing with the coups and regime changes, forcing more refugees, and more illegal labor up here. . . because you know, it is only a matter of time before the bonds will be inverted once again, it has ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING to do with who is in the oval office, RECESSION WILL COME, and they will helicopter more money in, and destroy the value of the dollar AGAIN. . .










like I said, distract you with bullshit, divide et impera

. . . . . except the folks doing this.

That's deep bud...that's a lot of Michael Moore type shit right there. I'll just go ahead call bullshit right now and put a stop to your excuse making....Our corrupt government isn't forcing those southern brown cockroaches to keep making babies they can't feed. You do know, there are lots of people staying in Mexico and doing just fine despite our effort to destroy them...you know that..right?

So. . . what you are saying, is. . .

Not only are you a bigot. . . .

but you are also a troll?

Mac, let me ask you a few terrifying questions...pretend you didn’t see them if you must...Here goes-
Do you believe it is the people that made America great?
Do you believe it is Caucasian people that made this nation great?
Based on current statistics, do you believe it is Caucasian people keeping this nation great?
If you can be honest with yourself it will all come in to clear focus for you. You’re brown, your motive is crystal clear but a Caucasian American would have to be an absolute ignorant retard with their head deep in their ass to prefer this nation to turn brown...

I am positive you don't know shit about stats, and have never taken a statistics course in your life.

Let’s go with that if it makes your filthy brown ass feel better.
Do you need me to post ‘brown statistics’?

Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.

But you can't. It is a bullshit canard.

I would rather be ethnic than a bigot.

This forum is a loathsome place.

You disagree with IM2, he calls you a racist. You disagree with Broke Loser, he calls you "filthy brown ass." When will you haters grow the hell up?

Are you so insecure with your world view, that all you have is ad hominem?


"Go ahead and post 'brown statistics' if you can prove it has nothing to do with poverty.
But you can't. It is a bullshit canard."

Just to be clear; is this your "poverty made them do it" assertion?
What came first the chicken or the egg?

I'm saying, as every intelligent person on this forum knows, you are a bigot.

Your "brown statistics" are just that, bullshit.

They are poverty statistics only, not based on anything other than what they appear to be.

What ever stats you find, will equally apply to whites in the same socioeconomic background. Browns are no different than whites when they come from the same socioeconomic circumstances.

It is all about how you are raised, and what you do with it.

“Self esteem comes from achievements. Not from lax standards and false praise.” Condi Rice

Cool..I'd never argue that, there are lots of filthy white trash as well...Unfortunately we're kinda stuck with them as they are part of the citizenry.
Since "poverty made them do it" do you wonder why ALL poverty stricken folks aren't ignorant criminals?
What came first...the chicken or the egg?
What came first...the poverty or the criminality?
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
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Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

"Normal Americans" don't vote and are unconcerned with the future so what they think doesn't matter.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.
Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

That’s right Mortimer thanks for the thread...as you’ve witnessed, the ignorant fools with foreign ties love themselves some wetbacks...BUT, anybody even half sane knows for absolute FACT that this nation is a better nation with fewer brown people...and that is an undeniable FACT.

What is in your judgement, your metric of "better?"

Well, Mortimer, I think your question has been answered pretty clearly on this thread.

For most of these people, it's about race. They give it other names, they try to deny it, but then they immediately defend it, explain it, and prove it. And they think we don't see it, but it's right there on the screen.

Good question, thanks for bringing it up.
Only the ones that don't really understand what is going on. Normal Americans aren't even on Forums like this, they have real hobbies, and real friends, with better things to do.

They aren't racist trolls with bottomless pits of irrational anger suckered in by the corporate media and echo chambers of hate.

The problem, of course, is that our politics are being driven by people like this because they have most of the energy within the parties. Zealotry creates energy. Energy usually ends up meaning influence.

A majority of the country is like the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food fight, wondering how much damage will be done before the adults show up.
. . and that is the really damn sad thing.

The adults are the ones brainwashing them.

I told my kid when he was very little, the source of all bullying, from elementary to high school, are the teachers slight judgements and actions towards the kids. The kids then echo that, and it creates the nasty environment.

ADULTS cause bullying. All of them. Not the kids.

In the same way, the ruling elites do all the work, the idiot masses are just the proxies. Authoritarians called them "useful idiots."

Hell, our corporate journalists have ADMITTED IT.

You're brainwashed if you think replacing white people with 3rd world foreigners will have no effect on society.

The post you quoted said nothing about that.

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